Sound doesn't work!!


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Mar 14, 2011
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I've had my phone for a couple months and for the most part I love it! However, I've recently noticed a problem with my sound. Even though I have the volume up all the way it doesn't ring! I noticed it because my alarms weren't waking me up, I thought I must have set it wrong but then I realized the alarms were going off, I just couldn't hear them. The vibration works fine, but I need more than that. Has anyone else had this problem??


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Mar 12, 2011
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Sounds like you have a faulty phone. I'd give your network a ring. They'll probably collect and fix it.

Sent from my OMNIA7 using Board Express


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Mar 14, 2011
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Yeah, thats what I thought too. I thought about taking it to the att store to ask about it but I know as soon as I take it in, the sound will work. Murphy's Law!

Thanks for the advice!


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Dec 24, 2010
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Try pressing the up or down volume button..should drop down an area at the top of the screen where you can select "ring" or "vibrate".


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Dec 11, 2010
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Have you tried a power off/power on cycle. HTC devices (and a couple Focuses) have reported no sound issues, especially when using alarms.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express


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Mar 14, 2011
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Yes, the power on/off usually fixes it. But the problem is that when I turn it down (using the arrow on the top left for volume control) is when it usually happens. Then when I turn it back up to 30 the sound never comes back. I know when its not working because I don't hear the little "click" when I lock or unlock my phone.
I just don't think I should have to power on and's a brand new phone! I'm going to talk to the store and see what they say.
Thanks for the tips!


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Dec 11, 2010
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I agree that it shouldn't be the way it is and that's why I am anxious for this darn update. These little bug fixes are more important than c&p, and as no one will state what bugs have been patched we won't know if its any better for awhile. Hopefully someone has been listening to issues like this for the past several months and it hs been resolved. Key operative word there is "hope" as there are no details.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express


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Oct 12, 2009
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Yes, the power on/off usually fixes it. But the problem is that when I turn it down (using the arrow on the top left for volume control) is when it usually happens. Then when I turn it back up to 30 the sound never comes back. I know when its not working because I don't hear the little "click" when I lock or unlock my phone.
I just don't think I should have to power on and's a brand new phone! I'm going to talk to the store and see what they say.
Thanks for the tips!

sometimes the sound gets messed up if you don't exit some games properly. Happened to me when I didn't exit AC through the menu. Soft reset fixed it. I think the phone needs separate sound controls for multimedia and notifications.

So, if your computer is acting up, you just go to a message board and bi!@# about it, or do you power cycle it first??? :thumbsdn:


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Mar 14, 2011
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Thanks Jimski...I'll be anxiously awaiting that update! I really should have known better than to buy a phone the first time it came out...just like not buying a car the first year. The kinks aren't all worked out yet!

As for the games, I never play them. The most I do besides text/talk is occasionally check facebook or email.
I'm not a very "high tech guru" so it's all very confusing to me! Haha!


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Oct 20, 2010
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I second the power cycle suggestions. It works; doesn't really make the problem much less critical though. I've been late to work and missed important appointments because it'll decide to mute right before bed and my alarms don't sound off. I have an HTC Surround.

This is the one bug that has made the thought of switching to WebOS or iOS. Reliability is key, and a lack of it is a deal breaker. Where the hell is that update.


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Mar 23, 2011
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So, if your computer is acting up, you just go to a message board and bi!@# about it, or do you power cycle it first??? :thumbsdn:

Some of you sound worse than those that are so called complaining. Ugh.

My issue is that on my second Focus (first stopped charging and replaced by ATT) will not play music (no sound) after I unplug from my car then plug in headphones after getting into the office. It's very frustrating to perform a reset everytime for this situation and if I want to reset everytime, I would go back to my Blackberry Tour.

Rich Edmonds

PC Editor
Dec 13, 2010
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Some of you sound worse than those that are so called complaining. Ugh.

My issue is that on my second Focus (first stopped charging and replaced by ATT) will not play music (no sound) after I unplug from my car then plug in headphones after getting into the office. It's very frustrating to perform a reset everytime for this situation and if I want to reset everytime, I would go back to my Blackberry Tour.
When unplugging it from your car:
- Pause music
- Turn volume down to 0
- Unplug
- Turn volume up to 10+
- Resume music (see if it plays, if so continue below)
- Pause music
- Turn volume down to 5 (don't want tinnitus right?)
- Plug-in earphones
- Resume music (see if it plays)

If you hear absolutely nothing when playing through the built-in speaker after unplugging the device from your car, I would perform a full reset, then if still no good take the device back (the Focus seems to be plagued with issues).

If you can hear music after unplugging from the car, but still hear nothing through the earphones when plugging them in, take them out your ear and turn the volume all the way up as sometimes the volume can 'magically' be quieter per volume level (especially after playing games) so the device might be playing music, but it may be quieter than usual.

If you simply can hear nothing, I would attempt to fully reset your device and start from scratch, if the problem persists, I would return the device.

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