Sprint Dealer Re-explains $10 charge


New member
Jan 1, 2011
If that's the case, then I really don't get it. Do we both have 3G or do we have 3.25G and they have 2.89G? If we both have 3G, the data speeds should be the same. The only difference is the processing of the data, which is done by the phone, which we already paid for when we paid for the phone. Also, the way I see it, if we both did the same thing on the same website, I'd be done quicker and, thus, free up "space" on the network for someone else.


I'll try to break it down as much as I can.

Guy A: searches for images on google.com and has a 3G smartphone.

Guy B: searches for images on google.com and has a 3G feature phone.

Full HTML on the 3G smartphone will use more GB and take longer to load because the quality will be much better than on the 3G feature phone which will load the basics in which the pictures quality will not be as good either.

Besides that, their reasoning I gathered from the website implies that it's because smartphones use 10 times more data on average and the add-on is to allow the 10x "while on the Sprint network." Again, if that's the case, why is the add-on required even if I don't use 10 times more data than the average feature phone user on their network?

So... you'd like Sprint to make a plan for "starblade876" because you use wifi? Let me ask you... the windows phone that you have, how do you think the company is keeping the exclusive for the device?

The "majority" aka "on average", not "all". Big difference. If they said "all smartphone users consume 10X more beta", then maybe your point would be valid, but they didn't.


New member
Jan 14, 2010

I'll try to break it down as much as I can.

Guy A: searches for images on google.com and has a 3G smartphone.

Guy B: searches for images on google.com and has a 3G feature phone.

Full HTML on the 3G smartphone will use more GB and take longer to load because the quality will be much better than on the 3G feature phone which will load the basics in which the pictures quality will not be as good either.
Your original argument was that total amount of data didn't matter. Also, I'm pretty sure there are a few feature phones that display full HTML now. According to this review, the LG Rumor Touch has a full HTML browser as well as social networking apps. Even if the feature phones use less data on average on the network, again, why is the add-on required for everyone even if you don't use as much data as a feature phone? So... yeah, you really didn't explain anything. :straight:

So... you'd like Sprint to make a plan for "starblade876" because you use wifi?
What kind of question is that? Of course, I would. Only an idiot wouldn't want their own personalized plan.

Actually, with smartphones on Sprint, we have no tiered options; it's unlimited or nothing. So, I'd let them rename it to whatever and allow other people to get that plan, too. I'm not greedy.

Let me ask you... the windows phone that you have, how do you think the company is keeping the exclusive for the device?
The company already lost the "exclusive" now that US Cellular has/is getting the 7 Pro. Anyway, I'm pretty sure they don't constantly need to pay HTC an exorbitant amount for such a thing. Even if they did, I'm pretty sure they would make more than enough without the extra $10/month.

The "majority" aka "on average", not "all". Big difference. If they said "all smartphone users consume 10X more beta", then maybe your point would be valid, but they didn't.
So, I'm paying for the average use or, in other words, I'm paying for someone else's data, which is what I said earlier. I'm glad you agree their explanation is BS. Thanks.


New member
May 3, 2011
That was a very bad example. I work in NYC, so I have experienced "premium" fees (as you call it) for buffets. And now that I'm wring this, every place that charges kids less for buffets are doing essentially the same thing, no? If it's unlimited, why is this kid getting charged less? Oh I know why, because they'll eat less. Why do senior citizens get a free bus ride? Aren't we all taking the same bus?

Actually, it looks like you agree with me. If they have a kids price and an adult price for a buffet, then they should have separate "unlimited data for feature phone" and "unlimited data for smart phone" plans.


New member
May 3, 2011
So, I'm paying for the average use or, in other words, I'm paying for someone else's data, which is what I said earlier. I'm glad you agree their explanation is BS. Thanks.

I know, these guys keep explaining the difference between a feature phone and a smart phone, which we know. They're not explaining anything at all about what you get for the $10/month.

If I'm already getting unlimited data, then what do I get for that $10? Nobody can explain this to me.


New member
Dec 25, 2010
They would have did themselves a favor if they would have just made everyone pay the premium fee from the get go for smart phones instead of starting it with 4G phones and then all smart phones.


New member
May 30, 2011
I know, these guys keep explaining the difference between a feature phone and a smart phone, which we know. They're not explaining anything at all about what you get for the $10/month.

If I'm already getting unlimited data, then what do I get for that $10? Nobody can explain this to me.

Your thinking too hard!
It helps if you try not to apply logic. :)


New member
Mar 20, 2011
They would have did themselves a favor if they would have just made everyone pay the premium fee from the get go for smart phones instead of starting it with 4G phones and then all smart phones.


But hindsight is 20/20.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Actually, it looks like you agree with me. If they have a kids price and an adult price for a buffet, then they should have separate "unlimited data for feature phone" and "unlimited data for smart phone" plans.

Kids menus being cheaper has no relationship to this. Kids menus are cheaper because restaurant chains know that kids reign supreme in FMCG purchase related to food product.

anyways, this thread has just turned into people contradicting themselves every other post between it just being semantics and having to pay the money because they think it doesn't bring any value. Pick one please.


New member
May 3, 2011
anyways, this thread has just turned into people contradicting themselves every other post between it just being semantics and having to pay the money because they think it doesn't bring any value. Pick one please.

That's not a contradiction. It doesn't bring any value. Sprint just used semantics to make it seem like it does. I would gladly pay more money if I got something for my money other than calling the data I was already getting "premium data."

"Hey, lucky you! We're going to give you the same unlimited data, but now -- and just for you smart phone users -- we're going to call it 'premium data.' That's worth $10/month, right?"

Anyway, I'm done with this thread. Some people are just incapable of understanding or too stubborn to see a different perspective.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Data usage article on the front page is ironic. Perfect timing is perfect.

Seemingly, by the words of the OP, Sprint was choosing between doing away with unlimited data for smart phones (which Verizon was apparently considering at one point) or the fee. The semantics argument works but the "value" argument is still invalid.

by the way, could you argue this to Microsoft? XBL went up in cost and there wasn't any added value. Maybe they will drop the price back down.


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
by the way, could you argue this to Microsoft? XBL went up in cost and there wasn't any added value. Maybe they will drop the price back down.

Not true. MS has added tons of content and features to XBL since it original launched.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
I had a Pre. To go from that to the HTC Arrive would have cost and extra $10/month. The move would have been from a smart phone to a smart phone. No change in the class of phone yet they were going to start hitting me with the premium data service fee. That seemed wrong. I could maybe understand if there was a reason to expect my usage to go up, but I already had a smart phone and I was likely to keep using a new phone the same way I had used my Pre.

By the way on the Sprint page right now if you look for a phone the Arrive is at the bottom of the page. You have to scroll past all the phones including the feature phones and things like the Samsung M360 which is a super basic phone. What are the odds somebody is going to buy the Arrive from their web site? This product placement is despite the fact that the phone has a 4.5 star rating on their site.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
I had a Pre. To go from that to the HTC Arrive would have cost and extra $10/month. The move would have been from a smart phone to a smart phone. No change in the class of phone yet they were going to start hitting me with the premium data service fee. That seemed wrong. I could maybe understand if there was a reason to expect my usage to go up, but I already had a smart phone and I was likely to keep using a new phone the same way I had used my Pre.

By the way on the Sprint page right now if you look for a phone the Arrive is at the bottom of the page. You have to scroll past all the phones including the feature phones and things like the Samsung M360 which is a super basic phone. What are the odds somebody is going to buy the Arrive from their web site? This product placement is despite the fact that the phone has a 4.5 star rating on their site.

I am pretty much done with this thread, but since you're just posting in this thread, I'm responding.

Sprint can not just start charging the $10 fee. Last time they did, I was able to get 3 Treo devices (2 700p, 1 700wx) free of charge or I was going to at&t and getting 750s. It allowed everyone the opportunity to leave w/o penalty.

Also, the Arrive you have, do you believe HTC just gives them exclusivity out of the blue? Sprint has to pay for exclusives. There will be a lot of devices coming to Sprint that will be exclusive to Sprint (some Sprint-only and some first dibs in the coming months). Your $10 premium fee is not only for usage, but so you are afforded these devices and many other benefits.

The Pre you came from... you know how many users switched to the EVO 3D from the Pre on Friday/Saturday? Now if Sprint doesn't get exclusives, others may have this device and may have wanted to go elsewhere. Heck, there are quite a few holding out on the Pre3.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
They could not start charging the fee on the Pre I already had. They can and do start charging on a new phone since that requires a new contract. In fact they would have charged the $10 fee for any repalcement smartphone. If I bought a new Pre and put it on there I would have gotten charged the $10. It was not just for the exclusive phones. My point was I was looking at going from a 3G Pre to a new 3G phone and my behavior/usage would not have changed yet their price would have gone up. They called it a "premium data fee" They did not tie it to new or exclusive phones. Since I had to sign a new contract I evaluated all phone and carrier options and said goodbye to Sprint.

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