
"Familiar iPhone and Android have been around for a long time, ave we all know then"

I'm sure you know the history of Windows mobile/Windows phone, but Still I'll point out that Windows has had mobile operating systems for years before either of those 2 even decided to enter the mobile market. Sure the market had changed quite alot since then, but the familiarity would clearly land at Windows preverbal feet.
Now also I'm not saying that someone sitting in their corporate office is trying to kill WP, but the sales reps for what ever reason are the ones giving the platform the bad name. So taking that into account whom ever it may be sitting in the corporate office is going to be looking at the numbers and the next thing we know is VZW, AT&T... Are pulling all Windows phones from their shelves, and the orders have dried up, reason being " the products are not selling".
Before switching to Windows phone, I researched alot, But the consensus at all service providers was "Windows customers are the most satisfied users or all other smart phone users, their only problems is they don't upgrade as often as we'd like". Also at VZW there was a complaint and that was the only problems we have with Windows phone users is the phones have a hard time connecting to backup assistance.
I know that this is conjecture, but I based my decision to upgrade on this, and after a couple weeks I could see what they were talking about. Before switching to WP I had several Android phones and also iPhones, but even though a lot of the normal apps I used were missing I really couldn't care less. I could see what they were talking about, and quickly became hooked. However, if you have customers that are not upgrading as often as they would like. Or some customers would over look the absence of some stupid words with other ignorant people, or angry fowl games that eat up huge chunks of data, would you want those ones to be that popular.
:orly: They don't? Tell me more about Google services not being available on WP's?

No reason to be sarcastic, you made a asinine statement. So sure they are pulling the Android app also, but are they really?
No reason to be sarcastic, you made a asinine statement. So sure they are pulling the Android app also, but are they really?

And then you resort to insults after a little sarcasm hurts your fragile ego. Don't state obvious facts about the lack of Google services being available to Windows phone users in a Windows phone user forum unless you're looking for a sarcastic reply.

Yes, they really are pulling the app. Android just happens to have options. Doesn't mean the app isn't being pulled.

Are you able to comprehend that or is that asinine as well?
And then you resort to insults after a little sarcasm hurts your fragile ego. Don't state obvious facts about the lack of Google services being available to Windows phone users in a Windows phone user forum unless you're looking for a sarcastic reply.

Yes, they really are pulling the app. Android just happens to have options. Doesn't mean the app isn't being pulled.

Are you able to comprehend that or is that asinine as well?
Wow really what insult was that? That there was no reason to be sarcastic, or that it was an asinine comment, that everybody here has already read from the article.

Thanks for trolling, this will be the last time that I replay to you on this subject...
Wow really what insult was that? That there was no reason to be sarcastic, or that it was an asinine comment, that everybody here has already read from the article.

Thanks for trolling, this will be the last time that I replay to you on this subject...

It's alright. They sell preparation h and many other products to relieve your issue.

Ignorance is okay. But to refuse to stop living it it, now that's a problem.

But back to the real issue. Windows 10, hopefully, will attempt fix this for us users. Until the release of that there isn't much relief on that avenue. My no good bank sure don't seem like they will help anything with a dedicated payment app since they killed their regular banking app. Still not giving up my icon though. Something may eventually happen.
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But back to the real issue. Windows 10, hopefully, will attempt fix this for us users. Until the release of that there isn't much relief on that avenue. My no good bank sure don't seem like they will help anything with a dedicated payment app since they killed their regular banking app. Still not giving up my icon though. Something may eventually happen.

It would be interesting to know if MS even considered trying to outbid Google for Softcard -- or at least to buy the WP part of the business.More likely, MS plans to add more functionality to the Wallet app. In theory, Wallet can do all kinds of things -- including tap to pay -- and its capabilities supposedly expanded with WP8.1. The one small problem is that almost none of its potential functionality is supported, so that in practice the app is pretty much useless. But it's there, and there's always hope that MS can work out the issues with hardware, software, banks and wireless carriers. If MS wants to be more than a small niche player in mobile, this is a feature they have to be working on. Mobile payments are still in their infancy, but growth is going to be taking off. In the early days of the auto industry, growth was slow because of the lack of infrastructure (service stations, highways, etc.). Same for payments now, but that'll change.
It would be interesting to know if MS even considered trying to outbid Google for Softcard -- or at least to buy the WP part of the business.More likely, MS plans to add more functionality to the Wallet app. In theory, Wallet can do all kinds of things -- including tap to pay -- and its capabilities supposedly expanded with WP8.1. The one small problem is that almost none of its potential functionality is supported, so that in practice the app is pretty much useless. But it's there, and there's always hope that MS can work out the issues with hardware, software, banks and wireless carriers. If MS wants to be more than a small niche player in mobile, this is a feature they have to be working on. Mobile payments are still in their infancy, but growth is going to be taking off. In the early days of the auto industry, growth was slow because of the lack of infrastructure (service stations, highways, etc.). Same for payments now, but that'll change.

For a while Microsoft had been fairly complacent and when ever these others come calling needing help with software related problems, they are right there. It's like they just think that the other companies are going to reciprocate. But it seems that in the end they are left bewildered and dumbfounded. Maybe this could be the wakeup call they need to get back to business as usual. Years ago Microsoft would have been raked over the coals for something like Google just pulled, but times have changed and maybe they need to finally wake up...
there were a bunch of articles out a month or so ago talking about Google trying to buy Softcard so I would think (hope) Microsoft wasn't blindsided by this acquisition and has some plans of their own for tap to pay

I'm not quite ready to wave the white flag yet and dump WP over losing NFC tap to pay but with this happening so close to MWC you would think people attending the event are going to be talking about it so I'm guessing MS is going to have to address this situation whether they want to or not, so hopefully we will get some new info in a few days
I'm just going to leave this here for you two....

internet argument
This is something that idiots do online when they are bored and / or have no friends.

These lamers normally make shorter versions of their pointless sayings to conserve time so they can argue with very little effort. Examples inclue STFUAD, STFUAGBTW, stfuah, stfub, stfubar, STFUBISYUTHAKYAOTD, STFUbIsyuthaKYAotdyBAMFA, Stfubling, stfubomb
"Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics... Even if you win, you're still ********." A true quote of what an internet argument is.
I'm just going to leave this here for you two....

internet argument
This is something that idiots do online when they are bored and / or have no friends.

These lamers normally make shorter versions of their pointless sayings to conserve time so they can argue with very little effort. Examples inclue STFUAD, STFUAGBTW, stfuah, stfub, stfubar, STFUBISYUTHAKYAOTD, STFUbIsyuthaKYAotdyBAMFA, Stfubling, stfubomb
"Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics... Even if you win, you're still ********." A true quote of what an internet argument is.
Alright and since that has been moved on from by both involved parties let's get it back on topic.

Softcard or soon to be lack there of and mobile payments, particularly NFC payments.
I'm just going to leave this here for you two....

internet argument
This is something that idiots do online when they are bored and / or have no friends.

These lamers normally make shorter versions of their pointless sayings to conserve time so they can argue with very little effort. Examples inclue STFUAD, STFUAGBTW, stfuah, stfub, stfubar, STFUBISYUTHAKYAOTD, STFUbIsyuthaKYAotdyBAMFA, Stfubling, stfubomb
"Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics... Even if you win, you're still ********." A true quote of what an internet argument is.

See this really wasn't an argument on the internet. This was just an honest discussion, until someone tried to escalate it to that point. It still come be civil discussion, but some people seem too childish to grow up.
Wow really what insult was that? That there was no reason to be sarcastic, or that it was an asinine comment, that everybody here has already read from the article.

Thanks for trolling, this will be the last time that I replay to you on this subject...

I mean...I'm literally just looking at this trying to figure out what was civil about it...i'm trying really hard.MY point was made. Try harder. You accused him of trolling, and pretty much said you were done with him...then continued on for a bit longer. I'm just calling it like i see it.Thanks for the attention though, i feel special! Busy weekend.Sorry i didn't reply sooner, cheers!

"a little sarcasm hurts your fragile ego"-akak84 #2civil4me
I mean...I'm literally just looking at this trying to figure out what was civil about it...i'm trying really hard.MY point was made. Try harder. You accused him of trolling, and pretty much said you were done with him...then continued on for a bit longer. I'm just calling it like i see it.Thanks for the attention though, i feel special! Busy weekend.Sorry i didn't reply sooner, cheers!

"a little sarcasm hurts your fragile ego"-akak84 #2civil4me

You know I answered his statement in a very polite way, then only pointed out there was no reason for sarcastic childish retorts.
Then next I was accused of resorting to insulting him. Really where was that at? Where at all did I insult him or any other person In this whole thing?
And yes he was accused of trolling because the only post or comments from him were sarcastic childish remarks. And even after he continued on for 3 more post of childish attacks to incite a argument. Does sarcasm hurt my ego, no not at all. I'm very fluent in sarcasm, its like my 3rd langue.

Even going back to your question in this post about what you can do with your balance remaining in your Softcard account. I answered that in the same "tone" as any other comment in this whole fiasco. I only bring this up because yesterday I received a new replacement "serve" card, so that just makes me wonder if this was for all customers and brought me back to your post and wondered if you received one too?

I'm glad you feel special, and glad your weekend was busy, hope there was time for fun though.

You know I answered his statement in a very polite way, then only pointed out there was no reason for sarcastic childish retorts.
Then next I was accused of resorting to insulting him. Really where was that at? Where at all did I insult him or any other person In this whole thing?
And yes he was accused of trolling because the only post or comments from him were sarcastic childish remarks. And even after he continued on for 3 more post of childish attacks to incite a argument. Does sarcasm hurt my ego, no not at all. I'm very fluent in sarcasm, its like my 3rd langue.

Even going back to your question in this post about what you can do with your balance remaining in your Softcard account. I answered that in the same "tone" as any other comment in this whole fiasco. I only bring this up because yesterday I received a new replacement "serve" card, so that just makes me wonder if this was for all customers and brought me back to your post and wondered if you received one too…

I'm glad you feel special, and glad your weekend was busy, hope there was time for fun though.

I mean...I'm literally just looking at this trying to figure out what was civil about it...i'm trying really hard.MY point was made. Try harder. You accused him of trolling, and pretty much said you were done with him...then continued on for a bit longer. I'm just calling it like i see it.Thanks for the attention though, i feel special! Busy weekend.Sorry i didn't reply sooner, cheers!

"a little sarcasm hurts your fragile ego"-akak84 #2civil4me

See this really wasn't an argument on the internet. This was just an honest discussion, until someone tried to escalate it to that point. It still come be civil discussion, but some people seem too childish to grow up.

Ok, I'm sorry, back to topic
Yesterday I received a new replacement "serve" card, so I wonder if all Softcard users received this or if they are coming to all. When I called to "active" the new card, it wasn?t just automated and I was actually talking to a guy on the other end about the app, and told him that I really didn't need a prepay credit cards, and he said "holds on" in a odd tone, I told him that I was really interested in canceling and again his only answer was "hold on". I was confused and still am, but if it wasn't just he was trying to not lose customers, maybe we should be waiting for something...

And yea, I'm sorry for going way off topic, and really if anyone does want to, go a head and clean up the posts because they do have nothing to do with the topic at hand please do so...
I haven't heard anything from Softcard, but I'm using an Amex card I already had. I know from news accounts that the service is supposed to end soon, but, for now, it's still working (in the relatively few places that offer tap to pay).

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