State of the HTC 8x and its HORRIBLE battery

First Day Impression: WOW!
After 12 hours, still had 62% battery. That was with 40 minutes on a speakerphone conference call and two additional email accounts than what I had on my Rezound. My Rezound would not have made it past 10 hours without needing a recharge. I'm very happy!
These weren't all taken the same day. 86% with 11 hours and 19 minutes remaining, yeeeeah right, maybe if the phone was idle. My discharge rate is 15.5% per hour and I charge the phone every 4 hours because the battery drains soo fast. I use wifi, Bluetooth and listen to music throughout the day with a few web surfing, texts and emails. Compared to the Lumia 920 that I have the battery on this device is never consistent and it just sucks monkey balls!
6.5 hours of streaming music and bluetooth? not very horrible.

(and that is making the assumption that the percentage shown in the app is accurate)
6.5 hours of streaming music and bluetooth? not very horrible.

(and that is making the assumption that the percentage shown in the app is accurate)
If you are referring to me, that is horrible. I listen to non streamed music for about two hours in total from my commute to home and school. With a discharge rate of 15.5% per hour, Ive used up about 31% of battery life with music alone. I have to take my charger with me everywhere, like when I had an Android device. This is unacceptable.
Less than 1 week on phone, only 4-5 charging cycles, but today I'm at 71% after 5 hours off the charger. Light use, a couple app downloads and texts. I have just about everything turned off (which is a frakking bummer as I'm coming from a Galaxy Blaze that I never even had to give a second thought to on the battery) and will see how things pan out as my battery "conditions". Hoping it won't be an issue. Really love the phone otherwise, it's a nice step up for WP from the Focus S I had a couple years ago.

Whelp, hate to make y'all jealous but after a week of batt cycles I'm getting great battery life. Today I'm at 72% after 14 hours off the charger. I'm getting a full day's batt life with no problems now, even after a work day full of texts, 10-15 calls, email, data, etc. I do have WiFi access at work which is helping no doubt.
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Just wanted to share this: recently I've noticed that battery life has decreased as well. I've also had horrible WiFi connectivity recently as well. Usually when I'm on WiFi I turn my data off to preserve my data. However my WiFi connectivity was so bad the last 2 days I was forced to turn my 4G data on without WiFi. It turned out that with 4G data turned on all day, my battery life has been alot better! I believe that the WiFi was draining my battery sufficiently. I also believe that if you have horrible WiFi connectivity issues like I've been having lately, that it drained my battery more. So, to make it plain, i turned wifi off and kept data on. Anyway, I hope this helps someone. :)
Just to clarify, the WiFi issues were from my service provider and not from the phone or OS. So, turning WiFi off and keeping data on dramatically increased battery life.
Again,today I was on cellular all day. Phone was at 100% 3 hours ago. Turned on WiFi, and turned off cellular and within no time, I have 7% left. This has to be related to WiFi....trying to get to the bottom of this! Lol.
I didnt read this thread, I just wanted to jump in and give my battery status. I have a black 8x from verizon, I put it on a wireless charger every night. I sync facebook, twitter, & gmail. I have plenty of live tiles going. I get great battery life. I can use the gps on maps, take pictures, talk, and browse emails/internet and am usually 49-69% by the evening (im out of bed at around 5am). To me thats great, way better than I thought. Have been using it for about 3 weeks since Nov 15th.
How long did your battery take to get this good? Or did it start out like this? I just got mine last week and the battery is slowly improving but I'm still worried. I'm wondering if I should exchange the phone maybe..
I'm on VZW with the 8X and I get a full day unless I play games. Games kill my battery. Especially ones like Modern Combat 4 but I expect that. Normal use easily gets me 1 day use. It does appear that its gotten better over time. I have noticed that some apps are bad for battery.
I noticed that my battery life gets better and better. For the first month of use, it could barely make it through the day. Now, it last for a whole day, with skydrive on, e-mail sync, wifi always on, 3g on... what i noticed that some apps and games, even when not running, drain battery.
I kinda have the same issue, some days it will sit idle on my pocket whilst i go about my day and it will last all day and night(roughly 12 hours). Then i have time where i charge it to 99/100% before bed, and i wake up 8 hours later it will be under 20% with no usage at all. Seems odd.
I had this twice and they were because of specific apps. One of them were that Windows Phone social network thing. God knows why I even tried that, it was spotlighted in the store.
I know this is a very old thread, but today I used the in store demo of the HTC 8x at Verizon. When I unplugged it stayed at 100% for 5 minutes and didn't drop at all. What the hell???? Maybe because it is a demo? I am a little mad that it could be misleading..
Oh but my battery life isnt so bad. I get the battery life to last from 8 am all the way until 10 pm and still have 50% battery left. Of course, that is moderate use. I mostly use it to text my girlfriend.

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