Inaccurate. Sony's smartphone division has actually risen
Sales were up 14.3 percent year-on-year, which Sony puts down to the weakening of the yen, a "significant" increase in smartphone sales, and the launch of the PlayStation 4. The mobile and gaming divisions respectively brought in 29.6 percent and 38.5 percent more revenue than the previous year — Sony says the mobile phone business itself turned a profit, but it's joined in the mobile division by the loss-making VAIO unit. The digital camera business reported a sales decrease of 2 percent, owing to an overall contraction in the market, but sales in the home entertainment division were up with Sony highlighting the performance of "high value-added" TVs.
The overall loss is largely down to restructuring costs. Earlier this month Sony*revised its earnings forecast downward*after announcing various charges associated with*selling off its VAIO PC business, as well as a contraction in the physical media market