Surface Phone relase March 2017?


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Apr 21, 2013
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2018 would be a good year for a surface phone if they rushing the phone it might hurt the brand especially because the OS isn't ready for a surface phone. if 2017 is a correct year it might take 3 to 4 years to reach my market just like what happened with surface pro so i'll be able to buy a surface phone in 2020 or 2021 lol perfect


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Feb 6, 2015
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Yeah I doubt this. For something to release that time, the product has to be nearly finished. As Rubino has said before, that is not the case.


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Jul 10, 2013
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Not holding my breath for MS to do anything mobile anytime soon. I don't think they have a clue which direction they want to go yet, and even if they do history shows us that it is highly likely they will change that strategy shortly after. Devs are tired of constantly changing what they have worked very hard to create because MS keeps changing their mobile strategy.

I strongly believe they missed the boat when they had a bit of momentum during the Nokia flood of phones. No reason they couldn't do the "next big thing in mobile" evolution behind the scenes while keeping MS Mobile at least in front of people and having a name out there. Relying on third-party devices is the PC strategy that is also now slipping. It took MS making their own devices to spark the industry. With both Apple and Google making their own devices in both categories, the stakes have never been higher.

I wish MS would either $hit, or get off the pot and quit stringing us along. The "coming soon" crap has got to stop. It is simply job security if they keep promising that "just wait, next will be better" to keep enough of us interested and hanging on every word. Just decide, and move forward.

Chazzy J

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Nov 23, 2016
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I don't think it's going to be the "Surface Phone". I'm guessing HP (as previously reported), will release a consumer version of the Elite X3 with all the glance tech and other stuff the consumer-base wants. I highly doubt MS would release a "Surface Phone" around the same time that HP would be releasing a new flagship. MS and HP work pretty closely together right now.

As others have said, I don't think we'll see a "Surface Phone" until 2018. By then, W10M should be more mature and stable. The last thing Panos would want to do is release a killer product that would be marred by less than perfect software.


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May 21, 2015
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I wish they made smaller phones... I think more than 5'' is too much for me, but every company keeps making them bigger everytime ! :crying:

RJ Priest

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Feb 13, 2013
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As much as I hate to say it, Surface Phone is best to wait another year. The "retrenchment" year has killed Windows Phone, and remember all the early talk of Redstone2 was that it would be focused on mobile? Now it's focused on 3D creative for the desktop.

With all of Windows Phone's momentum having been lost, and the mobile market saturated with a sea of iPhone clones, Surface Phone needs to bring OS innovation to the table the way that WP8 did when it was fresh, exciting, and disruptive.

At minimum, we finally need interactive live tiles, a return of hubs, full potential of the People Hub, and deep social media integration again. I know it sounds like a rehash of "old features", but think of what we primarily use our phones for. Forget the "app gap", when I think of it, I hate apps, lol. The social features at an OS level were absolutely brilliant. I love browsing the People Hub for "What's New" on WP8 in the Metro Dark theme, rather than having to load up the facebook or twitter apps.

Mobile hardware has hit a plateau. Every phone has a top quality display, the days of Lumia Pureview being a cut above the rest is long gone. Any modern phone has a great camera. OS innovation is the next step, although I'd love for Surface Phone to introduce some stand out hardware design, the way the Lumia 920 / 1520 did. I don't want a generic looking "iPhone clone" phone.

Surface Phone needs to be about a next generation user experience as a communications / connected device. Something to make us look back at the "there's an app for that" era and laugh.

Zac Bowden

Windows Central Senior Editor
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Apr 25, 2016
Surface Phone in 2017 seem very unlikely, there's a lot Microsoft needs to do to Windows 10 Mobile before a Surface Phone can happen, and I don't think the software will be up to scratch in March.

I'd be more confident in saying sometime in 2018.

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