Stuck on Insider Build 10.0.10586.107


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I've been stuck on Insider Build 10.0.10586.107 for a while now, my phone (Lumia 1020) is still enrolled in the Insider program, but fails to see any new builds when I check. So far I've tried...

  • Stopping and re-enrolling in Insider Builds on the device and waited weeks with no changes.
  • Windows Device Recovery Tool, but it fails to re-install the latest software (version 3051.50009.7424.0000), which is what's currently installed. it reboots to flash mode and fails.
  • Nokia Software Recovery Tool, but it states that my phone is not supported and that I should run the WDRT.
  • Phone reset without restoring backup, but after reinstalling the Windows Insider app, it still fails to see a new build.

Any help is appreciated.
Are you enrolled in the release preview or slow ring? Because all new post 107 builds are being pushed to those rings for the older devices.
I've always been in the Fast RIng.

As raccomendend in official Gabe and Insider blog, all Windows 8.1 born phones owners (or Windows 10 owners not interested in Redstone) got reserved Release and Slow Ring.

Fast is only for Redstone builds, reserved to Windows 10 phones as 950/XL, 650, 550, some non Lumia, for now..

Switch to release and then check updates, you'll first get a configuration update, then check again and you'll get new update

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