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Re: Why Did I Switch to Android? – The Lost Opinion of a Windows Mobile Fan

Hello jdballard, I should have mentiond that this can be dependent on if the mobile devices OEM sprinkled Android Phone OS supports app transfer to the SD Card. I have read online that some devices are picky with this feature and even if you port Groove to the SD Card it may not detect the the music content in the storage. I did this on my Xperia X and it works perfectly. If you cannot do that, I recommend using Pulsar Music Player. It is another great music player on Android.

Unfortunately, on my T-Mobile HTC 10 (with Nougat), I don't see an option to move Groove to the SD card. (It's possible I'm looking in the wrong place, though.)

And using a 3rd party app is OK, but it won't let me play my Groove Music Pass music, which is a big drawback.
Ordered a dBrand skin but apparently they are so backed up that I might get it at the end of my month.
Anyone have any experience with them and installing skins? Or any skins in general that is?
Re: Why Did I Switch to Android? – The Lost Opinion of a Windows Mobile Fan

Does Groove on Android recognize music on the SD card? I know there's not a setting to tell it where to download music so it'll default to phone (unless I missed that setting), but does it see music on the SD card if you have it there?
I could not the groove on my pixel to recognize music on the phone at all, only OneDrive music.

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Although I returned my Pixel phone I'm curious to see what Samsung does this year. Anyone else a bit curious on what the next Galaxy or Note will offer? I would say I'm curious about the Surface Phone but Microsoft hasn't really given me any reason to continue my stay with W10M. At this point I'm just waiting for a more meaningful alternative to my 950.

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Although I returned my Pixel phone I'm curious to see what Samsung does this year. Anyone else a bit curious on what the next Galaxy or Note will offer? I would say I'm curious about the Surface Phone but Microsoft hasn't really given me any reason to continue my stay with W10M. At this point I'm just waiting for a more meaningful alternative to my 950.

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I am also curious what Samsung has to offer. In fact due to the global battery issue, the Samsung has to increase the build quality of all products like crazy and sell it for a cheaper cost than the iphone and other competitors to keep its customers in the galaxy line up. I think they are going to lose a lot of money from their next line up however it is what has to be done to get customers trust back.

I am excited for the upcoming surface phone, but I don't want to hold my breath. I think this is Microsoft's last chance in the mobile division. If the Surface Phone fails, I honestly think they will completely get rid of their phone division by 2019-2020.
I am also curious what Samsung has to offer. In fact due to the global battery issue, the Samsung has to increase the build quality of all products like crazy and sell it for a cheaper cost than the iphone and other competitors to keep its customers in the galaxy line up. I think they are going to lose a lot of money from their next line up however it is what has to be done to get customers trust back.

I am excited for the upcoming surface phone, but I don't want to hold my breath. I think this is Microsoft's last chance in the mobile division. If the Surface Phone fails, I honestly think they will completely get rid of their phone division by 2019-2020.
I would hope that they at least create an android launcher to continue integration. Cortana is still hands down worlds ahead of Siri and Google Assistant.

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Life after windows phone

I can't say I miss it because I honestly don't. I stuck by windows phone until my Nokia Lumia 925 died last year. I saw a lot of potential with windows phone and I really like how smooth the OS is but the lack of apps killed it for me. Its a shame because I still want to see windows phone succeed but it will never succeed without the support from developers.
With that said I am an iPhone user now and I enjoy every minute of it. I admit I hated apple at first but I adjusted real good to the OS and I can definitely see why ppl like it. It pains me to say this but I don't think I can go back to windows phone. I am not going to lie I still read these boards because a part of me wants to see windows on top but I also learned to accept reality that it will never happen. Years ago I was like many on this boards lying to myself that windows phone is just as good as Android and Apple when in reality it isnt.
Re: Life after windows phone

I can't say I miss it because I honestly don't. I stuck by windows phone until my Nokia Lumia 925 died last year. I saw a lot of potential with windows phone and I really like how smooth the OS is but the lack of apps killed it for me. Its a shame because I still want to see windows phone succeed but it will never succeed without the support from developers.
With that said I am an iPhone user now and I enjoy every minute of it. I admit I hated apple at first but I adjusted real good to the OS and I can definitely see why ppl like it. It pains me to say this but I don't think I can go back to windows phone. I am not going to lie I still read these boards because a part of me wants to see windows on top but I also learned to accept reality that it will never happen. Years ago I was like many on this boards lying to myself that windows phone is just as good as Android and Apple when in reality it isnt.

No one is lying to themselves. I know perfectly well what Windows offers and prefer it. We all have different needs.
Enjoy your iPhone.

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Re: Life after windows phone

Years ago I was like many on this boards lying to myself that windows phone is just as good as Android and Apple when in reality it isnt.
Those of us who persist with Windows know full well what it offers. No OS is significantly better than the next because each has a particular strength the others don't. I know apps matter, but even with the ever growing number of apps disappearing right before our eyes there are some features that some of us simply won't give up. For most, it's the Live Tiles. No one else has this and even the plethora of launchers available on Android can't replicate them. For me, the email client is simply head and shoulders above any other and it's what I use most. Outlook is available on iOS and Android but it's not truly the same. Some say that Microsoft apps function better on the competition but I disagree and we'll just leave it at that. Continuum is the lone feature that sets WM10 apart all the others but it's not available on every device.

No, we're not lying to ourselves. We know the limitations and we begrudgingly accept them. Not because we have false hopes of a future savior-type development but because we're OK with what we're getting today. Rarely do people hold on to phones beyond 1-2 years anymore since the subsidy-based business model has been relegated to the ages. If something better comes, great. If not, just the same. We didn't have these fantastic phones just a few years ago so it's not like we're lost without them. Well, maybe the younger crowd but that's for another discussion.
Right now I just cannot function without Cortana lol. I mean she completely embarrassed Google Assistant and Siri. I'm mostly still here for her alone. I use Cortana every single day.

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Cortana integration and the other phone to PC integrations make it a great time to be on W10/M.

PC yes, mostly. Mobile, not so much. I'm now on a 6S Plus because a crucial app that's required for work just got dropped. Less than 24 hours and I'm missing my Idol big time.
PC yes, mostly. Mobile, not so much. I'm now on a 6S Plus because a crucial app that's required for work just got dropped. Less than 24 hours and I'm missing my Idol big time.

Agreed. It's weak.

Ahh that sucks that the app (really work in general) made you shelf the Idol somewhat.
Re: Life after windows phone

Years ago I was like many on this boards lying to myself that windows phone is just as good as Android and Apple when in reality it isnt.

I strongly disagree. The only part you got right was about developer support. If we had the same apps, there absolutely would be enough of a market share to worry apple/android, and those of us who left never would have found a need to. WP was the only intuitive phone OS on the market that offered anything different in a streamlined customizable package that we can see the others only starting to emulate.

tl;dr - if we had the same apps, none of us would have left. live tiles > notification icons. Cortana > all.
Re: Life after windows phone

I strongly disagree. The only part you got right was about developer support. If we had the same apps, there absolutely would be enough of a market share to worry apple/android, and those of us who left never would have found a need to. WP was the only intuitive phone OS on the market that offered anything different in a streamlined customizable package that we can see the others only starting to emulate.

tl;dr - if we had the same apps, none of us would have left. live tiles > notification icons. Cortana > all.

That's good for you but I'm not coming back
Re: Life after windows phone

I left just like you did, but give credit where it's due.

Read my original post. I never ripped WP. I even typed I want to see it succeed and that I saw potential in it but with the lack of apps may as well be its downfall and for that reason it will never sell well.
Re: Life after windows phone

I strongly disagree. The only part you got right was about developer support. If we had the same apps, there absolutely would be enough of a market share to worry apple/android, and those of us who left never would have found a need to. WP was the only intuitive phone OS on the market that offered anything different in a streamlined customizable package that we can see the others only starting to emulate.

tl;dr - if we had the same apps, none of us would have left. live tiles > notification icons. Cortana > all.
Software has always been the defining issue that determines the success of a platform since we've been using computers. Home computers that had much better hardware that their rivals have sunk without a trace, because of lack of software and sometimes of course because of mismanagement, a trait Microsoft seemingly shares to a certain extent. Only difference is Microsoft has enough financial muscle and diversity not to be affected by their missteps, at least so far anyway.

I had always been interested in Windows Phone but couldn't justify the cost due to it's inferior ecosystem compared to its rivals. The Lumia 520/521 changed that as not only was it better than rival budget androids at the time, it was inexpensive enough to take a chance. Due to the popularity of this phone I thought this was the point where Windows Phone was finally going to make it, only to see it lose its momentum. That's the point I decided "Why am I denying myself apps" and so jumped to a cheap android phone as they were finally becoming decent.

There was nothing wrong with my Android Phone, but like many I kept an eye on the Lumia's and saw information about an upcoming Lumia 640 which looked like it was going to be the ultimate budget Windows Phone. Again it was better than it's Android rivals so I bought one. For it's price it seemed to have everything, except of course a decent app store, but I thought surely this would be fixed as this seemed like the holy grail of budget Windows Phone. Then they sold Nokia and things went downhill again.

So the moral of the story is that perhaps I shouldn't be allowed to buy another Windows Phone/Mobile device again lest it go into decline once more :winktongue:

I am currently using a budget LG Android which I am very happy with. I am still poking my nose in here now and then because, like many, I'm a technology enthusiast and want to see what happens next. After all, Microsoft are not going anywhere. The question is, will they forever continue to fumble into the future as they always seem to do or will they finally produce that killer device...?
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