So should i go for Nokia Lumia 800 ?


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Hey everyone

I am a big fan of MS and its products. Since the launch of Nokia Lumia 800 i have been listening ups/downs of the phone.
I am planning to buy one Lumia in next few days.

But i recently came over one article at 10 reasons where nokia lumia 800 disappointed users

The point to consider for me is that reasons (drawbacks) shown in the above article are very common.

So should i go for the buy or will Nokia and WP7 team would add these features in coming phones and should i wait for few more months ?

Please Help

Thanks in advnace
If you like it HJKED just you get one.

Try one out in the shop if possible and see if it makes you go woooooo. :D

If it does everything you require why not ?

It's a fantastic looking device for sure.

Remember, January isn't too far away, so it may be advisable if you can hang on in there to see what future phones Nokia announce then. (Nokia Ace ? Lumia 900 ? etc)

If you are like me, then I have no patience whatsoever.

If you always held off for the next new phone, you would never have one.
You have to jump in at some stage. :D

Good luck with your Lumia if you decide to go for it. :)
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I'll try to address the points raised in the article...

Bundled apps : Nokia hasn’t come out with any ground braking apps. May be this happed due launching phone in hurry. But who cares ? Android and iPhone has much larger choice of apps.

Quality or quantity? Pretty much all the big apps have now made their way to the marketplace. Some are still not here, but don't doubt that they won't eventually arrive.

This person is knocking the Nokia Lumia due to the growing WP7 marketplace. That being said, Nokia have released their own Music app and Nokia Maps free of charge for their WP7 devices. Kudos to Nokia.

Display : Its display is much dimmer other devices and even from Nokia’s own N9. So this reduces overall charm (and see what if you are walking in Sun Light ? )

Totally disagree with this. It's vibrant and colourful from it's bezel to the display. The WVGA AMOLED screen also adds depth and clarity. I was totally impressed with the display.

Camera Quality : Even Nokia known for best Camera Quality phones it doesn’t seems promising this time with Lumia 800. Many Android devices are ahead of this even its own N9 device.

Some Androids maybe marginally better, but that is no reason to think the 8MP Carl Zeiss camera lens is anything sub-par. Further more, I wouldn't rule out a possible camera tweak in future updates.

Battery Life : Almost everyone love good battery strength. Although its battery is quite promising but it still losses race taking other Android devices out there.

Nokia are going to release an update to help battery issues. You would have thought this Android fan was used to poor battery life. :D

Front Camera : Oh my God!!! Who in the world told Nokia not to include Front camera even users have loved this feature in Nokia’s featured phones. And not having Front camera takes it to no Video call device and again dips its capability.

Ohhh shock horror!! Honestly, I have zero need for a FFC, even if it becomes the norm for all Windows Phones. I guess you need to ask yourself if this will effect you.

No memory card slot : So no storage external storage option like other devices .

Nope. Windows Phones don't support this function. I can't say I miss it though.

Weak Browser : As it doesn’t support Flash or Silverlight (oh yes no Silverlight even)

IE9 is far from weak. Flash is dying and causes a lot of issues for Android. I have it disabled on my PC browser. My user-experience hasn't really been that hindered with no Silverlight. What I have noticed is the ridiculously fast browser with the native HTML5.

No USB mass storage : Only file management option and sync pass through Zune.

Why would you need it with Office, Skydrive, and Zune?

Speakerphone and Audio : Comparing with devices Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II, HTC Titan, LG Optimus its quality is below average.

Unfortunately, I can't vouch for this, but I question the credibility of this blogger over the other points raised.

The Windows Phone 7.5 OS is the biggest selling point of any device, IMO. The OS will integrate all the areas of your social and professional life, making it a pleasure to use. The marketplace is still young, but it's currently the fastest growing against the competition. Personally, I love it the more I use it... when you realise the bigger picture - the MS ecosystem with the use of Office, Skydrive, Zune, Xbox Live, Windows Live, etc, I'm sure you will too.
Big Supes answered this well.

When it comes to OS, Android has more than its fair share of drawbacks also. So it's a matter of personal preference

I wouldn't try depending on MS making core changes to WP to add things like USB storage or extra storage through an SD card. Sure, it might happen. But don't buy a phone depending on it.

As for the Lumia 800 itself. Does it have what you want? It's definitely a beautiful device. And I'm sure most people would be happy with it.

Keep in mind that Nokia may be showing off some new devices at MWC. I think it's in Jan/Feb. And if they follow what they did with the current Lumias, then the actual release of those devices may come very soon afterward.

I expect the 900 series to have an improved camera and larger screen. I also expect a front facing camera. And it will also come with a higher price tag, of course. If those things aren't that important to you, then the Lumia 800 may be your best bet.
The battery life is shocking - wait off and see if the updates actually fix the problem.
Reason to get the Nokia is basically because I could, maybe not a good reason. The main reasons though is its looks and the Nokia Drive map app. So far the only issue that I think is valid in the above list is the Battery.

I have also noticed the screen is jittery for example when moving a web page up and down to view. I never noticed this on the Omnia.

I will keep the Nokia a little while yet as it fits better in the hand and looks so lovely but I am still hankering for my Omnia especially that battery.

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