Hi, good morning.
I'm having some problems in my device, but I don't know if it's a device problem or an OS problem.
My device don't charge the battery.... yes... that's right... I plug the cable and nothing happen with ATIV S... no noise of charging battery... the icon doesn't appear that is charging... too strange!! For I charge the battery I must turn off my mobile phone and plug the cable... than the ATIV S turn on by oneself and than it's started to charge the battery... do you have this problem too? and it's not a charger or take problem...
Another strange thing is when I turn off my mobile phone, it's turn on by oneself... I can't turn off it cause it will turn on by itself!!! Craazyy... no??? For turn off my mobile I must get off the battery... =S
Also sometimes when the battery tottaly finish and I plug the cable, the device enter in factory mode... :angry:
Well... I think that is it for now... I don't have nothing more strange happining with my device... I came from a 4s... but I'm not upset to make this change... of course app in Apple are more functional than WP... like Facebook for example... but I have sure someday they will fix it.
Please, share with me... do you have this problem too?
Sorry about bad english... I'm brom Brazil!
I'm having some problems in my device, but I don't know if it's a device problem or an OS problem.
My device don't charge the battery.... yes... that's right... I plug the cable and nothing happen with ATIV S... no noise of charging battery... the icon doesn't appear that is charging... too strange!! For I charge the battery I must turn off my mobile phone and plug the cable... than the ATIV S turn on by oneself and than it's started to charge the battery... do you have this problem too? and it's not a charger or take problem...
Another strange thing is when I turn off my mobile phone, it's turn on by oneself... I can't turn off it cause it will turn on by itself!!! Craazyy... no??? For turn off my mobile I must get off the battery... =S
Also sometimes when the battery tottaly finish and I plug the cable, the device enter in factory mode... :angry:
Well... I think that is it for now... I don't have nothing more strange happining with my device... I came from a 4s... but I'm not upset to make this change... of course app in Apple are more functional than WP... like Facebook for example... but I have sure someday they will fix it.
Please, share with me... do you have this problem too?
Sorry about bad english... I'm brom Brazil!
