Sprint...Worth the email and loyalty?


New member
Jul 16, 2011
On a scale of 1-10 I am about an 8 in terms of my frustration with them and the lack of support for WP. A year in and still only one WP phone (Arrive).

I have been with this company for 12 loyal years and it is hard for me to say this but I am losing faith and strongly looking at joining ATT. Earlier I said I was an 8 in terms of frustration. The only reason I haven't jumped to a full blown 10 is the upcoming conferences (CES, MWC, and others), and Nokia's "Rolling Thunder" campaign. I am holding steady waiting for news that Sprint will stock their shelves with some new WP phones. Plus, I would hate to switch now and then find out later they are going to support more WP phones. That would be my kind of luck.

I know Sprint put a lot of money in with the iphone along with their support for android devices BUT with RIM clearly drowning, WP7 is clearly growing towards being the #3 OS despite losing market share. Why no support for #3 (irony is sprint is also #3)?

I've heard of customers emailing CEO's and getting responses. I'm not hoping to get a response or that my email would even get read. I've done some *Bing* searches and saw that Mr. Hesse has an email Dan@sprint.com which is more like a suggestion box. Is it even worth my/our time to email them complaining or suggesting? Is it even worth my loyalty?

I will be giving Sprint one full calender year to show me the WP love if not make room below cause I will be doing a cannon ball into the ATT pool.

by-the-way just off topic, I hope MS buys sprint and RIM

What do you think??????
Well let's see. The Arrive has only been on Sprint for 9 months. Have to wait for manufacturers to bring out the CDMA models. So far it has only been GSM that has been shipping. I've been with Sprint for 15 years this month. I have patience enough to wait for releases next year. Why is it that everytime some other carrier gets a new phone people want to jump ship instead of just being patient.
Technically, Microsoft is losing market share (due to WM); I'd say WP7 is gaining market share, though.

@kg4icg I guess the fact that we've really heard nothing from Sprint at all. Verizon has said a "no WP until we get LTE" kind of thing, but at least they finally said something about it (even though atm, it seems they are going for the 710, but rejected the 900). If the contract is winding down, and it's almost time to choose again, it's helpful to know that your carrier will carry the devices you want.
Send the email. You've got nothing to lose. Especially when you don't even expect an answer.

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