I think it will be needed to hard reset even after official update, to ensure maximum smoothness.
Btw, preparing to install is taking soooo much time for this build.
Been stuck at 0% for an hour
I think you could , don't see why no.PErsonally, I always start a new after any update or so, it's not a big deal for me.But after the hard reset is it okay for me to restore my backup from a previous phone or do I need to hard reset and just start brand new and lose everything?
On my 1520, I just finished the hard reset. Battery is almost dead and its charging. On my HTC M8, showing 2 updates and 0 percent for about 40 minutes. I won't know much more before daybreak.Seems fast and smooth to me,after you do a reset your phone will get hot and battery will die down fast but after you install the apps and updates in the app store and all back ground processes are done the phone will cool down and battery wil start charging up again. Sucks that app compatibility still sucks for some apps like Minecraft :/