(Solved) No Pre-Recorded Videos with Instagram app


New member
Nov 19, 2010
I've tried uploading several pre-recorded videos with the Instagram app. Even ones that previously uploaded fine are no longer working.
Keeps giving me upload failed message. Same result on 2 different phones. Did Instagram turn off this feature for Windows Mobile users?
If someone could test this it would be much appreciated.


Solved: Edited the video to just under 59 seconds and set audio to 2 channel instead of 5.1 surround and it uploaded fine.
Last edited:
Re: No Pre-Recorded Videos with Instagram app

I've tried uploading several pre-recorded videos with the Instagram app. Even ones that previously uploaded fine are no longer working.
Keeps giving me upload failed message. Same result on 2 different phones. Did Instagram turn off this feature for Windows Mobile users?
If someone could test this it would be much appreciated.

What phone(s) are you using? Have you tried to update Instagram recently?

I just tested it and it worked for me.
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Re: No Pre-Recorded Videos with Instagram app

I tried it with a 950XL and an 850. Same deal. Even tried uploading to different accounts.
Did you upload a pre-recorded video that wasn't captured in Instagram? Because those work fine for me.
It's only the non-Instagram pre-recorded videos that are giving me problems.
Re: No Pre-Recorded Videos with Instagram app

I tried it with a 950XL and an 850. Same deal. Even tried uploading to different accounts.
Did you upload a pre-recorded video that wasn't captured in Instagram? Because those work fine for me.
It's only the non-Instagram pre-recorded videos that are giving me problems.
Hmm okay. I have tested the former and not the latter.
I would try it but I don't want to confuse my few followers

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Re: No Pre-Recorded Videos with Instagram app

It's only the non-Instagram pre-recorded videos that are giving me problems.

I did a short one today, I normally use the camera app to pre-record then upload on my 950xl because I dunno, I like the camera app better and is faster to get going on it than to open instagram, wait for camera blah blah

I find that depending how big the video is, it can be really slow! You need to wait with Instagram open for it to have time to finish. Long stories is the same issue. Can take several minutes to get sorted out.

I try to keep it under 15sec if possible.
Re: No Pre-Recorded Videos with Instagram app

I always have uploaded the full one minute videos with no problems. It only took a couple minutes at most.
Now even the previous videos I successfully uploaded in the past, fail to upload now.
I'd like to test it on a droid or iPhone if I had one, just to make sure it's not a problem with the Instagram Windows Mobile app.
Re: No Pre-Recorded Videos with Instagram app

Even I have the same problem on my Lumia 540 ! I think Instagram doesn't allow 1gb ram phones to upload videos! Only above 2GB ram phones can upload videos on instagram for windows 10 mobile! Because one of my friend has Lumia 950, he can able to upload recorded or pre recorded videos on Instagram , I never ever able to upload videos on Instagram!! :( pathetic Lumia experience

Originally posted by Soundtweaker
I've tried uploading several pre-recorded videos with the Instagram app. Even ones that previously uploaded fine are no longer working.
Keeps giving me upload failed message. Same result on 2 different phones. Did Instagram turn off this feature for Windows Mobile users?
If someone could test this it would be much appreciated.

Same sound happened to me too. Then I set my audio output in Premiere Pro to 48k stereo and it uploaded fine. It was set to 5.1 Surround sound before that which gave me the terrible distortion like in your video. Instagram has a max video length of one minute. So keep it just under 59 seconds and it should work fine.

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