Never touched it on any platform. I fail to see the fuss in a lot of these things.
But I'm definitely an outlier. No Facebook, no Twitter, no Instagram, no SnapChat, no Uber, no Lyft, no Pokemon Go, no Spotify, no Evernote, no you name the flavor of the moment.
I'd wager that if most people listed all their apps outside of Phone, News, SMS and email I'd be able to say nope to 98+ % of them.
are some of us that just don't give a carp and it isn't posturing.
Time listed these top 25 in June:
The Best iPhone and Android Apps of 2017 | Time Just scrolled the list and I have 0 of them. Never even heard of the vast majority of them. Maybe 3 titles sounded familiar.
I have none, nor want any of these:
Of PCmagazine's
top 100 Android Apps for next year I have 4. Google Photos because it's baked into the phone I'm carrying and I can't be bothered to find an alternate right now. Google Opinion Rewards because even if I tone down their prying as much as possible they still get some things and they can damn well reimburse me for it. SwiftKey keyboard because the BB keyboard on the DTEK50 is garbage. And Word, because Word. Even the other Google Apps listed are disabled on my phone, because screw them.
Just because someone says it doesn't mean they are being hypocritical. Even when I'm on Android I don't really care for or use a whole lot of apps. Deal with it.