So it finally happened. I finally went Android. I purchased the
Alcatel OneTouch Idol 3 because Amazon had it on sale for $99. It was the same day that MS announced that were shutting down HealthVault. And IIRC, MS had just announced the day before that new features were coming to the iOS and Android version of Outlook. So fine, MS, you win. I will go Android and download your apps there.
After two days, here's what I think of Android so far.
Yeah I know, it's only been a few days and that's not nearly enough to master an entire OS. Still, there's something about Android that just feels off, like it's composed of many separate parts that were just cobbled together. The Idol 3 ships with a near stock version of Android 5 (and can be upgraded to 6.01) so I understand tolerance will vary depending on what skin you have. Granted, I'm making it sound worse than what it is. There are a lot of features within Android that are nice to have beyond just additional apps.
What really did come as a surprise to me is how much I prefer the Windows Phone version of the MS apps I use. Outlook on Android has some great features but the WP version is just easier to use (and looks less cartoony). Groove is miles ahead on WP. It's not even a fair comparison. Groove on Android still can't find my music. However, the included JBL music app is really nice. I also prefer OneDrive on WP and I loved how I could easily drop a photo in OneDrive and have it show up in my photos app. Android can do that too with much less elegance. Contact sync was a pain in the arse. Even my BlackBerry Passport did it better. And the WP keyboard - superb. I think many of us underestimate just how good WP really is.
Still, for only $99, I'll try the Idol 3 for a while. It's not like my 1520 is going anywhere. :wink: