Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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An angry Canadian says goodbye!

Well, I finally did it. After three years of being a loyal Lumia 920 user, and defending Windows Phone everywhere I could, I finally gave up. Last night I went over to the dark side and walked out of my wireless store with a a beautiful but heavily discounted LG G4 from Fido (zero dollars down, brand new flagship phone, 2 year contract, $64 a month with 2gigs of data per month, unlimited calling/texting etc). I'm now navigating my way through the convoluted and murky world of Android. And I'm so angry with Microsoft that I've decided to write this letter rather than smash my aging Lumia into pieces.

In terms of its phones, Microsoft has abandoned Canada. And so, after all these years of investing in WP, I feel forsaken and stabbed in the back by the big M.

There isn't a single carrier in Canada carrying a new Windows Phone. There are a few old 830's and 635's still on display here and there, but no 640's and certainly no 950's. There is simply nothing to replace my aging Lumia 920. Yes, yes, I know, I could buy an unlocked phone, but like most people I can't afford my choice - a Lumia 950 XL - because I can't afford a grand up front a month before Christmas. I'd also need to hold and try the phone before I buy, and that would require a major trip into one of the few Microsoft stores in Canada. Even the 640 XL is too much up front, and the Black Friday discount was a joke. In other words, I'm facing a ridiculous situation that fans of Android and Apple would never face. The de facto reality for me is that I've run out of options, except to abandon the platform and head over to the enemy.

I know Microsoft is attempting to rationalize its retail operations, but effectively abandoning an entire country makes no sense. Didn't get enough love from Rogers, Bell or Telus? Boohoo. Suck it up and make nice with at least one major carrier, or you'll never get back into the country again. Capitulation is not retrenchment.

So, thanks for nothing Microsoft. To the dustbin with you.
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Reason for coming back to WP from IOS/Android

I am in the verge of moving back to another platform from windows phone after using it for 3 years. I have never used an android/ios before and jumped to wp8 from nokia Symbian 3 years back when 920 launched with wp8. My expectation was that the OS will evolve as it looked promising with its concept of live tiles and some great nokia apps too. I saw new apps coming in over the years but at this point the situation is very bad with almost many apps still missing and very bad support for many of the existing apps. Forget local promising apps as they never came nor will come to wp with such given situation. So my question here is if there is someone who shifted from windows phones to android due to such or different problem but later decided to come back to windows phone itself due to some reasons please help me with those reasons as it might help me over consider my decision to move away from this OS which looked promising and looks dead for me now.
Re: Why I Left Windows Phone Part 2

I have been more & more coming to the same conclusion. I'm on Verizon & have 4 other lines & need the coverage which makes it hard for me to switch. But I've been thinking a lot lately that even if I could switch, why should or would I? After reading the article about all the things I loved about Windows Phone that are gone, I really have to ask myself what really do I like about the OS in it's current form to stay with it? For the 950 or 950XL? The Camera? Continuum? At this point I really can't say really I love they way Windows phone does X, Y or Z better than IOS or Android other than the dark theme & semi-live tiles. I'm tired of waiting for the next version to get it right, tired of not having apps, (banking, educational and local apps, sorry I'm not switching banks which I have a very good history with & great customer service for a freaking phone) I have enough of waiting until next year being a Cubs fan..... I'll get an Android phone & load it up with all the MS apps & move on.
Long Time Windows Mobile Fan just Left Windows Mobile

I have been a long time Windows Phone / Mobile Fan. I still have my 8525 all the way up to my current device Nokia 1520. I was one of the developers of custom roms on the windows mobile 5 thru 6.5. My roms was called Herg-A-Fied Roms. I have created working cabs for those devices from dumped factory roms. I have always stayed true to windows community.

My dilemma right now is that Microsoft does not care. Yes I know that have been that way for a while and I am one of those who said, "OH they will come around soon." That is my fault on believing that.

My last straw was the combo of loosing the 30gb Onedrive storage down to 5gb, and the more recent HERE Apps. I know what you are thinking. HERE Apps has nothing to do with Microsoft. Actually it does. Even though HERE pulled their apps for Android and iOS, Microsoft could have made some deal to keep they going. But instead Microsoft is using HERE Data for the crappy Microsoft Maps, which in my opinion does the job without the features HERE offered. HERE Apps is so much better.

Several other apps I have used also has left Windows Phone Store in which also added to the fire of leaving Windows Phone. Microsoft turn it around quick or your 3% share will soon be 0% share.

Thank you for letting my vent my anger Windows Central and Users of Windows Central.

The Nokia 1520 will be my last Windows Device ever used. I almost bought a 950XL from Microsoft Stores but I am glad I waited.
Re: Getting rid of my 950xl, anyone else?

Where do I begin? I have been a Windows Phone fan since I fell in love with the OS with my Lumia 928 on Verizon over two years ago. I loved the live tiles, the camera, the speed and long battery life. There has always been an app-gap, but that never really bothered me because I always had faith that Microsoft would catch up, and for the most part, they have. But, let’s face it, even the apps that we have received are second rate compared to iOS and Android versions. But even knowing this, I stuck with Windows Phone because I believed it to be the best OS around. I upgraded my Lumia 928 to the Lumia Icon when it came out and loved it so much it deeply embedded me into this OS. I became a Windows Phone “Fan boy.” I bragged to all my friends about the wonderful things Windows Phone could do that iOS and Android couldn’t. Cortana, great camera, battery life, ease of use, live tiles, etc. Those of you who know my screen name (NOLATechy), know how much I have supported the Windows Phone through tips to help users fix problems, to information regarding carriers, etc. But, since BETA testing Windows 10 Mobile, I have found myself slowing feeling more and more disappointed. While I realize that each update was still a BETA software, it just seemed that each update brought more and more problems and less and less functionality for me. I had to reset my phone so many times, I don’t even keep many apps on my phone anymore. I keep saying, “When they finalize the OS, I’ll put more apps on my phone.” Well that has been several months now and I still haven’t added a lot of apps I want to my phone. Recently, Microsoft release Technical Preview version 10.10586.11 and my phone was working perfectly (of course AFTER I reset the phone yet again). Bluetooth connectivity in my car was perfect, Hey Cortana was working on my phone again (I’m the one who tipped Windows Central on the fix for that), the battery was lasting all day, etc. Then, Microsoft released the latest update (10.0.10586.29) and now the Bluetooth connectivity in my car is horrible. Calls and Cortana are garbled. I have to switch to speakerphone to make a call in my car now. Also, my alarms are no longer sounding in the morning. I was late for work for the past 2 days because the alarm isn’t working on my phone. Notifications seem to now be delayed. I have two phone, both of which have my Outlook email. My Android phone chimes perfectly when I receive an Outlook email, yet my Windows Phone doesn’t do anything for about 30 seconds, then it vibrates, but no sound. I have reset my Lumia Icon twice, yet these issues remain.
Unfortunately, I can no longer deal with this headache. As much as I love Windows Phone, there are just too many issues with the OS and the app gap. I have devoted a lot of time and energy in supporting this OS, yet I feel it’s just a failed effort. The OS is not reliable as Windows 8.1 was. It’s not as energy efficient, it’s not as smooth and most of the few apps I have are constantly crashing or just aren’t as good as the same apps on my Android device. Microsoft has a long way to go to make their Windows 10 Mobile anywhere close to compatible to iOS and Android currently are. Most of the features that Windows 8.1 had that iOS and Android didn’t are now on iOS and Android. Even the cameras are getting better. Granted, Windows Phone cameras are still the best, but that’s just not enough to keep me going.
So, I have decided that I will no longer support this OS. I have just purchased the new Nexus 6P which is very comparable to the Lumia 950XL (minus Continnum of course) in specs, but also has all the apps (good versions) available, including all the Microsoft apps (Cortana, Outlook, Microsoft Excel, Word and Powerpoint, etc.).
If and/or when Microsoft is able to make Windows Phone better, more stable, with all the apps available to iOS and Android (maybe in the Cynogen version of Android = Microid) then I will return to Windows Phone. Until then, I’ll be using my Nexus 6P and keeping an eye on the Windows Phone world.
well, that's it, i give up... again....

first, I am not new to smartphones, been doing them for a long time, from cooking roms on xda for windows mobile to, well, everything I'm doing now. I have all 3 platforms worth discussing, I have a moto x for myself, I have an iphone 6 I use for business, and I picked up a Lumia 735 for the hell of it to give windows phone my second try. my last attempt was when windows phone was in its infancy, I think it was still on 7.1. app gap and early adopter annoyances got me and back to android for my daily driving I went.

I have had my 735 for, I don't know 2-3 months, which was 2-3 months of mental scarring. there's a lot I love(d) about windows phone, really, truly there is. unfortunately, there's a lot I just can't live with (or without). when I first picked up my 735, I was really impressed, the hardware was great, the camera, wow. the live tiles are still my favorite UI along with the seamless integration of core apps. I updated to windows 10 mobile....

#1, the facebook app. ok, ok, I get it, I'm not a 15 year old girl, facebook shouldn't matter that much. however, it does. I run several facebook pages, for business and pleasure, the facebook app just does not cut it. I can't even use it for basic browsing. it's that bad. an app as widely used as facebook, should not be this bad on any platform. sure, I could fire up edge and browse on the browser... but... that... slow... loading... times... and it's buggy. MS should get off their high horse and let facebook design it.

#2, no more lumia camera. the stock MS camera sucks. it does. I miss living images and the quality of the pics have seriously taken a nose dive.

#3, app gap. yeah yeah, it's shrinking... slowly... very very slowly. now, everyone will blame the developers. no, you can't. from the start of windows phone, MS drove away developers. MS required developers to follow the metro design, which require developers to redesign their entire app(s), most of which did not fit in with the app itself. early users will remember the original facebook app had the metro side scrolling design. oddly enough, it worked as far as design goes, the app itself still sucked. so no, developers are not to blame for this, MS is. once developers said no we are not redesigning our apps, windows phone fell flat on its face from the start. less than 3% market share was not enough to attract developers back. and WP users are left with a market filled with knock off apps.

I will say that some apps are very well done. my kids love the xbox games, and they are great.

but today, I tried to share a photo someone messaged to one of my facebook pages on one of my community pages, it literally took 10 minutes for me to make it happen. I can't do it, I just can't.

now, with that said, I have been using android as a daily driver for, I don't know... long time. kind of bored with it. almost pulled the trigger on an iphone 6s last night, then I remembered it was an iphone. my experience with windows phone/windows 10 mobile not working for me leaves me saddened. I wanted it to work out, I wanted to skip through a field of daisy with my Microsoft phone in my hand, happily. I wanted to giggle at a carnival with my MS phone as we toss popcorn at each other, I wanted late nights where we laid in bed reading pointless posts on the internet together. but, like my first marriage, I was left with a headache, an ulcer and the realization that I wasted a good amount of money... again.

sorry Microsoft, I have to let you go, if it was meant to be, we will find each other again. maybe when Windows Mobile 11 drops?
9+ years with Windows Phones - traded in Lumia 950 and picked up Galaxy S6 Edge Plus.

I've been a huge advocate of Windows Phone for over 9 years, I've owned a lot of them back from Windows Mobile 5.x/6/x all the way to the Lumia 950 with Windows 10. However, both my Wife and I agreed that the Lumia 950 with Windows 10 had a lot of issues and so we decided to try out Android for the first time in our lives. After 2 weeks with the Lumia 950 she turned hers in and traded for a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus. It's same battery size as Lumia 950, but has the 5.7 inch screen. Size is slightly taller, but also thinner. I'm trading in my Lumia 950 today for my own Samung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus as well.

First off, the issues we've had with the Lumia 950 and Windows 10 are, echo in calls, phone randomly restarted, apps randomly closing, sounds randomly not working when receiving phone calls or txt messages, odd battery life behavior, etc, etc. Basically Microsoft is selling a phone that is broken. AT&T charged a nice restocking fee when we exchanged for Android, but honestly I feel this is like kicking someone that is down, seeing as how no matter how many Lumia 950 replacements they would have given us, we would have had the same issues. Both our phones had the above issues and we bought them from different stores.

What really irked me is that Lumia 950 is released with a beta/preview build of Windows 10. Having been with Windows Phones for so long I've come to expect solid experience from Day 1 with a new phone, but the Lumia 950 has failed to provide that for us and I don't feel too confident about how quickly Microsoft will push out an actual retail ready Windows 10 mobile OS.

Then there's the apps. Android has all the apps that we use on Windows Phone, plus a lot more that aren't available on Windows Phone.

Anyway, it's kind a bummer to leave Windows Phone, but maybe Microsoft can convert us back with a solid performing flagship phone, we were hoping for a Surface Phone or something that at least has an official retail ready OS.
Re: 9+ years with Windows Phones - traded in Lumia 950 and picked up Galaxy S6 Edge Plus.

Lately I feel the same, been on lumias since the first one and the 950 has been the most frustrating experience.
Re: Switching platforms|Thinking of leaving...comment here!

Sorry you guys feel like that. I can understand and I really don't get MS sometime. If there are people willing to test beta software, that doesn't mean everyone want one on expensive new phones! What is worse, they had enough time to make stabile and good OS since latest flagship.
Anyway, I hope 10 will grow soon enough and Android will become frustrating to you and you'll cone back! ☺
Good luck!
farewell WP/WM. *warning: contains STRONG sentimentality*

Firstly, this isn't a post designed to provoke or inflame and seriously, if there is a better place for this post feel free to move it mods. I genuinely hope this post is of some use to those out there this holiday season who are sick of hand wringing and tossing coins.
Back in 2010 I made a choice to buy my first smartphone with a touchscreen-the HTC Mozart running a new and exciting WP7 OS. I made this choice as a somewhat na?ve consumer to the tech market but loved the fact it was different, and absolutely NOT a damn iPhone. Today, almost exactly 5 years later I now own a brand new iPhone 6splus. And I couldn't be happier. I've been a huge supporter of MS and adore their vision and what they have done with mobile tech in these last 5 years, and really couldn't have asked more of my venerable Lumia 920- a phone that is still working as well as it did when I got that one 3 years ago. I'm writing this on my still excellent Surface 2. I still believe that MS's approach and their OS is far superior but within a week or so of using the iPhone (my first apple device apart from an ancient iPod)....it is night and day.

Now, I'm going to concede the fact that my current joy is likely a result of superior specs to the Lumia in my case, but where I once feared i'd miss something? There is only happiness, and most importantly for me relief. I can honestly say there isn't a thing I'm missing about WP right this minute. So if you're sat there looking at the 950/XL as I was a couple of some days ago, and weighing up an excellent handset vs a potentially woeful Windows carrier support (EE) then I say this- stop wasting your time and change. I worried so much about app support, update availability, stability... and no longer have this BS to think about. It is liberating believe me. As a new father, I couldn't gamble that 'once again' support wouldn't be killed for a device I love, or for a service I rely on. YMMV. I hope dearly that there may be a WP to return to in 24 months time. Prove me wrong MS. I love the WP community and have received so much help over the years with my MS hardware on here so thank you to you all for that.
Re: farewell WP/WM. *warning: contains STRONG sentimentality*

Well, no one will hold you hostage here.
Whatever works best for you buddy, thankfully we live in a time that we have choices and we pick what suits us best at the current time!
Make sure you'll check WC "top trending" posts monthly in order to get your dosage of doom and gloom that you'll certainly miss :P
And always remember, it is just a phone! No biggie!
Enjoy your tech fella!
Re: Switching platforms|Thinking of leaving...comment here!

I've used my Lumia 925 for a year and a half, enjoying -almost- everything about it. It got unexplicably broken 2 months ago, just 1 month after warranty ended. I couldn't fix it however I tried. Some third-party Nokia shop said it was a motherboard problem, and official Nokia (Microsoft) shop said it was a screen issue.
You may think that this would be good time for a new Lumia, since I am a real fan of the WP interface. But that turned out to be a hard thing to do.
You see, in Turkey, you can't purchase phones or computer products with your credit card unless you pay the whole price at once, no installments. And with the added taxes, even a $1 worth imported phone costs a minimum $100 tax (no kidding). For example, some $550 phone is sold for $850 in Turkey. Minimum wage is $330, so you do the math (spending power). And to top it all off, Microsoft doesn't really care that much for Turkey market as much as the Nokia did. Even though Turkey is a hotbed for Nokia and Windows Phone appreciation. That's because of the low spending power and high quality expectancy. Anyways, there are 3 cell providers and only one (Vodafone, so not really local) offers Lumia with 24 months contract, and they only offer Lumia 1320 and Lumia 630. No flagships, not even a decent phone... With a middle class budget, you can't buy a Windows Phone easily. You are forced to choose a crappy Android that's not even worth your money.
But I'm determined, and sticking with my good-ol' Nokia 500 running the abandoned Symbian OS until the day I can afford a WP.. Thinking of a new Lumia 830.
But if I do buy an Android, I'd prefer a Sony because of the boxy design resemling to the Nokia's Lumias. Because the cornered design was the major element of appeal for me. It was so different than the iPhones and Androids, which I call 'egg phones'. They all look the same. Some rectangular plastic crap with rounded corners. I can't either afford or stand by an iPhone. If can't buy a Lumia, then I must be able to personalize it anyway I want. I don't care that much for app fads and brand names. I do care for steady structure, simple UI and durability.

By the way, speaking of the difficulties I've ran with my Lumia 925 are;
-Not being able to use Eduroam (even my Symbian phone supports it)
-Not being able to use some much-needed apps
-Not being able to use Google services (I now they suck and I know that's Google's fault, but still)
-Not being able to charge it while turned off (I don't know if any new competitions support this)
-Not being able to switch between music tracks with hardware buttons (almost no new phone has this)
-Not having a Micro-SD port

And some awesome advantages:
-Having a micro-USB so I can find a compatible charging cable
-Awesome battery life
-Buttery smooth OS
-Sexy Nokia design
-No floatware
-No security vulnerability
I give up...

Hello, I am a new registered member here but I was following the website for more than a year. And I am making this thread to say that after 2 years of patience on windows phone, I decided to give up and switch to Oneplus (Android, SailfishOS,...).

I went through the Lumia 920, 925, 1020, Windows phone 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 Mobile. But my patience has it's limit. Beside the fact that I was always waiting for what microsoft is announcing at it will be a game changer and finally seeing that it's just a small catch up with the other OS who keeps distancing Microsoft, my phone started to experience serious issues because of the OS. The mic stopped to work during calls, even if I cleaned the hardware, the problem stayed the same. The glance screen stopped to work. 2 times the alarm didn't go off and I was late for work. Delayed notifications and some text messages that doesn't show on after sending them.
I performed a hard reset hoping that things will be better. It just brought more problems : Battery draining faster, Glance app crashing.

I won't mention the app gape as everybody is admitting it. But I would like to add to that, the same app is better in other platforms. And to add insult to injury, even Microsoft own apps are better on other platforms. I would also like to take the example of Here Maps and Drive that are periodically shutdown from the store for some "Technical" problem and as usual, they are suggesting to use windows maps instead.

And last thing : The video that shows how android is fast on a Lumia 830 which is not even considered as a flagship. That made me come to the conclusion that Microsoft killed Nokia who was making fantastic hardware.
So long Windows Phone

After 5 years, I'm ending my windows phone experiment. It's no so much the app selection but the constant os reboots and what I feel is an increasingly neglected product. In hindsight, I should've left long ago.

Anyway, I just wanted to thanks to those who were polite and helpful when I ran into trouble with my devices. It was fun. Take care.

Re: Switching platforms|Thinking of leaving...comment here!

I don't normally post in threads like this. I have no issue with them, but it's normally not my style. What the heck, though, I invested a lot of time and effort into Windows Phone....

Today I've decided to move on from Windows Mobile and have a LG G4 on order from my carrier here in Canada: I bought out the remainder of my contract for my 830.

There were a bunch of reasons, but the two major ones were:

1) Apps. Nothing else needs to be said. We all know the situation and it either affects you or it doesn't. It did me.
2) The 950s: Priced way too high here in Canada. I understand it's largely due to our dollar, but still far too much for a phone(s) that don't really excite me and for a platform , and OS, in which I have little confidence.

But, hey, that's just me. It's only tech and there's no right or wrong here. Only choice.

I'll keep my 830 updated to check on progress. I'll be happy to return if things improve.
I had to bail on Windows Phone

I loved my Lumia Icon. I loved the phenomenal camera, and I really enjoyed the Windows Mobile OS. I rarely noticed a lack of apps, and the ones that lacked were not a big deal. When my Icon died last week, I really wanted another great Windows Phone.

But alas, it was not to be.

I'm on Verizon, and it's the only network that works well where I live. So, no 950 for me. I had been hoping that my Icon would survive until the Surface Phone surfaces, in hopes that it would have all the things that made my Icon great and then some, but it does not yet exist.

So, no more Windows Phone for me.

I ended up getting a Galaxy S6 Edge. It's nice enough, but not really what I want. The camera is a step down from the Icon, and the camera is the biggest thing for me. But my wife likes Samsung phones (she has an S5 now). So we decided to get me the S6 Edge with the expectation that, if the Surface Phone has a phenomenal Icon-like camera and other features, I'll get the Surface Phone and my wife will inherit the S6 Edge.

My story, I think, illustrates the total failure of Microsoft on the mobile front. If there were a flagship Windows Phone on Verizon right now, I would be using it today. There are many others in the same boat. I am not looking to get into a debate about whether it's Verizon's fault or Microsoft's fault. For me, it really doesn't matter whether MS can blame the carrier for its woes; the only thing that matters is, I'm using a Samsung phone today instead of an MS phone because I can't get a decent MS Phone.

Getting a new phone today...

I have been with Microsoft on my phone since Windows Mobile 5.0. I had an HTC with a slide out keyboard that ran 6.1 and another one that ran 6.5.

I upgraded to an HTC Surround, the first device on my carrier that ran Windows Phone 7. From there I went to a Lumia 900 to a Lumia 920. I have also owned a 1020 and a 1520.

but my relationship with Microsoft ends today...I'm am getting a Nexus 6. I purchased the 950 but quickly returned it to Microsoft. The Nexus should arrive this afternoon via FedEx.

WP10 provides little to no improvement over WP8.1. It is much slower and full of glitches. Microsoft has stopped trying to provide a good experience for their phones and I will not continue to do without out of principle.
Another goodbye topic... But with good feedback!

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Been on Windows since HTC Touch with Windows Mobile 6.0, and today I made the switch. My bank no longer supports Windows 10 Mobile and there are no plans for supports. It is one of the biggest banks in the country.

I love the OS so much, and I am not a fan of iOS but as soon as I starter using my new iPhone, I realised: I am not missing anything. Hubs? Gone. Cortana? Got siri. Here Maps? Got it too. Office and Skype? Better now! Tiles? Got weather, calendar and whatsapp on the action center like menu.

I also can mobile bank now! Everywhere I want! And Hearthstone, Snapchat, app of my work, oh and Whatsapp updates so often. And Facebook works great! I can see stuff in subgroups like my universities and react on reactions!

I miss the keyboard, glance and the beautiful gui of Windows 10 though. Always hoped that 8.0 would change everything. Nope. 8.1? Nope. 10? Nope. Such a great OS, but Microsoft is letting it bleed out. And Windows Phone will always be special for me! I will keep on following the progress and hopefully one day return. Really hope so. Good bye, and thanks for the great ride!

*will keep my 640 XL to keep an eye on the progress of Windows*
Farewell, 1520 and Windows Phone

As a "techie", who loves to learn and play with new stuff (and my current job even requires me to work in the details of phones/cars) I bought a Lumia 925 to replace my work-issued Android/iPhone. I extolled the virtues of the unique and useful interface, and chuckled as Apple Carplay and Android Auto provided a lesser car voice texting experience that WP had built in.
I bought a MS-refurbished 1520 a few months ago so I could fully experience WP10. It was wonderful, I loved my big phone, and the photos were awesome.
Then... The ghost touch hit. Minor at first, a simple screen off/on fixed it. Now my phone is totally unusable. And as I've researched and learned of this issue, it appears as though I have no way to fix it :(

Couple that with a USB input going bad this weekend on my main Android phone, and I'm about to embark on a Nexus 6p journey, and not look back.

No longer will I stand out as the guy with the big weird phone. I'm leaving the fringe of the 4%, and joining the other team for good :( Why did you betray me, 1520?!? Why!?!?

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Off to Nexus Land

Well, I went and got a Nexus 6P. I started out on IOS and had the iPhone 4 and 5. Went to Moto X after that. The Lumia 1520 was a great phone. Best phone I ever had. I love the form factor, camera, and screen. It's a beautiful beast. It would be my perfect phone if it ran Android. Windows 10 was a great improvement but I just ended up missing the Google apps too much. If Google and Microsoft had been able to resolve their differences and allow Google app integration on Windows phone I'd likely still be a Windows Phone user.

Android Marshmallow on the Nexus 6P is really brilliant. Stunningly so. Really if I could mash up windows phone and android I'd have the perfect phone operating system....
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