[Suggestion] Follow Users.


New member
Sep 1, 2014
This is a suggestion, But, wouldn't it be awesome to follow users? Like your friends or people you like on the forum. This would tell you about their post, comments or threads. I would find this amazing, as there are people I would like to be friends on the site :smile:
Hey Travis...

V-Bulletin (the BBM system the board is built out on) has a Friend system in place.

Click on a users Avatar in a post and look at the fly out.


Click on the Forum Profile link circled above. ^^^

That takes you to the users profile and you click on +Add as Friend

You can also see who they are Friends with and if they accept your invite (shown below) your name and avatar will appear in the Friends box shown above. ^^^

Here's what you see when you click on +Add as Friend. vvv


The send a request is checked by default - leave it checked... Click yes.

You should have seen what the request looks like as I just sent you one. :excited:
No problem, my friend... That's why we are here: to help each other.

Now you know the secret of the Fly Out by clicking on Avatars... Click on some Forum Profile links from those Fly Out menus. You can see what that person's activities have been, post history, what they Thanked & Liked, plus lots more.

Or from the Fly Out you can click on other actionable links including linked social media accounts.

Don't forget to poke around your own profile and get familiar with the profile layouts.

Glad I could help...

BTW - a lot of this is in your control panel as well...


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