Slacker Radio Contest: WP7 Update wish list

George Ponder

Dec 28, 2001
Slacker Radio is a popular radio service that has done really well on the Windows Mobile platform and all indications are that success is carrying over to Windows Phone 7 (our review will be up shortly).

To help celebrate the launch of Windows Phone 7, Slacker Radio and WPCentral are going to giveaway six, three-month subscriptions to Slacker. All you've got to do is let us know, in this discussion, what you would like to see Microsoft include in the first Windows Phone 7 update.

We'll let this conversation run through 7:00pm CST on Thursday, November 18, 2010. We'll then randomly select six posts as winners. You do have to be a registered member and that simple process can be found here.
More developer APIs for more tightly integration with the native phone experience would be nice, for example, letting a dev tie into the people hub experience with their own feed, etc
Maybe not so much as what is included in the first update, but what I would really like to see MS give is a "1 to 2 year free subscription" for all WP7 Operating System (OS) over-the-air updates, as the new OS improves and matures. That would provide a big confidence boost for early adopters!
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Windows Phone 7 needs the ablitiy to set groups for SMS texting. It is very cumbersome when you have to select 10+ contacts when you need to send a message to your team.
Search in Marketplace needs filtering. When I search for an app, I don't want a ton of music in my results.
+1 for Cut and paste

however here are a couple things they should work on to
1-gapless playback!
2-Repeat/shuffle playlists
3-Turn by Turn Voice Navigation through Bing (with that being said, you can play music while driving for 20 miles and when its time to make a turn music pauses automatically for directions to be given then music resumes)
WP7 Update

Well for a start I would like basic functions such as
* Cut/Copy/Paste
* Ring-tone customization
* Flash Support
* Integrated Social Sites aside from Facebook (Ex.-Twitter-MySpace-Etc.)
* Perhaps the ability to change the background behind the tiles
* Bug Fixes( Market-Place & Apps Crash sending you back to the start screen)
* Live Tile Updates
Apps able to run in the backgroud with push support

(last but not least- Windows Live Messenger Integration by Microsoft not a 3rd party, as the only messenger app available is not suitable or stable for the WP7
First Release Updates

I?m coming from Windows Mobile 6.1 and never went to Android or iPhone because they didn?t allow the level of control Windows Mobile did. I understand that too much was bad but I think we swing a little bit too much towards the Apple approach. I?d like to see a return of some of the excellent features Windows Mobile had while keeping the excellent interface and ease of use of WP7.

The obvious and often mentioned items like:
1) Multi tasking
2) Cut and Past
3) True turn by turn navigation from Bing.
4) Flash Support

The ones I don?t see quite mentioned enough:
1) Task Sync with outlook/exchange ? WM6 had a an excellent sync client with exchange not we have lost not only tasks but not all the fields that were in contacts are available.

2) Lets make the could sync with live something really useful. Right now it?s a mess. OneNote will sync with your skydrive but word and excel documents won?t. Come on guys which brilliant mind had that idea. The only sync with word and excel is with sharepoint servers which most users don?t have access to for personal use. Why can?t everything just sync with our skydrive. I mean everything not just oneNotes and pictures. Why not my favorites in IE, word docs, pdf docs, excel docs, other documents that I just want to store there.

3) What happen to being able to beam over a contact to another phone via Bluetooth? I couldn?t find this ability I?m assuming it?s not there.

4) Allow notifications (toast notifications) to be sticky or somehow reviewed if they occur while you are not able to look at the phone.

5) Ability to select all items in a list and then uncheck those we don?t want for mass delete or other similar actions in the native mail and SMS applications.

6) When a selection of one or more words is made anywhere in the OS and the search button is pressed it should automatically use the selected text for the search. I?m assuming this will be easier once copy and past works.

7) When snoozing an alarm or meeting notice would be nice to have more options than a default 5 min. snooze.

8) Allow onenote to create more than one personal web file on the skydrive.

I guess I should leave some stuff for the second update.

Hope someone in Microsoft is reading this.

There's an app called "Group Text" for you guys who mentioned SMS group. As far as the updates go MSFT already said wp7 updates will come to all current phones, stuff like copy/paste for example, in just a couple months (search wpcentral :P)
1) Cut/paste
2) Ability to sync multiple calendars on Windows Live
3) Automatic sync of OneNote books (right now one has to open new ones through the browser first)
4) Custom ringtones
5) Random bugs, such as crashing apps.
6) Better Facebook integration (I'd like to have notifications for friend requests and invites, although I'm pretty sure this is more on FB's end of things)
Turn By Turn

I'd love them to bring the Turn-By-Turn Directions back to Bing Maps.

It was fantastic on my Sammy Jack running WM6.5.
Since most of my suggestions have been already covered...

I have one suggestion for SLACKER RADIO...

How about making your app able to run in the background?

I know this probably has to do with MULTI-TASKING, so maybe after thMS updates Slacker can work on this.
i know multi tasking and copy and past are coming. but what i also want us for the skydrive to be good for syncing everything. and for the internet explorer to be like what theyre doing for the desktop IE9,support for front facing cameras and allow software to access them for video chats. heres a big one, public transportation and pedestrian directions in the maps program (google maps on WM already has this).
I agree with the need for Slacker to be able to run in the background.

I would like to be able to change the picture on the tiles. Custom phone message etc. Maybe have the optiion in a theme format?

If its going to be a small, iterative update, I'd like to see:
-Ringtone customization
-Slow app launching fixed
-Copy/Paste (I consider this to be a pretty small thing, but it is useful)

If its going to be big, then get me some MULTITASKING. And that's it.
new here

dont know anything about slacker but would like to have a chance for a free subscription

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