Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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New member
Aug 19, 2013
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Samsung Focus -> Nokia Lumia 920 -> Google Nexus 4

I'm a light user that is not app crazy and does very little social media. Used the Focus for about a year and then switched to the 920. The 920 had consistent ear speaker problem where the sound coming out of it was blown and distorted. Nokia "fixed" it three times by giving me a new screen, new case and it still doesn't work. I can't reliably hear the person on the other end of the call regardless of how good my signal is. So I jumped to Android after this disaster since I started using an app that's only supported on iOS and Android.

Now, the hardware isn't the main reason since it just speaks to Nokia's poor service and quality control. They gave free UPS air shipping for all the repairs and must have spent quite a bit of money on the shipping fee yet their technicians don't have the competence to fix a simple problem. The ear speaker is simply defective since the rear speaker and bluetooth both give clear sound but somehow they refused to change it out.

All this time spent with WP7 and WP8 just made me feel that Microsoft either doesn't care or won't put any effort into the OS. I like the simplicity of WP and I felt there are a lot of basic features they should have added give this much time has passed. The OS just feels very incomplete with all the potential it started with. WP8 was a pretty big let down in terms of upgrade. Sure they moved it to a modern kernel and added some fast hardware, but the lack of usability in certain areas was not improved at all. Email support with Exchange server that require authentication is still not fixed after all this time. Still no separate volume controls (I HATE having to constantly change the volume because MS decided to cheap out on this, this is not a helpful feature and a lot of people have complained about it). IE10, although fast, lacks too much feature other modern browsers have. These are just 3 things that really bothered me aside from the overall lack of effort from MS. I'm not mad because WP doesn't have all the cool apps, not mad because I can't tweak the OS like a nerd.

I just got my Nexus 4 today. Out of the box, I can say it is faster than the Lumia 920. One really noticeable area is switching apps, no delay from resume like in the Lumia 920. There are almost too much settings to mess around with between every app and the OS itself. It's a good thing I can figure out what most of them do and I do appreciate some of the customizable control. Overall though, definitely too much settings to tinker with. The same app on Android are definitely more robust and polished than WP, a plus but that's expected given the time. Not everything is great with the Nexus 4 though. I ordered a case to cover the back because I don't want it to break whereas I used the 920 without any protection. The volume of the Nexus 4 isn't as loud as the 920, making it hard to hear the GPS navigation at times. Speaking of which, there is no offline map for gmap navigation!!!! This is a major letdown. Without the integrated hub of WP, there are more switching around and apps needed. Thankfully it's easy to do. Even though both the 920 and Nexus 4 have a 2000mAh battery, the Nexus 4 burns through that battery a lot faster than the 920. Both have a 720p IPS screen but the N4 is just sucking the battery dry, especially the GPS. The 920 doesn't have that great of a battery life to start with and now new phone is making me constantly worry about recharging.

I do hope WP get better, I liked it enough to use it when I got my first smartphone. It's Microsoft's turn to prove they can grow WP into something more powerful. For now, I'll be happy with Android, maybe I'll exchange for one with more battery life.:winktongue:


New member
Sep 7, 2013
Sad to say goodbye to wpcentral..

As the title suggests I am sad to say goodbye to wpcentral, I have been on WP for a year and a half now and a member of these forums for a long time (under a different user name due to George Ponder being a knob) but I sadly will bid my farewells to you all and am going back to android.. You guys have been great unfortunately WP has been not. It feels like being the fat kid at the party using this platform. You lot have been awesome and very helpful with my many, many, many wonderful problems with WP but its time to go back. My S4 just arrived and it kicks some serious arse! I may come back to WP when its able to compete without a huge camera as a selling point. I will miss my live tiles though. Take care and see ya in a few years :)


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Going to be switching back to Apple. I've been with windows phone since the HTC Radar and am presently using a beautiful Lumia 925. I am just so invested in the apple eco system, with my air, apple tv, and MacBook pro that it only seems logical to go back. I miss certain apps that are only on android and IOS, and am happy that IOS 7 took some design cues from windows phone 8 & even WebOS.


New member
Dec 26, 2012
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Im sticking with WP8 for now and will wait for the blue update due early next year. If that's tripe i too will be leaving WP. The OS is good but it need polishing and even though im not an app person the apps are horrid compared to apple or android. If it wasn't for the wpcentral app keeping me upto date with the latest i would have left along time ago.

Sanjay Chandra

New member
Mar 2, 2013
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

I have been using GS4 for a month now.

Three huge differences for me :

-I never miss a notification using Android and Notification Center works so well.
On WP , I always had problems with notifications and missed them. Whatsapp was a huge nightmare on that thing.
I also had buggy facebook updates/chat etc.

-I am getting Solid 1 day battery life on this device (with live wallpaper and decent 4-6 hours on-screen time) and by the end of day , I have 10-15% and sometimes even 1%.
On 820 , battery hardly lasted till evening and I had to charge the damn thing to 50% or else it dies at midnight (which would make me miss my alarm/notifications/updates etc.)

-Media is awesome.That 1080p screen + deepest blacks = pretty nice during night time.
Unlike WP , GS4 doesn't glare those capacitive key lights.They get turned off immediately and no distractions.

I am able to play any format of videos with subtitles and multiple audio streams etc. and I am able to play my music easy anytime I want , with help of widget which resumes exactly where I left off (no need to leave homescreen at all) and Music player can display lyrics (which I manually attached to the file using PC)
I can also set music timer and go to sleep (music turns off automatically after certain period of time)

I can schedule an SMS and send it automatically that desired time (great for birthday greetings , where I set an SMS at evening and set the sending time around midnight/early morning)
Shortcut toggles are very handy.

LED helps me to know there are notifications.

Lot More of Apps I can choose (Youtube can do Pop-up Play , Hangouts , GMail , G+ , LoboWiki , Flow etc.) , WP had no big problems when coming to apps but it had problem only in case of games (Chat apps are pretty pathetic on WP though)
I can now play all those games I wanted to play (Ski Safari , Subway Surfers , Temple Run Oz , Cut Rope Time Travel etc.)

Google Now recognizes my accent pretty well and its working great.

I can set any browser as default browser and reset it If I want.

I think I have no plans to come back to WP or get iPhone.I am done with both MS and Apple (for phones).

As far as tablets are concerned , I may give Windows 8 tablet a shot either next year or 2015.


New member
Aug 31, 2012
Not goodbye, just "see You later".

Well....after a lot of agonizing, and having more than a few r?servations, i have decided to go back to Android for awhile. Windows Phone 8 holds a very sp?cial place in m'y heart, and I have no doubt I Will be back when the Platform matures a bit more. It's Just That right now, Android fulfills my requirements for a phone OS and Platform better than anything out There right now. Yes.. It requires powerful hardware to get d?cent performance, but I have That. Not my intention to Start a "flame" war, Just needing to let everyone what Is going on. I Will ne checking in from time to time. Good Luck to everyone, and WP8.


New member
Oct 30, 2012
Re: Not goodbye, just "see You later".

cool .. bbye and change your username while you are at it :D All the best with Android :)


New member
Feb 14, 2012
Re: Not goodbye, just "see You later".

Good luck to you too, regardless of whatever phone you might use (as this really doesn't matter in the great scheme of things)!


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Re: Not goodbye, just "see You later".

Hope to see you back soon.

Sent from my RM-846_im_233 using Tapatalk


New member
Jul 5, 2013
Re: Not goodbye, just "see You later".

I'll admit that I've flirted with the edge of the ship at jumping back into the iPhone waters. Alas, I've decided to ride this out and see where Microsoft goes with it. Besides, it's not like I could get a whole lot for my L928...especially since they just announced the L929 is coming out. And really, it's doing everything I wanted a phone to do...and more. I guess I have a little bit of app envy and I do miss my notification screen. But everything else is pretty much spot on. And really, who can beat these cameras?


Active member
Nov 16, 2012
Re: Not goodbye, just "see You later".

Hah. So dramatic... It's a phone. It's not like owning an Android means you are forbidden from being on wpcentral.

And your name is silly. Not only are you not an "addict", you're no longer even a user.


New member
Aug 31, 2012
Re: Not goodbye, just "see You later".

LoL@Rohanj. I have told people myself to not Be so dramatic. Good point. And the "addict" "user" r?f?rences are good ones. Ha ha.


New member
Aug 29, 2013
Re: Not goodbye, just "see You later".

It'll be alright. I actually went the other way. Got tired of chasing specs and managing all the processes running within Android.

It takes all types of us....


New member
Aug 31, 2012
Re: Not goodbye, just "see You later".

I couldn't do it, when "push came to shove" like the saying Goes. I feel like an "*****" starting This thread in the first . Sorry everyone. #royally embaressed.


Active member
Nov 16, 2012
Re: Not goodbye, just "see You later".

I couldn't do it, when "push came to shove" like the saying Goes. I feel like an "*****" starting This thread in the first . Sorry everyone. #royally embaressed.

Let this be a lesson to anyone else who feels like telling everyone they're switching platforms. By the way, there's a thread for doing that in a less dramatic way.


New member
Aug 15, 2007
Re: Not goodbye, just "see You later".

As if people would have noticed you weren't here anymore. Lol


New member
Aug 6, 2013
Re: Not goodbye, just "see You later".

No need to be rude or make fun, the OP just wanted to make a goodbye for now post. no biggie.
OP, enjoy your Android and look forward to you coming back to WP! Feel free to keep poking around these forums though! ;-)


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Re: Not goodbye, just "see You later".

No need to be rude or make fun, the OP just wanted to make a goodbye for now post. no biggie.

I agree. He announced it in the nicest way possible. He expressed how much he still likes WP. It just doesn't meet his requirements. No need to jump all over him.

OP, I'm in a somewhat similar situation. But because I carry 2 phones I still get to use WP!
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