SpB Mobile Shell 3.5


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Aug 13, 2008
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Had a long and fruststrating day yesterday after installing SpB MS 3.5.4 on my TP2 :censored::censored:. I've been avoiding installing as I was underwhelmed with the app on my Treo Pro. I thought with a newer OS and larger screen, maybe SpB MS would do better. I was sadly mistaken. When I first installed and launched the app all seemed to be well, then for no reason I can figure out, my TP2 went into a soft reset and froze on the HTC screen (white with green HTC). I tried everything but no response. I had to finally pull battery and then after reinstaling battery immediately do a hard reset or device would soft reset and freeze again. Thank goodness for Sprite Backup. Saved me hours of reconfiguring. I am disappointed, as SpB MS looks like a great app. I just can't take the chance of freezing my device as I use it for business constantly. I like Sense, just wanted to see something new. I'm not saying don't buy MS 3.5, just passing on my experience. I have several tweaks on my device that may not get along well with SpB MS but I want to keep those tweaks so goodbye MS. :(:(


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Oct 12, 2008
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Hi, Yank. Good to see you here. Which TP2 do you have? Mine's the Tilt2 from AT&T. Thanks to a neat little shellswitcher from xda-developers, I have Pointui 2, Androkkid, Mobile Shell 3.5.5, Touchflo, Titanium & Throttlelauncher alternating on my phone. I tried MS 3.0-3.5 several times, uninstalling it every time. It seemed overly complex & wanted to take over my phone. If I'm going to pay for an app, I take it over, not the other way around. Anyway, soapbox put away, I saw some good comments about 3.5.5, so I gave it another try. Maybe it changed, maybe I did, but I like it. It's stable on my phone, thanks to shellswitcher it doesn't take over my phone & a theme called Mobile Sense gives me a nice balance between Sense functionality & stock Mobile Shell. Mine is one minor revision beyond yours, but maybe whatever was changed will solve your issue.


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Aug 13, 2008
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Hi Kraski, good to be here. I departed with my Treo Pro in March this year. Bought my TP2 (Sprint) same time. I got it through corporate sales for a really good price. I really like it. Larger screen, faster processing, larger keyboard etc... The keyboard was a big help for my aging eyes and fat fingers. The Treo Pro was a great device but it was the right time to move on. It took awhile getting used to WM but I like it better than Palm OS for many reasons.
Back to MS 3.5. I had it operating for about an hour (MS3.5.3), then decided to upgrade to 3.5.4. After installing .cab file and launching, everything started to come apart. Soft reset before install started went fine but reset after is where I had major problems with screen freeze (it was like brain freeze without the good ice cream :D), very painful.:D. I have completely removed, after hard reset, MS 3.5.4 from device. I have placed MS3.5.5 .cab file on SD card but am apprehensive about launching. It was looking great. I agree their are some redundant screens but it is an impressive app that I wish I could be sure wouldn't freeze up again.
The tweaks I have installed are: 16 Quick Links, BG for all Pages WVGA, CellGuyMods Blue Glow Clock, Clean RAM, Lock Device V1.6, qwertymemory and dci battery, Remove quick link background. These have all worked well without any problems. I also have a company application but that is installed on SD card.
You have these on your device (Pointui 2, Androkkid, Mobile Shell 3.5.5, Touchflo, Titanium). I am familiar with MS and Touchflo but not heard of the others. What do they do?
I, as always, appreciate your help. Thanks


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Aug 13, 2008
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"It took awhile getting used to WM but I like it better than Palm OS for many reasons." OK, before everyone starts attacking, I know the Pro was WM as was my 800W. Kraski was on Treo forums also and always had some great advice there so I was just remarking how the transition from Palm OS has gone. Prior to my 800W and Pro, I had a Treo 650 and a 270. In the last year and a half I've changed from the 650 all the way to the Touch Pro 2 so lots of different devices with different versions of WM. It can take some getting used to. It seems like once you know all the answers, someone changes all the questions :confused::confused:.
OK that's cleared up, back to work. :eek:


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Dec 15, 2007
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I was and still am on the treo forums as well and we all share afondness for the treos. But life moves and and Plam is out of the treo business. And as you said once you figure out the answers the questions change kinda like going to the grocery store or WalMart or Sams Once you get used to the locations they change. The Treo Pro quit charging the battery unless it was out odf the phone a nd got the pure but it was too small for the old eyyes so it was off to ebay for the tilt2 I love this device but dont use the physical kb so I wish it was as thin as the incredible. Cant switch to VZN stuck on ATT so what can you do.


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Oct 12, 2008
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The tweaks I have installed are: 16 Quick Links, BG for all Pages WVGA, CellGuyMods Blue Glow Clock, Clean RAM, Lock Device V1.6, qwertymemory and dci battery, Remove quick link background. These have all worked well without any problems. I also have a company application but that is installed on SD card.

Sounds like you have a few tweaks I'll have to check out.

You have these on your device (Pointui 2, Androkkid, Mobile Shell 3.5.5, Touchflo, Titanium). I am familiar with MS and Touchflo but not heard of the others. What do they do?
I, as always, appreciate your help. Thanks

OK. Titanium shows in the Today screen checkbox list as "Windows Default". If you check that, don't check off anything else. It's a UI of its own. And there are a bunch of interesting tweaks for it at xda-developers. I particularly like the JML series.

Androkkid is an Android-like UI that has some really nice widgets & themes. And there are some icon sets that have been made specifically for it. Also at xda-developers.

Pointui is a UI from Australia. It has its own set of unique features. And a small but rabid following. ;)

I'm also using the latest beta of ThrottleLauncher with the Neon theme, which has some Touchflo-like features. Other themes make it work differently. Very flexible & full featured.


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Aug 13, 2008
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Thanks Kraski for all the info. I love WM, but there are so many versions of it and UIs up the wazoo, it can get confusing. I am going to give Androkkid a try, it sounds nice. My son has had his EVO 4G for about two weeks now and he loves it. Android is nice and looks great.
As far as the tweaks go, I got them off this forum in the "Stickys" section.
I have reinstalled the SpB MS3.5.5 .cab file on my SD card (I have a folder with all my .cab files in it on my card) but still am not sure if I will launch it. If I do, I'll keep you up to date on how it goes. :)


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Oct 12, 2008
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Thanks Kraski for all the info. I love WM, but there are so many versions of it and UIs up the wazoo, it can get confusing. I am going to give Androkkid a try, it sounds nice. My son has had his EVO 4G for about two weeks now and he loves it. Android is nice and looks great.
As far as the tweaks go, I got them off this forum in the "Stickys" section.
I have reinstalled the SpB MS3.5.5 .cab file on my SD card (I have a folder with all my .cab files in it on my card) but still am not sure if I will launch it. If I do, I'll keep you up to date on how it goes. :)

One warning with Androkkid. It's a work in progress & Simo's taking a little vacation from programming. Androkkid is very nice, Dirk's widgets really take it up a notch, but right now there's no landscape mode.

A suggestion, if you want to retry MS or any of the other UIs. I mentioned shellswitcher, before. It will allow switching between Touchflo, MS, Androkkid, ThrottleLauncher, Titanium, Wisbar Advanced Desktop & the Today screen (you select the plugins just prior to selecting it). Any of your UI's that place a shortcut in the startup folder, you move those somewhere where they won't do anything, then copy shellswitcher's "last used" shortcut into the startup folder. That gives you an extra layer of control over which UI you see & allows the phone to reset back to the UI you want.

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