Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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I guess you are just not into Android. And that 's fine. Nothing much to lose except that you are missing lots of games and apps. And if you are fine with that, sure. But it appears that you have gotten a lemon set with wifi issue. Why not exchange for another set and try? Also, perhaps you should have gotten the regular S7 instead of Edge instead? Didn't you try holding the phone before you made the purchase? Sounds to me is more like a user problem here.

Yes I held the phone, but the issues weren't so obvious right away. For all the apps I need, I have on WP, and I don't play games on my phone. The Edge had a bigger screen, which is why I chose it over the core model. Based on all the other problems, it wasn't worth trying out another set to see if the WiFi was an isolated incident. And my original statement about being polished and it still being Android pretty much articulated the fact, that yes, I am just not into Android. And for the record I never stated that the situation wad a problem. Just an incident I experienced, so no...not a "user problem". Just sharing my experience.
You seem to be annoyed. Perhaps it os a user issue. Or perhaps it simply doesn't work for him or her. No need to tell them what you think they did wrong :)

Iam coming from android and couldn't be more happier with my 950 xl. With that said, I haven't dropped the platform entirely. I still use android in a secondary device as well as my ipad. So im not limiting myself or my choice. I think more users should do that instead of picking an allegiance to One and hating the others

Thank you. I do try them all from time to time. I just happen to be all-in with Windows at the moment. But if I found an OS to be to my liking I would us it. I can say I haven't tried BB10. But Apple, Android, webOS, Windows...I've used/tried them all. And I will always continue to try them from time to time.
Hi folks. After being a loyal WM user since lumia 710 and experiencing the evolution of the platform with WM8.1 on my lumia 925, 635 and WM10 on my lumia 830 and 640, I finally made the switch. I got a Sony Xperia Z3 and İ am digging it so far. Marshmallow Android with a very clean skin from Sony is the way to go. But again, this is the first time I am using android and can't vouch for another brand. Having access to a plethora of apps is a major change from WM. Being a former flagship, Z3 is much snappier. Finally I can browse the net with my phone without the browser crashing! (Seriously though, edge browser is a disaster)
While hating the others is definitely superfluous, I think a lot of people pick just one platform because that's what most companies make the most enticing option. You look at how nicely things flow when you have a MacBook, iPad and iPhone, or a Lumia, Surface and Windows PC, and it makes you want to unify rather than fragment your devices. And while it is ******* off so many people that Microsoft is supporting Android and iOS, even bringing over features like Cortana, I think it's really great that they're not forcing you to conform to one OS. I'll probably be jumping ship to a Nexus 6P in a few weeks, but I'm looking forward to knowing I'll still have Outlook, OneDrive, Cortana, Groove, etc.

Windows Mobile isn't dead, and I have faith that Satya has big plans for it, but I'm glad he also sees the big picture and realizes that to really achieve mobility with Windows they need to be on every platform, not just their own.

Id rather trap myself to anyone os. As you said Microsoft gives you a choice,so that's why windows is my mobile, android is my media and tablet, ios a well for my iPad and my computer is mac.

This puts me ina diverse setting instead of abandoning all platforms and confirming to one.

I find it humorous when people claim to love all tech and yet lack any diversity in their active devices.
I find it humorous when people claim to love all tech and yet lack any diversity in their active devices.
I had an android phone for like 2 years and it was terrible, lots of crashes, lots of display bugs, no updates for the OS = disaster. Then I bought my first Lumia 630 and it was a solid phone for beginning, but we all know it was not near the middle or high specs class at all. I own a Lumia 640 XL now and I am very satisfied with it, though the main reason I didn't buy the 950 XL was because I am currently low on the budget.

My point is, that some people did try other platforms but they figured out they are just not into that platform. That's my case. Since my android phone (which was btw samsung) I never intend switching to android on any device group (I also own an Asus Windows 10 2 in 1 device besides my PC).
I had an android phone for like 2 years and it was terrible, lots of crashes, lots of display bugs, no updates for the OS = disaster. Then I bought my first Lumia 630 and it was a solid phone for beginning, but we all know it was not near the middle or high specs class at all. I own a Lumia 640 XL now and I am very satisfied with it, though the main reason I didn't buy the 950 XL was because I am currently low on the budget.

My point is, that some people did try other platforms but they figured out they are just not into that platform. That's my case. Since my android phone (which was btw samsung) I never intend switching to android on any device group (I also own an Asus Windows 10 2 in 1 device besides my PC).

Well said.

Aside from BB10 (can't get down with the physical keyboard), I have tried Android, iOS and of course Windows Phone/Mobile. You can still be into tech and not have diversity. I see myself always having a Windows computer, but as of now I have a Lumia 640 without a sim (I still think it's a cool phone though, it's one of my favs) and an iPhone SE. I don't see a tablet as something that would be useful in my life at this time. I have nothing against Android, but it's a bit much for me. However, it would be cool to try the Nextbit Robin. I read Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore on a daily basis, and I'm also in the forums there too. I'll admit that I'm weak in Android Central though, but anyway my point is that I agree with what was said by kaktus.
I find it humorous when people claim to love all tech and yet lack any diversity in their active devices.

Why? Maybe those are the devices that suit hem at the moment. I have had diverse devices in the past, but now have all Windows. Why would that be humorous? Seems a little short sighted to me. Unless I misunderstood.
I always cringe when I read or hear about faithful or consistent windows phone users that venture out to an android device....then happen to pick a touch wiz or other skinned android phone. I think if they tried a nexus device.....their stories about trying android in the past couple years would most likely be different. I think Samsung is responsible for 80% of the fail that windows users who try android for the first time. lol 8-P

That said....being a windows and android fan......The Nexus 7 2013 I have is so very solid still to this day running M. The Nexus 6 is a great phone for those that want a massive screen and you can now get them pretty cheap. Try the Nexus 6P and your idea of android may be much different than that of say....a Samsung device or other skinned phones running Kitkat on up.

I am running a LG G4 and could not be more happy for now. I found the size phone I like... 5 to 5.5 max....and I can do so much more with my G4 than my 2 Icons on 8.1 and 10. Though I use my Icons for camera/video purposes quite a lot. The app gap definitely ruined it for me.
I always cringe when I read or hear about faithful or consistent windows phone users that venture out to an android device....then happen to pick a touch wiz or other skinned android phone. I think if they tried a nexus device.....their stories about trying android in the past couple years would most likely be different. I think Samsung is responsible for 80% of the fail that windows users who try android for the first time. lol 8-P

That said....being a windows and android fan......The Nexus 7 2013 I have is so very solid still to this day running M. The Nexus 6 is a great phone for those that want a massive screen and you can now get them pretty cheap. Try the Nexus 6P and your idea of android may be much different than that of say....a Samsung device or other skinned phones running Kitkat on up.

I am running a LG G4 and could not be more happy for now. I found the size phone I like... 5 to 5.5 max....and I can do so much more with my G4 than my 2 Icons on 8.1 and 10. Though I use my Icons for camera/video purposes quite a lot. The app gap definitely ruined it for me.

Some truth to this...I have a Note 5 and I totally love it (though yes, miss Windows Phone)...and yeah, I'd rather not have skins and would prefer a Nexus phone. But TouchWiz and Android 6.01 isn't too bad and I've resigned myself to just use it. I did try Google Now launcher on my Note 5 but TouchWiz has a way of reminding you it is still there. :)
I find it humorous when people claim to love all tech and yet lack any diversity in their active devices.

But you're missing what I said. It's possible for people to love all tech and be interested in it, but stick to one platform to get the most out of the experience. I've never used Android, but I still take interest when new phones come out, or my friends upgrade their devices. Same with Apple, even though I think their stuff is vastly overpriced and often laughable. But so far I've conformed to all Microsoft because I wanted a consistent experience across my devices. It's not really humorous, it's just what I've chosen to do. And conversely, I don't think what you're doing is humorous, I think it's great that you've got a variety of platforms and devices, whatever floats your goat.
But you're missing what I said. It's possible for people to love all tech and be interested in it, but stick to one platform to get the most out of the experience. I've never used Android, but I still take interest when new phones come out, or my friends upgrade their devices. Same with Apple, even though I think their stuff is vastly overpriced and often laughable. But so far I've conformed to all Microsoft because I wanted a consistent experience across my devices. It's not really humorous, it's just what I've chosen to do. And conversely, I don't think what you're doing is humorous, I think it's great that you've got a variety of platforms and devices, whatever floats your goat.

I'm starting to feel like the Microsoft experience is better on the other platforms. Right out the box I can cast media from an Android device directly to my xbox one. Trying to stream/push content in a pure MS ecosystem becomes a frustrating exercise in futility. Connect used to work in Windows 8.1 to a degree. Also, I use both the Microsoft launcher and lock screen on my Note 4.
Still al lot critical bugs in W10M - and nothing about fixing these bugs in new releases.
Instead new features like messaging everywhere - so poor! Who is using sms/mms anymore? Since everybody is using whatsapp sms is dead - so for what the new feature should be?
Bought my 830 one year ago - and today there is nobody who is interested to buy this phone. After one year the hardware is woth nothing! And so is the whole WM system - worth nothing. No apps - no bugfixing - new features nobody needs - and microsoft will not focus the WM platform in 2016.

It is no question if WM is dead - its a fact!
I'm starting to feel like the Microsoft experience is better on the other platforms. Right out the box I can cast media from an Android device directly to my xbox one. Trying to stream/push content in a pure MS ecosystem becomes a frustrating exercise in futility. Connect used to work in Windows 8.1 to a degree. Also, I use both the Microsoft launcher and lock screen on my Note 4.

Yeah, all fair points. A page or two back I remarked that Microsoft is/becoming more multi-platform in their approach, and I think that's a smart move for them.
According to the latest email from Terry Myerson they are pretty much going to be business focused so effectively you can say it is dead for the average consumer. Most of the OEMs seem to be business orientated devices anyway apart from the Alcatel. Unlocked devices don't really matter as only enthusiasts and fans will know about them, so there probably won't be a lot of uptake from consumers there either.
Who is using sms/mms anymore? Since everybody is using whatsapp sms is dead - so for what the new feature should be?

Yes you are correct....everyone in the world uses their smartphone exactly like you do!

Guessing you dont wear a collared shirt to work? lol
Still al lot critical bugs in W10M - and nothing about fixing these bugs in new releases.
Instead new features like messaging everywhere - so poor! Who is using sms/mms anymore? Since everybody is using whatsapp sms is dead - ----

It is no question if WM is dead - its a fact!

Ummmm, millions of people still use sms/mms. Not sure where your from, but here on the east coast of the USA, I have 500 + contacts in my phone and only 15 have downloaded Whatsapp....not one of them uses it. We all text. The only people using what's app ate bots and hookers...lol....and why does everything have to be "dead" with you? You seem like an angry dude.
May be in USA sms is still popular, in Europe it isn't.
But that's not the fact - the fact is that they develop new features instead of repairing the bugs.
The Camera app is still a mess - but now i can write sms with my PC - hooray! :eck:

Imagine - if you where driving a VW with 140hp - and now you have to visit the service station because of the CO2 problem - and you get your car back with only 60hp. And all the mechanic says is: look, we developed a new spoiler and installed it...

The kind of shirt i wear at work makes no difference to that!
Still al lot critical bugs in W10M - and nothing about fixing these bugs in new releases.
Instead new features like messaging everywhere - so poor! Who is using sms/mms anymore? Since everybody is using whatsapp sms is dead - so for what the new feature should be?
Bought my 830 one year ago - and today there is nobody who is interested to buy this phone. After one year the hardware is woth nothing! And so is the whole WM system - worth nothing. No apps - no bugfixing - new features nobody needs - and microsoft will not focus the WM platform in 2016.

It is no question if WM is dead - its a fact!

SMS is the most stable communication channel IMHO. Whatsapp and other IM are so data network dependent. Furthermore, all 2FA security measures are communicating via SMS.
May be in USA sms is still popular, in Europe it isn't.
But that's not the fact - the fact is that they develop new features instead of repairing the bugs.
The Camera app is still a mess - but now i can write sms with my PC - hooray! :eck:

Imagine - if you where driving a VW with 140hp - and now you have to visit the service station because of the CO2 problem - and you get your car back with only 60hp. And all the mechanic says is: look, we developed a new spoiler and installed it...

The kind of shirt i wear at work makes no difference to that!

You obviously visit this site but it doesn't seem like you actually read the articles. It's been stated numerous times that this year isn't about mobile. Remember...they're developing ONE operating system so not all new features will be for mobile. Sms everywhere is more of a PC feature since sms has been on phones since the dinosaurs. Right now their focus is PC, tablet, and most likely Xbox is a high priority. From what it sounds like to me is that 2017 will be the year for mobile. All this info can be found in articles that have been posted to this site in the last week. Does it suck a to have to wait? Absolutely. But at least they have a game plan and are living it out. Your car comparison doesn't make much sense and is a little unrealistic. Besides all that, it doesn't even compare to what's happening here. And the shirt/work comment has nothing to do with me. I didn't say it. But it was funny and I to totally get what he was saying and agree...lol. If you figure out what he was referring to then you'll see it that it has everything to do with this...lol. (hint: It was sarcastic metaphor)
Based on what I have read over the last couple of days about Terry not being proud of the 950/950xl it just infuriates me. I shelled out $700 on the XL and now they are giving away the 950's for free with purchase, plus from all accounts mobile is on the back burner. I have been struggling with the idea of going back to android for a while now. I laughed last year when my colleagues in IT told me I was crazy for being excited about W10 mobile and the 950XL. I think it's time to seriously consider the S7 or HTC 10 and put WM back in the drawer.
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