Surface Pro 4 Rationale help


New member
Dec 20, 2014
Hey guys,

I wanna buy a surface pro 4 but need help rationalizing the purchase. I already have a desktop that I do my development on and other tablets, laptops, phones etc.

Those of you who have a previous surface pro, what extra does it bring to the table? Tangible or not. Why do you prefer the surface pro over your other devices?

I know this is an open ended questions but I'm hoping yall can give me some reasons to rationalize the purchase to myself. I appreciate the feedback!

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
If you are looking to save costs, then you don't need to get the Surface, there are plenty of other Windows devices at a lower cost than Surface.

Since you have a desktop for anything that requires the computing power, it could be enough for you to just get a simple Windows tablet with an Atom inside instead of a full on i CPU.

One device I recommend is Dell Venue 11 Pro 5130.

Even though it is not as powerful as a Surface Pro 4, it is still powerful enough for a basic office suite work, as well as Web browing and media consumption. Also, since the Atom processor sips electricity compared to i processors found in Surface tablets, it would have an awesome battery life.

However, if you do need the power of a Surface Pro 4, then it will be good for you. You just need to know what you are going to use it for.

Posted via the Windows Central App for BlackBerry 10

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