well, the reason Elop chose Windows Phone was because he had contacts in Microsoft and he knew it would be better than trying to survive in something like symbian (eww, im sure i didnt love to fix a phone with a no space bug) and the dream of meego.
Business its not only about being Smart and talented, its also about the "friends" and influences you may have. of couse if Symbian had a future, or meego could compete 2 years ago, Elop wouldnt have chosen WP, but seeing everything was falling down, it was better to look for a partnership with Microsoft and then, focus in the hardware and not only in the software. or something like bringing developers since Im sure meego or symbian wouldnt have as many apps as WP has right now, people say some apps are missing, but it would be worst with symbian or meego.
people can call Elop whatever they want to. but the partnership saved Nokia, and at the same time gave marketshare to Windows Phone. so whatever people think, well, the truth its if you or anyone have a company, and your company lacks something a friend can help you with, wouldnt you accept it? wouldnt you try to survice with your friend instead of trying to survive alone with the same stuff you are already failing with?
Im sure you and anyone would choose your friend company to help you survive. and thats what Elop tried to do. and it worked!
BUT of course in the end the board accepted, and apparently they liked the deal about Microsoft buying part of Nokia. so Elop could have made all the plan (you know conspiracy theories), he could have even said "hey lets go and sell phones on the moon" but nothing would have mattered if the board didnt accept. so its not like Elop decided everything anyway.