
You brave fearless soul. Hope a dragon gets you LOL ;)

Yes we sound kinda close in the game.

I hope my friend whos game I have carries on with her Assassins Creed, I don't think I'd buy it although I've seen it cheap now.

It's not the sort of game you can rush, that's for sure. (Or I certainly can't) :D
Great, that's all i need 1jaxstate1, haven't came across your other broken challenge yet. Not very encouraging is it? Wonder how many more are broken? :(

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Evidently there are a TON of quest that are broken. And it varies on if you are playing on the PC, PS3, or XBOX. I found a wiki detailing the problem and there don't seem to be a fix. There are also YouTube videos of Quest that are broken, and the commentators are livid!
Revealing the Unseen - The Elder Scrolls Wiki
Great, that's all i need 1jaxstate1, haven't came across your other broken challenge yet. Not very encouraging is it? Wonder how many more are broken? :(

Sent from my HTC Titan using Board Express
Thanks 1jaxstate1, I will have a good read tomorrow, off to sleep now for me. Enjoy the rest of your night. :)

Sent from my HTC Titan using Board Express
Woo I went to Riverwood and the trader there took the Golden Claw 1jaxstate1.

Have you tried that ? (2nd door on the right I think it was)
Nah, I haven't tried that I'm back on the Elder Scroll quest now. I played for about a hour last night. I may go back to Riverwood and try and complete that quest. Did he give you another quest? If so, I think I'll just pass on it. LOL!
Woo I went to Riverwood and the trader there took the Golden Claw 1jaxstate1.

Have you tried that ? (2nd door on the right I think it was)
Picked up a random piece of gold while doing a dungeon, and BAM, it said I had completed some other quest. LOL, I found that funny, I just picked up the item because it seemed valuable.
Good stuff 1jaxstate1, i have learned never to speak to anyone now because they will either want me to do a quest for them or look at my Titan, and they aint getting neither!

And I am unanimous in that! Grrrrr
Skyrim's owner was up visiting today, she let me keep it a little longer woo hoo.
Will keep trying to progress, it's a slow job for sure. :)

Hope your broken quest is fixed, you never know. :)
Aw well, my friend has it back and I miss it a wee bit.

Will hopefully get it back when she's finished it in about 2 years time. :D

I can only play it a little at a time and then get bored with it so I can understand how you feel about it 1jaxstate1.

I'm the same really.

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