Surface Phone Pro?


New member
May 28, 2014
Hey guys,

Do you think there is a chance that Microsoft would come out with two versions of the Surface phone? I think there is a great opportunity to have a regular Surface Phone with great specs and around a 5" screen at a more budget friendly price.

Then they could have a Surface Phone Pro with a larger screen, top of the line specs and a higher price point. It would fall in line with their current strategy and would create two markets for customers looking for a phone. What do you all think?

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I would say its possible, especially considering the current trend of one XL and one less-L model being sold on equal footing.

But since it's Microsoft, and this is their mobile offerings in question, I can't really predict it all. Maybe we'll just get one half-baked magnesium phone or maybe we'll get something cool from left-field like the Surface Book.
I don't think MS is gonna make any phones really. Probably gonna hand it off to no-name OEMs that only sell phones in Japan and Indonesia.
Is love to have one if it's huge upgrade over my1520.3, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

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