Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Just moved from the 950xl to my work S6 and now a used Iphone 6s+. $200 on OfferUp.

I now have the X3 for desktop work under continuum, and an Iphone 6s+ and 7+


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This switching thing is starting to get a little old. That's what happens when you have 3 different OSes with distinct benefits and deficits. Not only is it a pain to wade through the plusses and minuses of the OS itself, there are hardware considerations to make as well. It seems like there's always this one irritating aspect of the "perfect" phone that throws a monkey wrench into the equation. Be it sucka$$ camera (I'm looking at you Idol 4S) or crappy battery life (Xperia XZ) or flaky power "button" (any iPhone after 6S).

I miss Roseanne Rosanadana - "it's always something"!
This switching thing is starting to get a little old. That's what happens when you have 3 different OSes with distinct benefits and deficits. Not only is it a pain to wade through the plusses and minuses of the OS itself, there are hardware considerations to make as well. It seems like there's always this one irritating aspect of the "perfect" phone that throws a monkey wrench into the equation. Be it sucka$$ camera (I'm looking at you Idol 4S) or crappy battery life (Xperia XZ) or flaky power "button" (any iPhone after 6S).

I miss Roseanne Rosanadana - "it's always something"!
I'm not sure how this will show on a computer but everything you said is the truth
I read a statement from LG and they blamed it on a bad USB-C cable. Maybe I should order an additional cable just to be safe.
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I read a statement from LG and they blamed it on a bad USB-C cable. Maybe I should order an additional cable just to be safe.
I'm using the cable I received with the phone, and I haven't had any problems. I did purchase a battery charger and spare battery from Amazon, so I'm able to swap batteries if needed. However, I've always gotten through the day with over 40% battery left. I'm a heavy user, especially since I do the majority of mod work here at WC and also at AC on mobile, rather than in desktop.
This switching thing is starting to get a little old. That's what happens when you have 3 different OSes with distinct benefits and deficits. Not only is it a pain to wade through the plusses and minuses of the OS itself, there are hardware considerations to make as well. It seems like there's always this one irritating aspect of the "perfect" phone that throws a monkey wrench into the equation. Be it sucka$$ camera (I'm looking at you Idol 4S) or crappy battery life (Xperia XZ) or flaky power "button" (any iPhone after 6S).

I miss Roseanne Rosanadana - "it's always something"!

I'm going to requote you to add my gripes, but before doing that, I'm curious which one you are currently dealing with as a phone, out of the issues?

I generally agree but I figure that I'll share my own, just because.
iPhone SE: weakest radios, weak ffc, lame battery life (thanks updates!) out of the listed phones
Galaxy A3 2017: 16gb internal storage (sd card support though), performance can be mixed at times
Google Pixel: okay battery life (less than a day), biggest phone so less pocketable

My gripes are lesser than yours but ones nonetheless. Currently choosing the A3 because I was able to flash it to Nougat, which doesn't fix the storage thing and performance is too early to tell but it seems fine mostly. Seems like the best choice for me at the moment.
I'm going to requote you to add my gripes, but before doing that, I'm curious which one you are currently dealing with as a phone, out of the issues?

I generally agree but I figure that I'll share my own, just because.
iPhone SE: weakest radios, weak ffc, lame battery life (thanks updates!) out of the listed phones
Galaxy A3 2017: 16gb internal storage (sd card support though), performance can be mixed at times
Google Pixel: okay battery life (less than a day), biggest phone so less pocketable

My gripes are lesser than yours but ones nonetheless. Currently choosing the A3 because I was able to flash it to Nougat, which doesn't fix the storage thing and performance is too early to tell but it seems fine mostly. Seems like the best choice for me at the moment.
Gripes are gripes no matter who's they are. I wish people would understand that so there would be less trolling. For the record, I'm using the XZ for now. I find their clean UI better than others (Android) and the phone just feels solid. Battery life is atrocious but with the charging station in my truck I can top off in no time. There is no such thing as a 10 minute trip in Miami so there's always plenty of time to charge.
Gripes are gripes no matter who's they are. I wish people would understand that so there would be less trolling. For the record, I'm using the XZ for now. I find their clean UI better than others (Android) and the phone just feels solid. Battery life is atrocious but with the charging station in my truck I can top off in no time. There is no such thing as a 10 minute trip in Miami so there's always plenty of time to charge.

So true! I agree about Sony's UI, and that sounds like a plan. I was just curious to know.
I'm going to requote you to add my gripes, but before doing that, I'm curious which one you are currently dealing with as a phone, out of the issues?

I generally agree but I figure that I'll share my own, just because.
iPhone SE: weakest radios, weak ffc, lame battery life (thanks updates!) out of the listed phones
Galaxy A3 2017: 16gb internal storage (sd card support though), performance can be mixed at times
Google Pixel: okay battery life (less than a day), biggest phone so less pocketable

My gripes are lesser than yours but ones nonetheless. Currently choosing the A3 because I was able to flash it to Nougat, which doesn't fix the storage thing and performance is too early to tell but it seems fine mostly. Seems like the best choice for me at the moment.

Do you mean iPhone se has poor signal reception? Now contemplating on either se or Nokia 8 which cost about the same in my country.
I'm going to requote you to add my gripes, but before doing that, I'm curious which one you are currently dealing with as a phone, out of the issues?

I generally agree but I figure that I'll share my own, just because.
iPhone SE: weakest radios, weak ffc, lame battery life (thanks updates!) out of the listed phones
Galaxy A3 2017: 16gb internal storage (sd card support though), performance can be mixed at times
Google Pixel: okay battery life (less than a day), biggest phone so less pocketable

My gripes are lesser than yours but ones nonetheless. Currently choosing the A3 because I was able to flash it to Nougat, which doesn't fix the storage thing and performance is too early to tell but it seems fine mostly. Seems like the best choice for me at the moment.

iPhone se has weak radios and lame battery life?
I’m running the latest update and my battery life is still exceptional. I haven’t noticed and weak radios either.
I read most reviews with good radios. So a bit surprised. For the same price, se is enticing since I don't have to deal with loads of ads. On the other hand, Nokia 8 has some attractions to sway me too 😊.
Do you mean iPhone se has poor signal reception? Now contemplating on either se or Nokia 8 which cost about the same in my country.
Nope, that's not what I mean. The radios are fine. It's just not as speedy when it comes to LTE speeds over phones such as the Pixel. Check out GSMArena to compare the two phones.
iPhone se has weak radios and lame battery life?
I’m running the latest update and my battery life is still exceptional. I haven’t noticed and weak radios either.
This is something that you notice in weak/fringe areas really. If everywhere you go has great signal, it wouldn't make a difference for you. That's not the case for me at all so this is something I notice.

Improved phone radios make a difference between losing signal in a fringe area and holding on to one.

In regards to battery life, coming from iOS 9 to present has a battery life difference. I might have to try a hard reset but I can't be bothered. The Pixel has way stronger and faster radios.
I read most reviews with good radios. So a bit surprised. For the same price, se is enticing since I don't have to deal with loads of ads. On the other hand, Nokia 8 has some attractions to sway me too .
Please check out how I responded to you before this post. It's not something to worry about at all.
Nope, that's not what I mean. The radios are fine. It's just not as speedy when it comes to LTE speeds over phones such as the Pixel. Check out GSMArena to compare the two phones.This is something that you notice in weak/fringe areas really. If everywhere you go has great signal, it wouldn't make a difference for you. That's not the case for me at all so this is something I notice.

Improved phone radios make a difference between losing signal in a fringe area and holding on to one.

In regards to battery life, coming from iOS 9 to present has a battery life difference. I might have to try a hard reset but I can't be bothered. The Pixel has way stronger and faster radios.

That could be. I have pretty good coverage where I go.

The SE has the best battery life I’ve ever seen, even on 11. Especially for the size.
That could be. I have pretty good coverage where I go.

The SE has the best battery life I’ve ever seen, even on 11. Especially for the size.
In that case, you're good.

Better than the 7? I can't recall if you still have one or not. I can't get more than 20 hours before hitting 40% on it which makes me sad because I used to get like 24-26 hours before.
Additionally, when I say lame battery life, my A3 can run a circle around it. Everything else just falls short.
In that case, you're good.

Better than the 7? I can't recall if you still have one or not. I can't get more than 20 hours before hitting 40% on it which makes me sad because I used to get like 24-26 hours before.

Yup, I still have the 7 and the SE has better battery life (for me). In fact I’ve been using my SE because I got a 7 for work and this way I don’t mix them up.
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