Surface Book 2 signing into services while closed

Bagheera Q

New member
Mar 29, 2019
First off, thank you for your help!

I have a new Surface Book 2. Very happy. i7, 16GB RAM, dGPU. A total beauty.

However, two issues bug me:
1. I use TeamViewer for my work. After my work I put my SB2 in my backpack and place it on a table in my flat. Nothing moves and no pressure points on the Pen or the on/off-Button. A few times in the evening, sometimes 1-2 times, sometimes 3-5 times, I see a notification popup on my gaming PC that my SB2 "has just signed into TeamViewer". It is online in TeamViewer. Now that I am writing this I realize I havent tried connecting and see what I see. But its definitely online. Then it goes offline again after a few minutes. This process repeats 1-5 times per evening. Sometimes more often, sometimes less often. Any ideas? When I finish my office-work, I simply CLOSE my SB2, I do not shut it down. It should be sleeping. Please let me know if you have any clue/tip.

2. (Unrelated to the topic title) - When I write e-mails or texts on my SB2, sometimes certain letters are "lost". This happens once or twice a week and I have no idea why. I am writing an e-mail and I need to correct every 3rd or 4th word because the SPACE-bar hasnt been recognized or certain letters are missing in the word. I DEFINITELY hit the space bar and wrote the word fully and correctly, I feel like I am literally losing inputs. Could this be a POWER issue? Some other thing? This happens even after making sure that the Base and Screen are properly connected. I seldomly disconnect and go into diff. modes so this shouldnt be it. Since the SB2 is only a month old, it shouldnt be dirt, either. Help me, oh Gods of this forum, show me your grace and knowledge!
For #1 , have you checked the TeamViewer app settings? Are you using the Store app or the Win32 version downloaded from the website? Maybe uninstall whichever you're using and try the other. Also what are your power and sleep and "When I close the lid" settings? There are options for battery vs. plugged in for both so maybe it's set to never sleep when plugged in, and to do nothing when the lid is closed and plugged in.

For #2 , it could be lag many people including me have experienced. Check out this MS forum post. For me, it occurred only while on battery and the fix has been to not use "Recommended" for the power mode. I keep it on "Better Performance" and it's been fine, and I haven't noticed a big decrease in battery life.

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