Surface phone with windows 10-A true flagship

Sure, Lumias and Windows Phones in general are reliable, and smooth and functional and all. But has Microsoft really 'innovated' that much since WP8? 1520 (the most complete WP created to date) was announced in Q4 2013. A successor will come in Q4 2015, and you can bet that it won't beat the Galaxy S6 (available now) at anything.

Well the 1520 camera already beats the S6 so the 1530 will have a easy job defeating the S6
MS really need to put their **** together and come out with a proper flagship to shut up all the specs enthusiasts
And also specs alone don't make a phone ground breaking..features! Features make a phone groundbreaking... that's why the Lamia 920 made phone of the year, it was unique and had SEVERAL new features that no other phone had at the time, and since then lumias haven't really gained too many new features, and just have slowly gained better specs like 1080p faster processors, in the united states yes specs are important but they are not what make a phone groundbreaking, as most consumers don't even know what 2k/4k or snapdragon 800 are... to me good features make a phone groundbreaking alongside good specs, because specs are far from everything when the high end market is ruled by a phone with a 720pscreen and an average processor, withspecs covered up by cute branding (the iPhone and its a8 processor).. the average consumer doesn't walk into Verizon and say I don't want this phone, its display is 1080p and I want 2k or I don't like the snapdragon 68657458 I like the snapdragon point is the averagesmartphone buyer cares about GOOD LOOKS/DESIGN/BEAUTIFUL PHONE, a crisp clear bright display, smoothness, speed, and cool features/usefulness....not what processor, amount of ram or how many pixels it took to give you that great display, camera, or smooth experience ...a crisp screen and smooth experience is a smooth experience whether its driven by a1080p screen with a s800 processor or a 2k screen with a s801 processor... if that was the case then the iPhone woulve been gone the moment the galaxy s4 came out

Yes, I know. While I did give examples of just hardware specifications; this applies to software as well. Microsoft hasn't been pushing the envelope in features either, and mostly just catching up to Android and iPhones. Sure WP is fine for majority of the people, considering the major use cases, but MS isn't aiming for much else, are they?

I feel like MS dropped the ball way back in '13 with the release of 925 and 1020. Both exceptional quality phones but behind the times when they launched. While the first wave of x20 phones sold well enough, since Q3-Q4 '13 it's been either sliding downhill or is stuck at the same place. WP space feels stuck, with the same old low-end devices every few months, with half-missing features.
Well the 1520 camera alredy beats the S6 so the 1530 will have a esy job defeting the S6

Does it? The S6 has a pretty decent camera from the initial reviews, matching the quality of what most people can do with the 1520. PureView will always be excellent, of course, but what else? Do people buy their phone for the camera only? What WP does, it does very well... But there is just a lot of stuff that it simply doesn't do and it's hard to get around it.
Does it? The S6 has a pretty decent camera from the initial reviews, matching the quality of what most people can do with the 1520. PureView will always be excellent, of course, but what else? Do people buy their phone for the camera only? What WP does, it does very well... But there is just a lot of stuff that it simply doesn't do and it's hard to get around it.

And half of that stuff is not MS faut. The app situation is Ms fault, wat will they do? pay to all people develop apps for wp? So they have not came out with an flagship...well the htc m8 was released in last August and the 930 in April so not that long ago. MS is waiting for the launch of W10 to come up with something new.
The specs might be a bit high for current period but the design is flawless and wonderful. I suggest the OP should approach Microsoft and get this design approved (no need the specs).

That's very speculative and subjective. We don't have a good look or feel for the device, nor do we know its full dimensions or materials. I generally find metal-bodied devices to be very slick (meaning drop-prone and needing a case), and the metal is usually ugly to look at, from my point of view.
Have you ever heard about Lenovo P780?i guess's a 5" phone with 4000mAh battery.mind you this phone came last year.I have seen many Chinese phones having 5000mAh or even 5300mAh battery.I think you are not up on the latest technology,first you must know about technology a bit before asking such a dump question.if you think these are impossible specs then definitely you have no idea what is happening in the smarphone world,do a bit of research or update yourself then comment(btw most of these specs are already available on many phones).Any way this concept phone won't be a thinnest one so it can easily accommodate 4500mAh battery or even 5000mAh.surface pro 3 is just a tablet yet packs powerful CPU and battery that you get on massive laptops.So it is very much possible to have 4500mAh battery in 5.7" phablet.I don't honestly understand what specs you found impossible you honestly think quad-core processor is impossible on phone? 4GB RAM?30MP cam?4k video?dual band wifi?hello duhhh. anyway we are not talking about a phone that will come tomorrow morning,we are talking about future.all these specs will be a mediocre ones by the time MS brings it's flagship.and by next year these specs will be on our mid range phones.I would say these specs are pretty low for THE BEST flagship phone next year.

Hah, are YOU familiar with mainstream technology? That Lenovo phone ran on a low-quality SoC (lost out in benchmarks to a year-old dual-core SoC, despite being a newer quad-core). I stated 4500 mAh doesn't happen, not 4000, and that thing's existence doesn't make it common to see something north of 3500 mAh (I can drown your one example in hundreds of devices under 3500 mAh, but that doesn't need to be done). The inclusion of that battery came at a cost to size and weight, in addition to requiring rather weak secondary specs to keep the price down, I imagine (no OIS in the camera, only 4 GB of storage, no LTE, 720p display). It was a very niche device in a constricted market.

As for what's possible/not possible, it's very dependent on when you'd think this thing could even make it to market. Look at the 1520--a 6" device whose battery was only about 75% the size of what you're asking for here. The 4 GB of RAM isn't going to happen because the highest-end ARM SoC, the SD 810, is only putting 3 GB of RAM into phones right now. The 128 GB of storage is going to run the device's price WAY up, where as you could easily go with 32 GB and microSD expansion, while shaving $100-150 off. The camera would likely result in a slight bulge in the device, going up to 30 MP, but we've seen it happen--at a $100 premium (to go from the 920 to the 1020).

Just saying "future" doesn't explain a thing. If you're talking about a device 2 years from now, maybe, but if you pay attention to where tech has been going, SoCs are being pushed to conserve battery life (big.LITTLE, Cherry Trail, Core M), so a 4500 mAh battery won't be necessary. As for next, just no. Over the past 3 years, Samsung's battery in the Galaxy S line has gone from 2100 mAh (S III) to 2550 mAh (S6), yet you're calling it reasonable for Microsoft to have a battery increase of more than 30% (vs. the 1520), while shrinking the device.

Meanwhile, you're asking Microsoft to just crap out a phone running a Cherry Trail before Cherry Trail is even out. Plus, the Atom stuff's typically powering stuff a good deal larger (such as 8-inch tablets with junk optics and displays that are sold as entry-level devices). This phone would be ridiculously hot, heavy, and expensive.
And half of that stuff is not MS faut. The app situation is Ms fault, wat will they do? pay to all people develop apps for wp? So they have not came out with an flagship...well the htc m8 was released in last August and the 930 in April so not that long ago. MS is waiting for the launch of W10 to come up with something new.

Remember: The One (M8) and 930 aren't Microsoft devices. Microsoft has never released a flagship WP device, and they've had hardware control for almost a year. THAT is Microsoft's fault. The app issues are somewhat their fault, as I imagine a lot of developers are skipping 8.1 entirely because it's openly getting replaced as we speak, but the "we'll pay you to do it" and "we'll make it ourselves" routes haven't gotten the job done thus far, and that's not really on them. Getting W10 and the high-end devices (to the markets where people spend money on apps) out the door is their responsibility now.
I don't care about the specs, but I love the design, the pen support and kickstand. Looks like a winner
And half of that stuff is not MS faut. The app situation is Ms fault, wat will they do? pay to all people develop apps for wp? So they have not came out with an flagship...well the htc m8 was released in last August and the 930 in April so not that long ago. MS is waiting for the launch of W10 to come up with something new.

The 930 is a shrunken 1520, which itself came in 2013. You would be surprised to know how many people make a visit to GSMArena before buying a new phone; and when they see that a phone MS released months later with the same identical specs as the version before it, it gives a bad impression. A two year flagship policy is a horrible one. Of course we don't NEED a phone more powerful than the 930/1520, but the fact is new flagships help companies remain in the spotlight (why else would Sony and Samsung do two flagships a year?) which in turn boosts customer interest which drives up sales, even if the vast majority doesn't buy the flagship itself. Flagships are there to show off the best of the best the platform is capable of. It's not rocket science.
Remember: The One (M8) and 930 aren't Microsoft devices. Microsoft has never released a flagship WP device, and they've had hardware control for almost a year. THAT is Microsoft's fault. The app issues are somewhat their fault, as I imagine a lot of developers are skipping 8.1 entirely because it's openly getting replaced as we speak, but the "we'll pay you to do it" and "we'll make it ourselves" routes haven't gotten the job done thus far, and that's not really on them. Getting W10 and the high-end devices (to the markets where people spend money on apps) out the door is their responsibility now.

OK I was talking more like a flag ship with wp OS..and I agree that MS came up public with W10 way to early since it will not be around until later 2015. well I hope that they put their game no a new level with their (MS) first flagship.
The 930 is a shrunken 1520, which itself came in 2013. You would be surprised to know how many people make a visit to GSMArena before buying a new phone; and when they see that a phone MS released months later with the same identical specs as the version before it, it gives a bad impression. A two year flagship policy is a horrible one. Of course we don't NEED a phone more powerful than the 930/1520, but the fact is new flagships help companies remain in the spotlight (why else would Sony and Samsung do two flagships a year?) which in turn boosts customer interest which drives up sales, even if the vast majority doesn't buy the flagship itself. Flagships are there to show off the best of the best the platform is capable of. It's not rocket science.

I agree/disagree with you. Yeah new flagship is important to bust sales a gain market but if you look at Apple they only build a new phone every two years and no one complains about that. I think that most people tha is here on WC dos recert about a phone before buy it but most users don't, a lest that wat I se here in Portugal most people just go to the store and buy what the hell they find pretty.
btw right now phones have better specs than your specs,.So when the MS brings a flagship latter this year your specs won't be anything special for a long waited flagship.

Just because I put a 1080p screen, you think my prediction phone is not better than this year's flagship?

Sorry to say, my friend, you are a tech noob who values specs more than actual experience.
I wanna see you put yourself in Microsoft ( who has always been a software company and is just now diving into hardware) shoes and take control of a large phone manufacturer, have your teams merge with their teams seamlessly, figure out your brand new marketing, design, manufacturing, and development strategy and release a flagship phone with new features that'll make it worth upgrading to all in one year

How is my doing whatever relevant? Microsoft managed to put out quality PC (Surface Pro) and fitness (Band) devices with no experience, and building those divisions from the ground-up. With mobiles, they worked closely with Nokia for, like, 3-5 years, and they brought over a lot of veteran talent and product designs. What ended up happening was a botched McLaren device that got canceled.

They sure managed to jam a dozen budget devices down our throats, despite whatever silly excuses you're using to try to defend their inability to put out a flagship. They literally could have pooped out a 935 just to get something onto AT&T, and that would have been enough for many of us. Instead, they trolled people by calling the 830 and its budget-class SoC a flagship, and now we've been told it could end up being 18 months into their work before Microsoft first puts out even a ho-hum flagship.
all will laugh at you when all flagships will have all these specs or even more arguably in couple of years which you consider "IMPOSSIBLE".
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you are a tech noob who values specs more than actual experience.

Amazing statement from a man who's actually waiting for 41MP phone which is the highest spec for a smartphone and your are saying I value specs does it feel to be a totally wally now?why don't you get Lumia 435 instead waiting for 41MP phone if you don't value specs more?obviously user experience will be the same on both devices. specs do matter snobby.lets face it, that's why you are waiting for a 41MP phone.Now remember only because of high specs samsung,LG,HTC stay ahead in smartphones.MS should bring flagships with relatively high specs to be in the spotlight to attract more customers.God I hate when these guys pretend to be a tech savvy at birth.
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Amazing statement from a man who's actually waiting for 41MP phone which is the highest spec for a smartphone and your are saying I value specs does it feel to be a totally wally now?why don't you get Lumia 435 instead waiting for 41MP phone if you don't value specs more?obviously user experience will be the same on both devices. specs do matter snobby.lets face it, that's why you are waiting for a 41MP phone.Now remember only because of high specs samsung,LG,HTC stay ahead in smartphones.MS should bring flagships with relatively high specs to be in the spotlight to attract more customers.God I hate when these guys pretend to be a tech savvy at birth.

I've said this once in a thread, I'm going to say this again:

There is a fine line between optimized and optimum. And there is a fine line between optimum and overkill.
I won't expect you to understand that, though... That would be too much for your brain...
I agree/disagree with you. Yeah new flagship is important to bust sales a gain market but if you look at Apple they only build a new phone every two years and no one complains about that. I think that most people tha is here on WC dos recert about a phone before buy it but most users don't, a lest that wat I se here in Portugal most people just go to the store and buy what the hell they find pretty.

Dude NO. The 'S' refreshes Apple does improve in just about ever area compared to the original (even if they don't look different). Just because they have a similar body doesn't mean they're the same identical device.

Maybe in Portugal. But even where I live people buy a lot of Apple and a lot of Samsung, but they try to do some homework before they buy it (partly because there are no return policies or contracts, and paying outright means you want to know what you're buying beforehand). Most people I know find Windows Phones boring... And that's because there is nothing in the WP space they see comparable to the S6s and M9s of the world.
How is my doing whatever relevant? Microsoft managed to put out quality PC (Surface Pro) and fitness (Band) devices with no experience, and building those divisions from the ground-up. With mobiles, they worked closely with Nokia for, like, 3-5 years, and they brought over a lot of veteran talent and product designs. What ended up happening was a botched McLaren device that got canceled.

They sure managed to jam a dozen budget devices down our throats, despite whatever silly excuses you're using to try to defend their inability to put out a flagship. They literally could have pooped out a 935 just to get something onto AT&T, and that would have been enough for many of us. Instead, they trolled people by calling the 830 and its budget-class SoC a flagship, and now we've been told it could end up being 18 months into their work before Microsoft first puts out even a ho-hum flagship.

SO MUCH THIS. I love MS just as much as any WP user here, but let's not defend them on everything. They have dropped the ball on WP.

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