Switching from iPhone 6 to Windows Phone...

iOS has better stability and performance when it comes to applications.
I think better stick with iPhone 6 than Windows Phone for Office work.
Windows Platform hasn't developed much if we are talking about GUI...
Windows 10 will sure make some UI improvements in mobile platform,so just stick and do the work with awesomest tablet ever SP3 and well iPhone6 :eck:

iOS 8 has a higher crash rate than iOS 7 (78% more). Better stability and performance until a certain point. iOS is no longer the sable and simple OS it used to be. Look at the updates, they keep patching bugs while creating new ones. On the other hand a good WP device, despite the lack of certain apps or features, on a day to day usage for work (Excel sheets, PDFs and tons of emails), they just work.
Save your money my man. If you are otherwise happy with your iPhone then keep it. If you are looking for a "Gee, this works so so much better on Windows Phone" moment you will be disappointed.
yea, like others here have, i'd suggest staying with the iPhone until Windows 10 comes out for phones. then you should switch
If we are to talk about apps then IOS it is, but for stability, IOS 8 is a total failure! You must decide, if you want to spare some money and have a more stable platform go for WP but you might miss some apps. If you want the apps go stay with IOS but forget about stability and get used to bugs as Apple seem to forget about their once great OS quality
WOW; not one WP ****** steps up to the plate. Go with the Windows phone and be safe and happy. Development on the software integration between Surface tablets will only get better. When Windows 10 reaches the market, most all WP 8 devices will be upgradable.

Even better, Win 10 OS is said to be fairly transparent between all devices. That will not be the case with IOS going forward; at least, not to the extent that MS ecosystem will have.

I truly hope the new MS members that have recently joined WC sees these post and realize the mindset that is going on within the MS products now. I would hope this post would be an eye opener to them.
I'm not a ******. But a friends company started out with a couple of iphones.....wel even apple have troubles in paradise.
WOW; not one WP ****** steps up to the plate. Go with the Windows phone and be safe and happy. Development on the software integration between Surface tablets will only get better. When Windows 10 reaches the market, most all WP 8 devices will be upgradable.

Even better, Win 10 OS is said to be fairly transparent between all devices. That will not be the case with IOS going forward; at least, not to the extent that MS ecosystem will have.

I truly hope the new MS members that have recently joined WC sees these post and realize the mindset that is going on within the MS products now. I would hope this post would be an eye opener to them.

It means we are honest with people. We all hang in limbo until Win 10 comes out and is on a device. We have decent phones but our future is cloudy at best.
I'm surprised at the recommendations not to try it. This is WINDOWS Central, right...?

This is WINDOWS Central with a dose of realism... :evil:

The general consensus is to stick with the iPhone 6 for now, and check out WP when W10 is released. That would be my advice as well. The OP has some serious business requirements for his phone, and it's no time for blind fanboyism. A personal device? Sure. But not here.
Mr allen,
Just pick up a 520/525 for like 20 cents try it out yourself, experience it, download all the apps you need, test it out, see if you like it, then if you do, get the 930 or 1520.
Serious business requirements? My phone is my work tool and suits me perfectly (L930). But again if this is a "hard-core" business tool, none of the above are right. A BlackBerry 10 device is. Again, from pure business perspective. Otherwise switching from the iPhone 6 to a WP will do just fine. Hey, he can always buy one and give a test drive, he doesn't like it, returns it and keep the iPhone. Because again, it comes down to every individual.
This makes me proud to be a Windows Phone user, because this shows that we're not a bunch of fanboys. We recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each platform.

It has become more apparent than ever that MS is focused on bringing better experiences and features to competing platforms. So when Windows 10 comes, it's going to be a major deciding factor whether I'll stay with WP or switch my family to iOS and Android.
I just switched back from a WP to an iPhone 6+. While I really liked the HTC One M8 Windows phone I had, I prefer the Apple ecosystem and have been primarily an Apple guy for quite a few years. The side benefit is that the MS apps are better at this point in time on iOS than they are on WP.

That should change over time, it just is the way it is now. Because of that I would think keeping the iPhone 6 makes more sense than making the switch now.
Wow! I was so amazed with the responses. Makes me feel so proud as a member of this Windows phone community.

Back to the topic, I would suggest you try with the entry/mid tier phones. 5xx or 6xx phones. Try it and experience it yourself. If you like it, then go with the 1520/930. Otherwise, keep your iPhone.
Hi Alan, Looks like someone needs to step in here that actually uses Windows phone in an office environment. We also had a mixed environment at one time ( iPhones, ipads, desktop PCs). We made the decision to standardize and moved all of our devices to the Windows platform with a mix of desktop PCs, laptops, windows phones, and surface.

We also use a mix of on prem office and office365 with SharePoint and exchange across all devices.

The level of integration across devices with MS windows is heads and shoulders above any other platform and is the primary factor to consider.

As to our windows phones we have had them just over a year and they have been rock solid with very few issues and actually prefer the windows phone os over ios.

Now as to office integration on ios, android or windows phone - Number one the current level of office integration on any of these platforms are adequate for a mobile device and will only continue to get better, however as a heavy user of MS Office although handy for very basic editing etc, content creation and your primary office functions are much better suited to either a desktop/laptop - even a tablet is going to be restrictive in function.

My point being - don't make your overall platform choices based on Mobile office use.
agree, app thing is frustrating tho, but you can Try a cheap Windows phone and see for yourself..
if it works for you great, if not you can still have iphone..
Wow what a joke of responses. I only counted one or two where someone actually suggested the OP try it with a budget phone to get their own opinion.

Anyway, I am an IT Manager and we also recently switched from iPhones to Windows Phones for our users. The reasoning was the same as the OP... We have started rolling out Surface 3 tablets to our high end users and Dell devices to our mid tier users.

Anyway, we had migrated almost everyone from iPhone to Windows phone except our President, a die hard Apple fan. He came to me a couple weeks ago and asked me why he still had an iPhone when everyone else had a new windows device. (Apparently everyone was afraid to approach him about this). He asked me to get him setup, so we gave him a Lumia 635 (just as a trial). I checked in with him yesterday and he said he loved it and was enjoying using it much more than his iPhone. He commented that it was easy to use, and he liked how all his office 365 SharePoint docs and sites showed right up in the office hub. He loved it, to say the least and wants me to get him a higher end phone now with a bit better camera.

Point is, try it. You may be surprised.
Thank you! So, what phone would you recommend? I have heard several of my colleagues say the exact same thing about SharePoint in the Office hub and the ease of it all. I am currently on Verizon, obviously in a contract since my 6 is new. I am not opposed to moving to AT&T (they only show a few phones in the store) and paying the ETF with Verizon by selling my iPhone for much more than the ETF. That would leave me with some money left over. I don't think I need the very best phone just for having it...rather a phone that will be capable of everything I need to do. Ex - we switched to the SP3 and got the i5 rather than i7 because its more than enough power for what we need.

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