Sold my Lumia 920 moving to HTC One

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Not going to argue with you but you are plain wrong...WP7 is still being updated (update coming out next month I have heard)...they changed their root kernal completely...however, all during the time every phone received updates, even today...My old focus which is over 2 years old just got 7.8

Compared to Android where most devices are 2-3 revisions behind and on top of that you have HTC putting their crap make-up on top of android...bleh

Here's where you're missing the idea of "fragmentation." It does not mean that they are not getting updates, it means that those who are on different hardware but the same essential platform are not getting equal software treatment. Yeah, my Droid Incredible was 2 or 3 major releases behind by the end of my contract, but I never had issues getting apps because of the device that I had.

On the flip side, there are likely hundreds (if not thousands) of apps that the entire initial run of Windows Phones cannot get, and 4 OEMs (HTC, Samsung, Huawei, and ZTE) are missing out on a bunch of Nokia-exclusive games and apps that make a BIG difference when you're talking about platform experience.

I love that Windows Phone gets updates 2+ years later, but that does not mean there is not fragmentation.
If you're going Android, either get the S4 or go Nexus. Better yet, wait for the Motorola X phone. That'll blow all other Android phones away. It'll have the best hardware out there as well as Nexus-like rapid updates. If you get an S4 or the one, you'll have to rely on ROMs and unlocked bootloaders in order to update your OS.

Dear mistaken fellow:

Nothing official has been revealed about the X, so don't tell him he's going to get Nexus like updates on it. Nobody knows whether it will have anything much better than this year's lineup at all. And if it does? Then Android typically has a '3 months and you're outdated' cycle. For all we know the X could end up being a flop. We don't know anything about it. There's not even any good rumors. You better chew on this a while:

Despite rampant rumors of a game-changing Motorola ?X Phone? designed by Google, it now sounds like we?re nowhere close to a revolutionary product hitting the market.

At a recent technology conference, Google Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President Patrick Pichette had this to say about upcoming mobile phones from Motorola:

?The case with Motorola is that we?ve inherited a pipeline. Motorola has a great set of products, but they?re not really like ?wow? by Google standards. Dennis Woodside and his team have inherited 18 months of pipeline that we have to drain right now.?

do you know where most of the rumour hype for the X phone originated? SmartHouse who are reporting based on unnamed Telstra sources. So basically "My friend's cousin's mom said..."
Yada yada yada, goodbye!! Have fun with Android EEEEEEK!

Seriously getting tired of these posts. They're pointless. Everyone has their personal flavor, but you don't need to make a tweet or post about it every time you make a decision.

I agree, however it is getting past the point of obsessive how much time you spend chasing practically ALL of these posts around shaking your fist in the air...
I have to say, I'm anti-Nexus. First off, I don't like the removal of the buttons at the bottom--putting them on the screen is a detriment, in my opinion. The low level of storage and lack of SD and LTE support is also really sad, particularly the LTE matter. I mean, many (myself included) ragged on the lack of LTE in the iPhone 4S, yet people are all over the Nexus 4, which is missing that feature a year later. It's just not an impressive piece of hardware.

It's not, but as you've probably noticed by now, most people are mindless fodder for marketing and hype machines. It's a good Android phone, but it's not the best one. Even the much-hyped SG3 isn't a clear winner over similar phones by other OEM's out around the same time. Samsung wins because they invest heavily into advertising, and their built up fanclub of propeller-heads who do the zombie-walk while repeating "itz got to have teh SD card and remuvible battery errrrg"

Nexus is a no deal for me anyway. Carriers in my country do not give you any discount off of your monthly bill if you buy off-contract. So I may as well make the robbers pay for my phone, and spend that money on a newer tablet ;)
I agree, however it is getting past the point of obsessive how much time you spend chasing practically ALL of these posts around shaking your fist in the air...

I'm pretty sure this is only the second thread I've posted in such manner. But yes, it is a waste of time, as is this entire thread.
I don't know how these kinds of threads are always ending up in the "Trending" section because really, these threads are pointless. All of your complaints are already spammed over the forums, no need to perform another Ctrl + V...
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