Steam app update fails, podcasts intermittently run and stop


New member
Dec 15, 2022
While my PC has sufficient internet connectivity speed to allow for seamless viewing of videos, podcasts hardly run at all. The audio just plays for a moment and then stalls. This is also causing the loading of the Steam game app to fail because it tries to automatically update immediately after the file is loaded, then the update quickly stutters and stops. As a result, I cannot use the then loaded steam app as it won’t start without the update being accomplished. I have performed the Windows Reset but that has not helped.

I am running Windows 10 22H2 on the PC. This PC and a Mac are receiving Wi-Fi from the latest Xfinity router. The Mac runs podcasts, and also loads and updates the Steam app with no problem. I have tried to get help from the tech support at Steam, but they are so slow it amounts to no support at all. One of their people had me run msinfo32.exe and submit it to them, but I never heard back after I did it. Maybe the problem has to do with the latest Windows update, 22H2, as the problem seemed to begin about the time the PC was updated.

Does anyone know what might be causing this problem?

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