Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Re: Switching platforms|Thinking of leaving...comment here!

This is likely my last day with my Windows phone. My S6 comes in today or tomorrow. Hopefully Microsoft gives the mobile unit back to Nokia, then I might come back ✌

Good luck, enjoy your new handset. Sadly, I think Touchwiz will drive you mad so my advice would be to get a different launcher. Say hello when you come back to the side of the angels ;)
I am taking my family plan of multiple Lumias and switching to Apple. Although, I love WP, the lack of apps and flagships has become too much. For example on 2 simple needs, I simply can't do:
Banking and easy photobook printing from my phone. For my family these at important and unavailable on WP. Of course so many other examples of apps either never being available, poorly updated or dropping WP support matter too.

Oh well, it was a fun run and good luck to the 2.7%. I hope things change and in 2 years I can switch back to a vibrant OS.
Re: Goodbye and thanks

"Oh well, it was a fun run and good luck to the 2.7%. I hope things change and in 2 years I can switch back to a vibrant OS."
Re: Goodbye and thanks

It's worth mentioning that if you get an Android phone, you could switch without a new device. However that requires you to use Android, and many cannot stand it. Farewell, I hope things change as well. :-)

Thanks but i am sorry I don't understand. Do u mean that I can use Android on my 1520?
Re: Goodbye and thanks

Thanks but i am sorry I don't understand. Do u mean that I can use Android on my 1520?

Nope, I think he's thinking of that program for Windows 10 on a specific Chinese android phone.

If you want Android, you'll have to get another phone.
Re: Switching platforms|Thinking of leaving...comment here!

I am taking my family plan of multiple Lumias and switching to Apple. Although, I love WP, the lack of apps and flagships has become too much. For example on 2 simple needs, I simply can't do:
Banking and easy photobook printing from my phone. For my family these at important and unavailable on WP. Of course so many other examples of apps either never being available, poorly updated or dropping WP support matter too.

Oh well, it was a fun run and good luck to the 2.7%. I hope things change and in 2 years I can switch back to a vibrant OS.

I'm forced to use an iphone6 for work. I can tell you one thing: compared to my Lumia 925 it's an insanely big step back if you actively use your phone. So many things are impossible on an iphone that are day to day business on a Lumia. It's just scary really. Sure it has more apps, but that can't make up for all the missing hardware and software features that I've grown to rely on.

Torrents, file explorer, touch accuracy and sensitivity (sure, the iphone responds quickly, but highly inaccurate if you're used to a Lumia), worse camera compared to Lumia's (you'll noticed the lesser mp and lack of OIS if you dont go 6+ for real), the call quality on an iphone is absolutely hideous if you're used to a Lumia. It's astonishing. Friends and co-workers that I call with my iphone now often notice and point out the difference. And no it's not the specific iphone, it's the lower quality components. I have no reception in places I used to have atleast a few bars with a Lumia either. Same goes for others around me with an iphone. Can't download torrents anymore on the phone. Can't playback mkv without serious horrible workarounds involving a PC. Need itunes for EVERYTHING, which sucks, can't connect easily to my Ubuntu notebook without issues anymore. The calendar is unstable (some appointments show up, some don't, some do weird stuff), contact management is utter ... terrible and complex. Nomore automatically remembering where I left my bluetooth devices (like my car), no more automatic routes from Here Drive. No more dropping phone and laughing (cause now it'll break and you will cry cause it's about 5x as expensive), no more fruit slice with a real knife, because even your finger can scratch the cheap glass on an iphone.

Lower resolution screens on the iphone are noticable too. You think the Lumia 930 isn't flagship? Why would you consider an iphone that's even less flag-shippy than a 930? Have you seen the specs on the iphone? The dual core 1GB ram device that on iOS8.2 runs out of memory on the iphone6+ and crashes the browser? Well Yay. The 930 is less powerful per core, but those four cores in total have a lot going for them and can defeat an iphone in a few areas. The 2GB of ram on the 930 is pretty noticable too.

iOS is popular-ish, but not good. No way. Not when you're used to a Lumia. But then again, the grass always seems greener on the other side. Well, you'll see.
Switching to Galaxy S6 Edge

I like my 1520, even will be keeping it around for WP10 development, but I have discovered that it just isn't for me. The platform is feeling like abandon ware. I bought it to use as an ereader for my Kindle books but the app wasn't updated in over a year. I cannot even search my books!

I was happy for a while that I could use my Chase app to deposit checks, but then that got pulled and so I have to go to a bank to do my deposits now.

Then the touchscreen is flaky. Half the time I would scroll and I would up navigating to a link instead.

The Facebook app is atrocious. I used the website because of how bad it was.

The HD support seemed lacking for the screen resolution. Most apps didn't take advantage of it.

I loved Cortana. She is great. I loved the live tiles. I love the camera. But I just couldn't hack the outdated apps.

I love my new Galaxy S6 Edge. So far the ecosystem is like a breath of fresh air. So nice to have a proper Facebook client again! And a banking app again! And split screen multitasking.


I am looking forward to W10, and will still browse here (I am getting a Surface 3). I love Microsoft and want them to succeed. Hope to have a Windows Phone again someday.
Re: Switching platforms|Thinking of leaving...comment here!

Hi, my name is Mike, I'm new to the forum, I gave up on Android after 4 years, and I'm currently waiting for my Lumia 640 LTE to arrive...I got it for 150€...its my first Windows Phone device. Before switching platforms I've made a lot of research on WP and I still have my doubts (the lack of apps and the relatively small number of users were my primary setbacks) but I decided to give it a shot especially because a spec similar smartphone with android would've cost me like 250€ and then there's the lagging: if you can't afford to by a flagship android or something close to that its gonna lag and you're gonna have memory issues and all that and I simply don't want to pour all my money into a smartphone.
My last phone was Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus and boy did that one lag...I couldn't even write a text without lagging when typing (yes i tried all ways of optimizing, in the end not even the facebook app was usable). SO if I can make a call / write a text / play some games / have facebook and whatsapp I think its safe to say that WP will be good for me
Switching to S6 Edge

I'm sadly getting rid of my 1520 for a Galaxy S6 Edge just cannot wait anymore for Microsoft to release a flagship handset and to be honest the way it is looking at the moment with Windows Phone don't think there will be a worthy flagship, I hope I'm wrong.

Also cannot understand Microsoft strategy to have Cortana, Office apps etc... to be available on both iOS and android, if the core features of Windows phone is available on other platforms what's the point of getting an windows phone?
Re: Switching to S6 Edge

I understand your frustration. Even I was thinking about switching at some points in time. For now, I'm sticking with my 520 though. Enjoy your Edge! :)
Re: Switching to S6 Edge

One of the things I do miss from the 1520 is the seemingly never ending battery. That said, the rest of the S6''s battery life seems sufficient for me at this point. The Edge also has a slightly larger battery than the regular S6 - not hugely bigger but it does count for something :)

Overall though it is nice to have a phone that doesn't feel like abandon ware.

And Outlook on Android is far better than it is on Windows Phone. So is Office :(
Re: Switching to S6 Edge

I've read that thread as well as others discussing Office for iOS or other Microsoft services for iOS/Android, and quite frankly I don't agree with the general and seemingly quite popular "they're just doing that to lure people in" theory. While it's an absolutely valid way to look at it that way I personally think Microsoft is more likely slowly trying to establish itself in rival markets in case their own ship continues to sink even faster and further. It's no secret that Windows Phone hasn't really taken off yet and is even having a really hard time establishing itself in a niche, and that Microsoft might already have an exit strategy at hand. To me, all these Microsoft services on rival platforms that more often than not beat the living **** out of their Windows Phone counterparts (need I mention Skype? OneDrive? Office?) are the first still fully reversible steps of said exit plan.

To me at least it doesn't make any sense to "lure" people in with excellent apps on rival platforms only for them to discover that the very same app on Windows Phone doesn't work that way, or doesn't have this or that feature, or simply doesn't work at all the way it's supposed to (again, need I mention Skype?).

I wasn't also really buying into the luring logic, but on the marketing and business research side of things, having Cortana on other platforms could enable Microsoft to gather data and feedback from and about "rival" markets... since it is known that MS gathers feedback and data through Cortana.
Re: Switching platforms|Thinking of leaving...comment here!

^ Technically I'd say that's incorrect. Cortana doesn't "gather" data from users, at least not for purposes that go beyond making Cortana and related features/software work as expected. Cortana accesses your contacts so you can say "Call Harry", she accesses your location so you can ask "Where is the closest Chinese restaurant?", and she accesses your e-mail and calendar so she can automatically enter appointments into your calendar based on e-mail content.

Bing is a different story, but that's not Cortana.
Re: Switching platforms|Thinking of leaving...comment here!

I am finally giving up for the time being and giving the S5 a try. I know that the S6 is out and all that. But I can't afford that and to be honest I wouldn't pay for it right now anyway. The S5 will cover all my needs. I've already been browsing the app store and it's amazing how many things I am missing on my Lumia 920. Some I use a lot and need and some will just be nice to have since I finally can. I am hanging onto my Lumia 920 as I would like to try out Windows 10. Plus I might still use it for a few things, running, working out etc. It's nice to swap out phones for specific needs if you need to. Having Windows and Android I feel I cover everything! Hopefully someday I'll return to strictly Windows.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Moved over from a Nokia Lumia 920 purchased in Nov of 2012 and got a Galaxy S6 on Friday. I moved due to BOA killing support of their native app. I have no more apps worries, but I'm not that impressed with the S6. Would rather have purchased a flagship Windows Phone with the app support - if it existed. I'll miss the hell out of Here Drive+ , the OS's raw smoothness, and live tiles... the S6 and all it's wizbangetry, still feels more clunky than my 2 1/2 year old Nokia 920.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Moved over from a Nokia Lumia 920 purchased in Nov of 2012 and got a Galaxy S6 on Friday. I moved due to BOA killing support of their native app. I have no more apps worries, but I'm not that impressed with the S6. Would rather have purchased a flagship Windows Phone with the app support - if it existed. I'll miss the hell out of Here Drive+ , the OS's raw smoothness, and live tiles... the S6 and all it's wizbangetry, still feels more clunky than my 2 1/2 year old Nokia 920.
Here Maps is available for Android. HERE - Android Apps on Google Play

Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk
Why, with a heavy heart, I left Windows Phone

5 years ago I bought a Samsung Focus. I've used Windows Phone exclusively every day since then. Yesterday I put in an order for a OnePlus One; also known as "The Flagship Killer". The purpose of this thread isn't to say "win phone sux" or some similar ignorant statement. As a matter of fact I very very much like the platform. I type this thread with the hope that someone on the Windows Phone team will see it and some changes will finally start to happen.

The Waiting Game

In 2010 when I got my Samsung Focus Windows Phone 7 handset I knew it was an "underdog" as smartphone platforms went. Back then you had to have faith that it would grow to rival the giants in the smartphone space, and grow it did. I remember being a part of an excited group of people who said "Just wait for Mango (windows phone 7.5)" and wait we did, when 7.5 released it was a lot better and we all said "This is good, but just wait for phone 8....". Windows Phone 8 released (at this time I was using a Lumia 900) and those of us on Windows Phone 7.5 had to buy new hardware that would support the new OS. Windows Phone 8 brought a lot of features but we were still left in the cold compared to Droid and iOS users. But we didn't worry because Windows phone 8.1 was coming, with universal apps and all kinds of cool stuff. Surely Microsoft would also take this opportunity to maybe finance the development of some more popular apps we were missing? Nope. And now we wait for windows phone 10 (and universal apps again)

"Developers! Developers! Developers!"

Microsoft has made a big deal about their commitment to developers, at one time something like 45 of the top 50 most used apps were available on Windows Phone. Now we deal with companies pulling their apps (If you need example, I'm sure there's some on the home page of WindowsCentral), strong arming independent 3rd party app devs for whatever odd reason (StarBucks, Snapchat) and Beta or minimal feature apps that never get updated (Lookin' at you Instagram). While the platform has some of the most dedicated and talented devs around (Rudy is awesome), it's just not enough to compete in the market. When Apple was making the iPhone, they went and got people to write apps for it. Surely their has to be a way to give incentive to making your app as full featured and beautiful on Windows Phone as it is elsewhere.

I'm so tired of Phones built for "Emerging Markets"

There has been some amazing hardware on Windows Phone, no question. The stuff Nokia was doing was phenomenal. 41 Megapixels?!?! Are you kidding me?!?! Awesome. Then one day Microsoft purchased Nokias device business for 7.2 billion dollars. Let me show you what that looks like with real numbers: $7,200,000,000! That's a sizable sum of money. And what has Microsoft done since they acquired this awesome smartphone building team? I dunno, not much. Budget device after Budget device... So very many phones I don't care about: 430s and 530s and 640s..... Whatever. I hate to sound snobby but I'm so sick and tired of the lack of flagships

I could go further to talk about how where I live we didn't even get a phablet or a 930 or an Icon or... well the list goes on (no I don't live in an emerging market)

With all that said, I will be really sad to leave Windows Phone and I hope one day I will have a reason to come back. In the meantime, I'm excited to use all of the Microsoft apps and services that are either on Android already (and in many cases more full featured than their windows phone counterparts) or coming soon. I've even found a way to make an Android phone serve that beautiful Windows phone style user experience that I have enjoyed so much these past 5 years.

So Microsoft if you're reading this, I really like the platform, I want to support Microsoft, but at the same time, if the above doesn't get addressed, it will only result in more defectors like myself, more companies pulling their apps and the gap between Windows Phone and the other guys only getting wider.
Re: Why, with a heavy heart, I left Windows Phone

Budget device after Budget device... So very many phones I don't care about: 430s and 530s and 640s.....

True :) but consider this.. The budget phones that MS has pushed over the last few months have been phones with very good quality, decent build and good camera performance. Not to mention that, some if not all of them have tested w10 at one point and from what I've seen and read, have all been performing well with the new OS.

This is a bit more impressive when you consider that they're low-end. Just imagine what MS will provide once they go at the high-end and they will, but not before they are ready. This statement has been made by top officials within MS :)

Nonetheless I wish you the best of luck
Re: Why, with a heavy heart, I left Windows Phone

Just imagine what MS will provide...

Lol. We've been asked to imagine for 5 years now. Many of us have left the fantasy land that Windows Phone has become and gone to iPhone or Android where reality exists.
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