Sorry, but is there a shelf life of each W10M build? Because it sure seems so.

sheldon cohn

New member
May 15, 2015
I know I'm testing builds, that isn't the problem, I'm seeing new builds be pushed and not receiving them on my BLU phone, where my 950 XL is receiving them. The 950 XL has received 2 new builds already that the BLU phone didn't receive. I had to reset the BLU phone twice, because of problems already, and would like to get a new build to see if the problems were fixed. I have several test phones, I understand that the Nokia 52 isn't being updated from 10586.318, since it has 512 MB ram, but the BLU phone has the 1 GB ram and I have 32 GB SD card installed so it should be getting the new builds.


Aug 23, 2013
There seems to be a lot of confusion on insider and public/production builds. 10586.316 is, or should be, a stable consumer release that has nothing to do with the insider program. That is what my AT&T branded and locked 950 is on. Works fine BTW. My 950XL, on the latest bleeding edge insider build does have some issues.
I'm not aware of any timeouts on the insider builds and there certainly shouldn't be any such thing on a production build. PCs, large or small* will always exhibit degredation over time, but not in the short periods we are talking about here. I would lean towards some other issue, physical corruption of memory, maybe some odd application.
*Normally not thought of that way, but phones are about as Personal a Computer as you can get these days.

Ben Wolgus

New member
Apr 29, 2013
As a Microsoft fan I have to say that I am angry about what they have done on the mobile front.There was a time when Apple computers were essentially dead in the water but they kept plugging away for years until they built momentum. With Nadella I feel like they just abandoned the most fervent Microsoft fans. Since the Lumia 1020 I have been waiting to be wowed by a windows phone and each time I get my hopes up I am left let down. Now to have Microsoft themselves basically torpedo the platform, I have to say against all logic I feel betrayed, I invested so much time and emotion into this platform and nothing. Satya is a real disappointment on the mobile front.


New member
Jan 2, 2013
I too experience this. Not sure if it is the OS or apps that get upgraded that degrade things overtime. I am performing 3-4 reboots a day for silly things like keyboard not appearing when tapping in a text field, keyboard covering the text field in messaging, lock ups, etc. I know I am testing unproven software so I expect glitches but it really seems that M is struggling to find their way especially with Skype. First it is in messaging then it isn't. Now it is in phone. Just make it work like Facetime and call it a day.


New member
Sep 26, 2015
I can say this. Skype has a shelf life. It works for so long, then it's just broken. It's actually

Right now, attaching a picture crashes Skype to the home screen. Sometimes the front facing camera works, sometimes it's grayed out. Lumia 950xl latest build in Fast ring. It's almost annoying enough to switch phones completely. I'm thinking about it and I've had Windows Phone's since the Cingular 8125. Yes, it's that bad.


Feb 27, 2014
I can say this. Skype has a shelf life. It works for so long, then it's just broken. It's actually

Right now, attaching a picture crashes Skype to the home screen. Sometimes the front facing camera works, sometimes it's grayed out. Lumia 950xl latest build in Fast ring. It's almost annoying enough to switch phones completely. I'm thinking about it and I've had Windows Phone's since the Cingular 8125. Yes, it's that bad.
Or you could revert back to the stable official build or a maybe slightly less stable but very good Insider release build. Making a decision based on the Fast ring seems shortsighted, unless you don't understand what you're getting with those builds.


New member
Jun 1, 2016
I can say this. Skype has a shelf life. It works for so long, then it's just broken. It's actually

Right now, attaching a picture crashes Skype to the home screen. Sometimes the front facing camera works, sometimes it's grayed out. Lumia 950xl latest build in Fast ring. It's almost annoying enough to switch phones completely. I'm thinking about it and I've had Windows Phone's since the Cingular 8125. Yes, it's that bad.
Sorry but you are trying to use beta software and get annoyed by bugs?

That's pathetic because it is intended that the fast ring builds contains many bugs and errors. If you receive and use fast ring builds it is expected that you experience those issues and that you report those to Microsoft so that they can fix them until the next build.

I have a Lumia 930 with fast ring builds for testing purposes but my regular Lumia 950XL only gets the regular releases because it has to work properly all the time...

...and I am very very happy with the current state of the regular build for the 950XL.


New member
Dec 1, 2012
I'm tired of being reminded about insider builds.

I am more or less here as a spectator anymore, since as of yesterday I no longer own a Windows phone. But your statement here is borne of a common reaction in this thread, and even the forum. If a user says they have an issue on a production build, the general advice is to install an insider build, "it fixes those issues." If the user has an issue on an insider build, the advice is to "get back on production. Insider is beta, bugs are inevitable."

We cannot win! Whether we're on production, insider, fast ring, slow ring, production release, WP8, WP8.1, W10M, WP7, WebOS, iOS, Android, Ford, BMW, Volvo, Airbus, we're doing it wrong!


New member
Mar 15, 2013
Disable what? Why should I have to disable anything? It's annoying because I hate using my iPhone but I'm not in the mood to deal with the BS right now.

Unlike you, after switching from W10m to iOS, I've never been happier with smoothness and speed of the Apple device. After every build/update of apps/OS, I compare the user experience between both platforms, just to find out that W10m keeps delaying a lot to open apps, to retrieve data, to show that data and finally to crash for no reason. Microsoft should fire their developers... oh wait


New member
Mar 15, 2013
Maybe, those of you who have this problem have SD-cards with bad sectors on them. (I had a similar problem on 8.1, then i changed my SD-card, and the issues ceased)
Or your phones could have bad internal memory sectors (as you use the phone the internal memory fills up and the bad sectors might be blocking the running of apps)
Or your phones could simply be faulty.

Or... the Os is not good at all.


Feb 27, 2014
I am more or less here as a spectator anymore, since as of yesterday I no longer own a Windows phone. But your statement here is borne of a common reaction in this thread, and even the forum. If a user says they have an issue on a production build, the general advice is to install an insider build, "it fixes those issues." If the user has an issue on an insider build, the advice is to "get back on production. Insider is beta, bugs are inevitable."

We cannot win! Whether we're on production, insider, fast ring, slow ring, production release, WP8, WP8.1, W10M, WP7, WebOS, iOS, Android, Ford, BMW, Volvo, Airbus, we're doing it wrong!
Yes, you get it, nice. That's how you troubleshoot and try to fix things. If you've been on the fast ring since day 1 and have a problem, the obvious thing to try is production. Same if you've been on production and have something you can't live with. If all options fail, then you have a decision to make.


New member
Jan 2, 2014
You're using INSIDER builds. These are used by people who sign up to test unreleased software. You will encounter bugs and not everything will work. Some builds will just outright suck and they will all have known and unknown issues. If you want a better experience, try using a production OS.

Is he though? I thought the OP was talking about .318. I'm pretty sure that version is a public release.


New member
Feb 3, 2013
Im with you %100 2 to 3 weeks tops then it all starts going pete tong apps freezing or just plain not opening


New member
Oct 14, 2014
14356 was released today and it works like a charm on my L640, except outlook live tiles are dead. I hope it will last longer this time.


New member
Jan 25, 2013
my 3 year old 1320 on last build 338 runs so well, the battery seems to be the best ever, and normally it hangs once or twice per day on build 318, but so far so good, no more hot issue, no hangs whatsoever. Let's see how long it lasts without a hiccup.


Jun 8, 2013
As a Microsoft fan I have to say that I am angry about what they have done on the mobile front.There was a time when Apple computers were essentially dead in the water but they kept plugging away for years until they built momentum.

apple computers are still a tiny minority, and barely register, when compared with the number of windows computers

Since the Lumia 1020 I have been waiting to be wowed by a windows phone and each time I get my hopes up I am left let down.

the 1020 barely made a dent, and was a gimmick for just putting a camera in it, which had already be done before

Now to have Microsoft themselves basically torpedo the platform, I have to say against all logic I feel betrayed, I invested so much time and emotion into this platform and nothing. Satya is a real disappointment on the mobile front.

the unification of windows 10 across multiple platforms and hardware is much more impressive than any one step forward with a phone. continuum shows the direction they are going, and the surface platform, and possible future surface devices gives me plenty to look forward to.



New member
Jun 3, 2016
My 822 fell apart 1 week after the .318 production release was installed. Restarts, battery dead after 4 hours, so slow. Verified it wasn't the battery or microSD. Did a hard reset with no improvement.

I had nothing to lose by trying the .338 preview. The phone is responsive and I still have 85% battery after 6 hours. Think I might turn off updates and hold out until the Surface Phone gets here!


New member
Nov 14, 2015
Once again, I'm reading a thread with a specific question and some of the answers that would otherwise backup the OP's original point are not relevant because:

1) you're using an unsupported handset (e.g. 822, 920)
2) you're on a redstone insider build

Can we please keep this thread on the topic as stated in the OP?

For example:

my 3 year old 1320 on last build 338 runs so well, the battery seems to be the best ever, and normally it hangs once or twice per day on build 318, but so far so good, no more hot issue, no hangs whatsoever. Let's see how long it lasts without a hiccup.

The 1320 is not officially supported on Windows 10. As harsh as this will sound, while your phone may be working nicely, any problems or good performance can't be considered relevant to the conversation.


The option to change to basic feedback is not available anymore in the latest Redstone builds.

It won't be - if you're on redstone you're on an insider build and you agree to more data collection by Microsoft to assist with QA testing.

Also, the OP specifically asked about people on production builds, you're using insider builds. Again, your comments are therefore not relevant to the OP's original point.

See? What on earth is going on? I knew I wasn't the only one.

You're replying to someone who is clearly on an insider build (redstone) but you specifically asked people for comments regarding the current production build - I don't see how you can take speccy's comment on board as applying to the problem you have described when he's on an insider build.

Back to the original question:

Is 10586.318 not the latest production build?

That's what I have on my 950 that is on production. .338 is still pre-release, I see that you're updating to it now even though it's still not a production release.

I've only had my 950 for 4 weeks but so far haven't had any signs of slowdown or general worsening in performance in the 3 weeks since .318 was released. I have other issues with specific apps (poor camera focus at night, shazam) but general performance has not changed.

That's not to say that you're 735 should therefore be OK, it's a different handset with different internals so I can believe that you may be having a problem. However, to answer your original question, in my case on my 950, I'm experiencing no such issues.
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New member
May 9, 2013
For my own part, I scour the forums a lot and glance at many many threads/topics and may have missed that it was a production build themed thread. I would not expect to see degradation on the production release but as I run Redstone, I can't really comment either way, so please disregard my earlier comments which do not pertain to production builds of the OS.

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