So Windows 10 cost??

Well, it's not like it's hard to upgrade to 8.1. Frankly, anyone who hasn't upgraded to 8.1 from 8, probably wouldn't upgrade to 10 anyway, and probably hasn't upgraded anything else either.
Very true. Still funny though.
Guys, I think the idea is that if you don't upgrade within 1 year from release, THEN you have to pay a ONE-OFF FEE to upgrade. If you choose to upgrade within the year, then the update to Windows 10, plus all future updates, are free.

I may be wrong, but that's my understanding of it. It makes sense to me, as it will encourage Win7/8/8.1 users to upgrade within a year.
uh uh, IE 10 has practical advantages for my use case. Therefore I am still running 8.00000. However, getting the W10 convergence will make me shift on day 1 of not before
Any current machines or purchases within the next year will be able to upgrade free. If you chops not to update within the year, you will have to purchase the upgrade when you do decide. Just as you would with a normal upgrade.
Does anyone know if you will get free upgrade to windows 10 from windows 10 preview?
Does anyone know if you will get free upgrade to windows 10 from windows 10 preview?

I also wanted to know this. For product key reasons, wonder if we'd have to roll back.

Guys, I think the idea is that if you don't upgrade within 1 year from release, THEN you have to pay a ONE-OFF FEE to upgrade. If you choose to upgrade within the year, then the update to Windows 10, plus all future updates, are free.

I may be wrong, but that's my understanding of it. It makes sense to me, as it will encourage Win7/8/8.1 users to upgrade within a year.

Maybe, it'll be tied to a Microsoft account anyway...
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I read it as it's just like it is now (nothing different in regards to how you update windows) except you have 1 year (sounds like its one year from windows 10 release and not any year you don't have windows 10) to upgrade for free as opposed to paying for a copy. Kinda like you get a free trial for one year but its a full copy.
Free Upgrade Offer
Per Laura's Link...

Great news! We will offer a free upgrade to Windows 10 for qualified new or existing Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 devices that upgrade in the first year!* And even better: once a qualified Windows device is upgraded to Windows 10, we will continue to keep it up to date for the supported lifetime of the device, keeping it more secure, and introducing new features and functionality over time ? for no additional charge. Sign up with your email today, and we will send you more information about Windows 10 and the upgrade offer in the coming months.

And in the fine print at bottom via asterisk...

" *It is our intent that most of these devices will qualify, but some hardware/software requirements apply and feature availability may vary by device. Devices must be connected to the internet and have Windows Update enabled. ISP fees may apply. Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8.1 Update required. Some editions are excluded: Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 8/8.1 Enterprise, and Windows RT/RT 8.1. Active Software Assurance customers in volume licensing have the benefit to upgrade to Windows 10 Enterprise outside of this offer. We will be sharing more information and additional offer terms in coming months."
when asking re: only as a service, I believe during the presentation it was mentioned that for enterprises they would still have the long branch support they're used to :)
It looks like that it will be available as a free upgrade. This free upgrade offer is only good for 1 yr after the official launch.

I imagine that they're doing this to try to speed adoption of the OS. They need to get people off the fence. Too many people are in the "wait and see" camp.

Well, if they lose the ability to upgrade by waiting too long, they may be motivated to upgrade sooner.
sigh. was hoping for this to work on enterprise as well. still have about 60 systems on windows xp and vista but we just don't have the money to upgrade them. our it is at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to funding. production first..
"Some editions are excluded: Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 8/8.1 Enterprise, and Windows RT/RT 8.1."

Hmmmm so I wonder if that means no Windows 10 for Surface RT and Surface 2. That would be horrible making the Surface RT and Surface 2 officially the worst hardware path in history.
No, but losing 90% of their customers would rule it out.

Not really. Where would those customers go to? Linux? Mac OS? People would complain but in the end they would give in because they are too lazy (and I don't mean that necessarily as something negative) to adopt to a different OS or paying a premium for it. Wan't Mac OS? Sure, just buy an expensive iMac, MacBook, etc. Wan't Linux? You can, but using it is not very convenient for most people (dealing with missing drivers/unsupported hardware, etc.). Linux came a long way and is much more user-friendly than it was a few years ago, but it's still not ready for the masses as a compelling alternative to Windows.

Buying new software for a different OS can cost more than just paying a subscription to be able to keep using the expensive software.
Not really. Where would those customers go to? Linux? Mac OS? People would complain but in the end they would give in because they are too lazy (and I don't mean that necessarily as something negative) to adopt to a different OS or paying a premium for it. Wan't Mac OS? Sure, just buy an expensive iMac, MacBook, etc. Wan't Linux? You can, but using it is not very convenient for most people (dealing with missing drivers/unsupported hardware, etc.). Linux came a long way and is much more user-friendly than it was a few years ago, but it's still not ready for the masses as a compelling alternative to Windows.

Buying new software for a different OS can cost more than just paying a subscription to be able to keep using the expensive software.
I'm not tied into certain software's. So for me if windows went to a sub model I would move to Linux in a heartbeat. It's why I gave up on adobe.
What they basically said is that you have one year to download the upgrade for free otherwise after that you would have to buy the OS. They did not mention anything about the service model where you have to pay a yearly fee to keep using the OS. They are moving towards a service model regarding to their other services such as office and the cloud, however, you still have the option to buy office licenses as well.

This upgrade was motto was the same when Windows 8 came out, however at that time, they gave you a reduced rate where if you pay 29.99 you get windows 8 upgrade and after a few months it was full price.
I'm not tied into certain software's. So for me if windows went to a sub model I would move to Linux in a heartbeat. It's why I gave up on adobe.

That's fine for you, I'm sure. But for me, I'm not willing to give up on the new features that Windows will now have that Linux will just never have the resources to match. I'll probably never get HoloLens to work on Linux, so, I'll probably want Windows.

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