Star Wars The Last Jedi


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Jun 11, 2013
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Finally got to see The Last Jedi last Wednesday night.

As a long time Star Wars fan who grew up on repeated viewings of the original trilogy on Betamax and later VHS, I can say that I am highly satisfied with this new installment.

Props to Director Rian Johnson for daring to take Star Wars in daring new directions.
Unlike The Force Awakens which was good and serviceable and safe, The Last Jedi is fresh and dares the status quo.

This is the Star Wars movie I always wanted ever since the excitement of Episode 1 drummed up back in 1998.

No spoilers for now.

The Last Jedi is exhilarating, emotional, rousing and possibly the best blockbuster this year. Only Blade Runner 2049 is slightly better.


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Jan 27, 2014
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I honestly loved the movie! But the fandom seems to be split. Some like it and some dislike it. I think the only thing I had an issue with was not fully writing off Fisher. I wanted an emotional farewell for her.

Overall I loved it. I love how kylo sneaked his way into absolute power lol


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Jun 11, 2013
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What I loved!!!

- Luke Skywalker - I have no issue with the portrayal of our childhood hero. He is in fact the best part of the movie.
- Rey and Kylo Ren have developed and become interesting characters.
- Princess Leia is a much stronger character here than in ep.7 a fitting send off for the beloved character/actress.
- The light speed ship bullet - the entire cinema was dead silent at that moment.
- Princess Leia's mind f@ck moment - LOL
- Luke's giant fishing spear - LOL
- Luke's milk supply - LOL
- Rey's cave experience was trippy
- Kylo Ren's Double Crossing was unexpected.
- Throne Room Battle was the bomb!
- The little green guy's cameo
- I loved the Porgs, just enough of them not to make them annoying.
- Luke's brand new force trick
- Effective Twist with Luke
- R2D2's cheap shot

What could be better

- Poe and Finn while serviceable still need to be developed more.
- Canto Bight sequence might be a little too long.
- Benicio Del Toro was distracting
- The Millennium Falcon dice did not work so well
- R2D2 was evidently pushed aside for the newer cooler BB8
- Chewbacca looks a little different, in fact he looks younger now than in the original trilogy.


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Jan 27, 2014
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Poe and Finn while serviceable still need to be developed more

I think this was the whole idea. Developing them in such a way that they don't take up all of the movie. Fin wasn't really a rebel, but was there for Rey. Now he's seen a bit more of how dark the world can be under the Empire's rule. Plus he's tied in with Rose lol.

Poe had to learn that charging in isn't always the answer. He's obviously being primed to lead in some capacity and as such he needed to learn that sometimes it's better to pick your battles instead of trying to win all of them.

I agree with all other points tho. My small crew was very active during the whole movie. Geeking out at every new reveal hahah

Great deal

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Nov 13, 2012
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Luke Skywalker and Mark Hamilton deserved way better, they could have done so much more, why build up Snoke previously - dead, silver stormtrooper leader - dead, Cool purple haired woman - dead. Disney has ****ed it up.

Scienceguy Labs

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Jun 13, 2012
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I liked the movie, but it is too Disney-fied. The scene at the beginning when Poe was acting like he was on hold with a help desk was ridiculous. They don't even use phones in that galaxy far far away....
Overall, it was a good movie though....minus the abundance of unneeded humor.


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Jun 11, 2013
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Watched it a second time and I'm sure I love the movie.
Best Star Wars movie since Return of the Jedi.

So for me in terms of ranking it would be
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Return of the Jedi tied with The Last Jedi
4. Rogue One
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. The Force Awakens
7. Attack of the Clones
8. The Phantom Menace

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