Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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I sold my X so I am waiting on the SE 2 as well. This little phone keeps on chugging though so I'm not in a rush, but my phone ADD does kick in every now and then. SE leaks have been very few and far between, so that doesn't help matters. I don't like the rumors I read that they are expecting a 6.1" phone to replace the SE as the low cost phone. As I have said many times I don't care about the low cost, but I do care about the small size. I wouldn't care if the small phone cost more than this rumored 6.1" phone as long as it was still offered.

Only about two months until the normal spring event date though, so I can tough it out. If the SE 2 isn't released then, but instead switched to the fall event I might give in and grab another X.

Wow that you sold it. I agree with you about those rumors, I really hope that the size is going to be wrong. Like you, the size is really what matters for me. The fact that you sold this X, I do believe that you can for sure. That's a solid plan and we will see how that goes.
Wow that you sold it. I agree with you about those rumors, I really hope that the size is going to be wrong. Like you, the size is really what matters for me. The fact that you sold this X, I do believe that you can for sure. That's a solid plan and we will see how that goes.

Made about half the price of a new SE in profit by selling it. It wasn't too hard of a decision.
Oh no, the random restarts sound like such a pain. Good luck with your decision. If you have time, you can always try a reset and see how that goes.

Hasn't gone well at all. I went all Hiroshima and traveled the WDRT route. No dice, it's going back. Something screwy is going on with the latest update because I'm having Outlook and OneDrive crashes even on the Idol.
Hasn't gone well at all. I went all Hiroshima and traveled the WDRT route. No dice, it's going back. Something screwy is going on with the latest update because I'm having Outlook and OneDrive crashes even on the Idol.

Ugh! I'm sorry that it didn't work out :/
As good as Nine is, their idea of push email means "we'll push it when we're good and ready". They're consistently 5-10 minutes behind any Windows phone or my Tab S2.
I think the Android OS can be at fault on that maybe. I have always had push issues on iOS and Android. Never on a Windows Phone. One of the cool things Windows has alway kept consistent.
Another cool thing...Had continuum casting from my 950 XL with my son's Color Crew video from myTube to our living room tv while I did other phone related tasks and browsing from it at the same time. Always found that as an amazing multitasking feature.
I think the Android OS can be at fault on that maybe. I have always had push issues on iOS and Android. Never on a Windows Phone. One of the cool things Windows has alway kept consistent.
Nothing beats the BlackBerry Hub, even on Android. Email is something BB still does as well as anyone else.
Never used a BB except the Bolds we had here at work for pages and notifications. How does the Hub work more effectively then a native push app etc..? Can you share a link to some insight on it? Am curious.
I don't know what systems BB uses but setting up an Exchange account is a breeze. The contacts app is almost as good as Windows for populating social media info and the calendar is equal or better than Windows as far as integration is concerned.

There's a setting for unimpeded push services that is off by default because it may affect battery life. I keep it on regardless.

The only knock on it is that a recent update broke the ability to pin separate accounts to your home screen the way you can with Tiles. The best thing about it was having separate icon notifications for each account.
So the Sony Xperia XA2 is available and after reading a review, I have decided to pass on it. I'm still open to trying the next thing but it has to be worth it for me. There;s a rumored XZ2 Compact but apparently, it lacks the headphone jack so eh...

@camaroz1985 you mentioned elsewhere that you have an X. What changed for you and/or what made you cave?
Sale of the X fell through on swappa (unlock issue, somehow Sprint relocked it, and claimed they couldn't POSSIBLY unlock it unless I used it for 50 days (though they unlocked my last phone the day I bought it, and I had already used this one on both Sprint and Mint, so at one point it was unlocked). So I was going to get it back and use it 50 days then sell it (coincidentally that would be right about the time the updated SE was supposed to come out), but apparently in shipping the speaker was damaged. I sent it to Apple for repair, and got a brand new replacement in return, factory unlocked. Thought about selling it, but didn't want to deal with shipping, and was tired of local people offering half price and being offended when you told them no, or not showing up when they were supposed to meet you. It just isn't worth the hassle, time with family is more important to me.

At that point I thought about it, and even if (big if) the updated SE comes out and it had everything I wanted (waterproof, 3D touch, upgraded cameras), it would only be about $100-150 cheaper than what I had in this X, which is now brand new, and has more storage than I could ever need (256GB, I use 21 of that now). I figure the X is easily worth that much over an upgraded SE, and I can justify spending that much more for it. I couldn't justify $600-800 more than an SE, but $100-150, yeah its worth that to me.

I have only used it a few days, but I do love using it, and yes it is bigger and I miss the size of the SE, but the screen is beautiful, it is fast and smooth. Cameras front and back are great. I don't use the FaceID, but the kids like to send mom messages with Animojis, so that's a plus. I also really like the gesture based navigation.

Basically I figured worst case scenario if the upgraded SE comes out and blows my socks off, I can easily sell this phone for what I have in it, likely a little more, and get an SE. But realistically I can see myself using this phone for a long time. Maybe even push myself to skip the next flagship, and use this for a year and a half. I used the SE for 9 months, and if I didn't have this available to me I would have used it a lot longer (well at least a little longer, we all know I have a problem). I am going to hang onto it as a backup. It's not worth much, and up to now I didn't have a backup iOS device. At least now if something happens to either my phone or my wife's phone we have a backup.

I would love an X styled phone the same size as the SE, but I think that would be very hard to package, and I'm not holding my breath for that, but if it happens I will be first in line to hand over my wad of cash to Apple. Until then I will just have to manage to get by with this phone (hope you can detect my sarcasm).
Sale of the X fell through on swappa (unlock issue, somehow Sprint relocked it, and claimed they couldn't POSSIBLY unlock it unless I used it for 50 days (though they unlocked my last phone the day I bought it, and I had already used this one on both Sprint and Mint, so at one point it was unlocked). So I was going to get it back and use it 50 days then sell it (coincidentally that would be right about the time the updated SE was supposed to come out), but apparently in shipping the speaker was damaged. I sent it to Apple for repair, and got a brand new replacement in return, factory unlocked. Thought about selling it, but didn't want to deal with shipping, and was tired of local people offering half price and being offended when you told them no, or not showing up when they were supposed to meet you. It just isn't worth the hassle, time with family is more important to me.

At that point I thought about it, and even if (big if) the updated SE comes out and it had everything I wanted (waterproof, 3D touch, upgraded cameras), it would only be about $100-150 cheaper than what I had in this X, which is now brand new, and has more storage than I could ever need (256GB, I use 21 of that now). I figure the X is easily worth that much over an upgraded SE, and I can justify spending that much more for it. I couldn't justify $600-800 more than an SE, but $100-150, yeah its worth that to me.

I have only used it a few days, but I do love using it, and yes it is bigger and I miss the size of the SE, but the screen is beautiful, it is fast and smooth. Cameras front and back are great. I don't use the FaceID, but the kids like to send mom messages with Animojis, so that's a plus. I also really like the gesture based navigation.

Basically I figured worst case scenario if the upgraded SE comes out and blows my socks off, I can easily sell this phone for what I have in it, likely a little more, and get an SE. But realistically I can see myself using this phone for a long time. Maybe even push myself to skip the next flagship, and use this for a year and a half. I used the SE for 9 months, and if I didn't have this available to me I would have used it a lot longer (well at least a little longer, we all know I have a problem). I am going to hang onto it as a backup. It's not worth much, and up to now I didn't have a backup iOS device. At least now if something happens to either my phone or my wife's phone we have a backup.

I would love an X styled phone the same size as the SE, but I think that would be very hard to package, and I'm not holding my breath for that, but if it happens I will be first in line to hand over my wad of cash to Apple. Until then I will just have to manage to get by with this phone (hope you can detect my sarcasm).

Haha I got the sarcasm. That's annoying that Sprint decided to pull that on you :/ Wow, that's awesome about getting a factory unlocked one instead. I agree with you about the hassle, so true. I'm glad that you are enjoying it though, it sounds like it was worth it to keep it for you.

You're so right about the if thing when it comes to the SE being updated. There are too many rumors that sound questionable. I don't remember it being this way with the original SE.
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