Some bugs here!! Do you have it too?


New member
Jun 4, 2013
Hi, good morning.

I'm having some problems in my device, but I don't know if it's a device problem or an OS problem.

My device don't charge the battery.... yes... that's right... I plug the cable and nothing happen with ATIV S... no noise of charging battery... the icon doesn't appear that is charging... too strange!! For I charge the battery I must turn off my mobile phone and plug the cable... than the ATIV S turn on by oneself and than it's started to charge the battery... do you have this problem too? and it's not a charger or take problem...

Another strange thing is when I turn off my mobile phone, it's turn on by oneself... I can't turn off it cause it will turn on by itself!!! Craazyy... no??? For turn off my mobile I must get off the battery... =S

Also sometimes when the battery tottaly finish and I plug the cable, the device enter in factory mode... :angry:

Well... I think that is it for now... I don't have nothing more strange happining with my device... I came from a 4s... but I'm not upset to make this change... of course app in Apple are more functional than WP... like Facebook for example... but I have sure someday they will fix it.

Please, share with me... do you have this problem too?

Sorry about bad english... I'm brom Brazil! :orly:

Sounds like a defective device. If you tried with a different charger and the problem is still there. The phone should turn itself on after shutdown only when charging.
Try a hard reset if you are confortable and if that doesn't solve the problem try getting it replaced or fixed at the store.
The app part, well it's a work in progress but on the right track. There are threads here about facebook functionality and other apps.
Thanks for your reply nsa... I really think this is device problem... but I just want to have sure this is not a manufactures problem... I'm waiting the last month of my guarantee... than I you send it to repair...

I don't think it's a hardware problem.

It used to happen when I was on GDR1: It completly disappeared after the flash of GDR2.
You are on GDR1. GDR2 version is 8.0.10327.77. See if the update is available for you (settings>phone update).
I never experienced these types of problem even prior to GDR2 but I guess anything's possible.
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Sounds like a serious problem with your phone. I have never experienced anything like that on either of my Samsung phones.

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