Surface Pro 2 vs Competition


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Feb 21, 2013
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I was thinking of the Pro 2, but now the xps 12 caught my eye. What are your thoughts on this versus the pro 2? And other competition?

there is no competition :p

But yeah jokes aside, I would never EVER buy a Dell product lol. The hardware of the Surface Pro 2 is amazing and can't be compared with any other tablet/ultrabook the performance the quality is just perfect. Yes you can get a cheaper alternative, but cheaper isn't always better and I've learned that with Technology lol


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Oct 20, 2012
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Like someone else already mentioned, I like to stay away from DELL. They might great computers, but a couple of years ago, they were just horrible.

Some great competitors:
Sony Tap 11
Asus Transformer Book
IdeaPad Yoga 2
Macbook Air

There's also the ASUS UX series, which also has a touch screen.

It all comes down to your needs and price point. For me, for example. The Surface Pro 2 is great, but I need 8GB and at least 128GB of storage, and it has to have a keyboard (I already have 2 tablets).
For my needs, the tablet comes out to 1540, after taxes. Which make me ask, can I find something else close to my needs for less?
Personally, the Surface Pro2 is at the bottom of the list. I just can't justify the price for my needs.


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Oct 20, 2012
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For the 8GB, 128GB SSD config, what will be the price of those you posted?

These are all new computers that will be released in late October and for ths reason the prices haven't been released yet. The macbook air is be 1164, the current yoga is 910, however. The starting price of the new yoga 2 is 1099. I'm hoping for something under 1200. When I buy a computer I always aim for it to last me 5yrs, and I'm at 5yrs and 1 month now :D


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Apr 9, 2013
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A lot of people keep mentioning this model, so i took a look yesterday and maybe you need to use it first hand but im not impressed by the design. Im sure its super powerful and works really well, for someone who likes the design i can see it being a true competitor with Pro 2.

Back on topic:
For myself, im still sold on the Pro 2...i've been waiting almost 2 years to buy a laptop for something new and exciting, and MS's product delivers what i hoped for...and more. Of course not at a cheap cost but i've waited long enough and think its time to treat myself. I havent used a lot of touch screen laptops, only demoed a few at Best Buy. For ME, nothing else compares.


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The only things going for the Pro 2 are design, build and accessories IMO. The tablet itself isn't packing anything out of the ordinary so I'm not convinced. Rather than the XPS12 though I much prefer the XPS 11, 11" 2540x1440 screen, 2 x USB 3.0, digitizer, fanless Haswell, carbon fiber weave body, backlit touch keyboard. Good alternative, i think.

WG Rowland

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Nov 14, 2012
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If you're coming at it from a notebook first perspective. The Yoga (and I imagine the Yoga 2) are good options. I have the Yoga 13 and it's very nice, but it's really too big to be useful as a tablet. Feeling the keys in the back really isn't a bother, it's just the size & bulk. It's tablet mode is ok for some things and too large for others, so it limits the tablet side of the experience.

I'm not sure I NEED a tablet with a full PC's prowess, but it's the inclusion of the Surface Pro pen that puts it over the top for me. I've used Wacom tablets in my day to day, and the ability to have the full PC/pen experience in my lap or with me while doing Photography makes the Pro a solid choice for me where I'd likely be recommending RT or Atom based tablets for most.

Microsoft is trying to produce an everything product for an audience that doesn't know what it wants. We want bigger and more powerful, but we want to put it in our pocket. Those two experiences aren't really compatible, but people haven't seemed to figure that out yet and are happy to ask for both in the same breath (and even get mad when a company can't supply them with their contradictory desires)...

(end ramble)


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Sep 5, 2013
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I have a 1st gen Surface Pro, I like it a lot. The poor battery life has been an issue as has the fan noise while Skyping with my family. The graphics capabilities have always seem a bit weak too.

While I am on the fence on upgrading or not, I am intrigued by this unit: SONY INTRODUCES FALL LINEUP OF VAIO? PCs | Sony

The Vaio Flip comes in 13", 14" and 15" sizes and at least one of the sizes can be upgraded to include a dedicated graphics chip. Of course, pricing will be a consideration.

Anyone have any better information?


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May 22, 2013
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I'm now very interested in the Dell Venue Pro 11 and XPS 11. Either one of these three will be my choice. Need some help

You certainly get what you pay for when you buy a TRUE piece of OEM equipment. The Surface Pro is where it's at in terms of power, functionality and size. Nothing else rivals it. If you don't want top of the line in those categories, then the Surface Pro or Pro 2 aren't for you.

You'll be in the Customer Service line with a Dell, PRAYING they don't ask for your receipt or give you grief. I suspect it'll be 3-4 days after the exchange/return policy expires. Dell has that worked out really well.


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The Venue 11 Pro compares well with the Surface Pro 2. Things like LTE option, replaceable battery, bigger screen, lighter, thinner, longer battery life, fanless and silent, NFC, TPM, smartcard reader, fingerprint reader balance out the Surface build, design, extra power and accessories. The Dell is a better option for enterprise and the docking station is cheaper. So there are real reasons to choose the dell if you are willing to evaluate it honestly.


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Sep 23, 2011
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The Venue 11 Pro compares well with the Surface Pro 2. Things like LTE option, replaceable battery, bigger screen, lighter, thinner, longer battery life, fanless and silent, NFC, TPM, smartcard reader, fingerprint reader balance out the Surface build, design, extra power and accessories. The Dell is a better option for enterprise and the docking station is cheaper. So there are real reasons to choose the dell if you are willing to evaluate it honestly.

Fingerprint? You sure? On the venue pro 11?

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