Speakerphone not working

kev roc

New member
Jul 23, 2013
Anyone else having problems with the speakerphone not working on phone calls? I can tap to enable it but no one can hear me with it enabled?
No, I have never had issues with the speaker phone. You don't happen to have a Bluetooth item connected do you?
There was a review done on a site that had the exact same issue, Engadget, gizmodo or the verge, can't remember which.
It was engadget. Also, the voice feature where you hold the start button and the microphone pops up, that doesn't work on mine either.
Hmm, I just tried both of those things and they worked fine here. If you go to the search page and tap the microphone icon in the search box, does that work? If it prompts you to enable speech recognition, and you choose to enable it, does holding the start button work after that?
When I tap the microphone, it just says "sorry, couldn't hear anything". I'm thinking it must be hardware as well. What a bummer...
I am currently on my second Lumia 1020. Same problem on both Speech Recognition can't hear me, and speakerphone is dead. Two in row?

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