Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Android really isn't that bad now. Although I had always had an interest in Windows phone I didn't jump on until the Lumia 521 as not only was that phone distinctly better than Androids at the price, it also looked like Windows Phone was finally on the way up. Then Microsoft lost it's momentum (again!). The Lumia 640 is the phone that should've been the followup to the 521/520 back then not now. It has fixed all my issues I had with the 521 but the problem is Microsoft has already lost it's momentum and of course there is still the app gap which we all hope UWP will fix, but again I don't see that happening anytime soon. Sure it might happen but it's been happening since Windows Phone first came onto the market.

Like you Windows 10 mobile catches my interest, but if momentum continues downhill then it's most likely Android for me next.
Yep, I'm noticing this in my Android search. I agree with you on all points though, well said! I was more excited about the 650, but eh, I'm not as excited now. I just think this strategy is more realistic. When it comes out and if the pricing is right (haha we will see about this knowing Microsoft's history with pricing), I will possibly give it a try.

Ok. I'm thinking of trying either iOS or Android, but I'm really not sure which way to go. I currently have a L920, and these are the few things I really like about it:
1) Size. I don't want a phablet
2) Camera, particularly low light and macro stuff. Though I'd love it if it was faster.
3) Ability to use one handed (at least with WP8.1. Not so much the case with WP10)
4) Cortana's location and time based reminders. Though again, I preferred this on WP8.1 as you could pin a tile to the screen to type this in instead of just talking.
5) Keyboard (though it seemed better at Swype type guesses on WP8.1)

I've used iOS in the past (had a 3Gs before the L920), and have squat experience with Android. I recall getting very frustrated with some of the iOS limitations, but I have no idea if it is still that bad. It looks like it has changed a good deal since I used it (but still no back button, not sure I like that).

I've also heard horror stories about the 3rd party iOS keyboards. Not sure I like that as I like the swype type interface. And the lack of OIS on the iPhone 6s worries me. Then again, it sounds like the camera on several of the Android phones are not great either. Might make sense to wait a couple months and see what Samsung, LG, etc. come out with. But I've also heard the stock Android experience is better (Nexus line).

Any thoughts/suggestions?
Weird. I can relate to a couple of your points so I feel like I should reply with what I'm possibly deciding on myself. I can't afford the 6s so that's personally out for me right now, ymmv.
Sony's Z Compact (just the general series there) seems to be great on the size point. The z5 compact is coming out soonish, but it will be $500. That aside, Sony seems to like to make smaller Android phones, and they even have colors aside from black and white! Apparently, the camera experience varies, so please read up on reviews and the like. The compacts seem to vary from 4.7" to 5. I think also 4.5", but I'm not 100% sure on this.

I hear that stock Android is great too. I have been looking into that myself, and when it comes to the smaller phone factor, your choices can sacrifice quality big time. However, this is not always the case. I'm considering the Nexus 5x as one of my strong possibilities. Right now, there's a promo for Valentine's Day or whatever, and it's $299 for the 16gb model. The 6p would probably be too big for you (but the promo also goes for that too). It's 5.2" but apparently very light. The Nexus 5, is the older one, but still nice according to various people.

Sizewise, there's also the Alatcel OneTouch Idol 3 4.7". It's not bad for what it comes in and with. The launcher/skin whatever is kind of cute to me. The camera isn't bad at all, and the JBL speakers sound nice. However, it can be very noisy looking in low light situations.

Again, your mileage may vary but I just want to share what I'm considering since I share some of your wants here. I'm on T-mobile, so I have also been looking at ones with band 12. The Nexus series are more likely to be updated, even though Sony plans to update their phones to Marshmallow or Android 6.0 at some point. Alatcel, no such plan.
I switched from a 6 month old Blu Studio 5.0 C HD cause the battery was terrible. I feel Windows phones have given me hope to watch and work towards a better usage of my phone and apps. Such as being social.
im back with a windowsphone , just got an iPhone, and sold it . grass looked greener on the other side...
settings Everywhere, apps with 1 star rating are in their store too ,its faster to use wp, start screen in wp is so much better and informative.
I started my smartphone experience in september 2013 with a Nokia Lumia 620, because it was a Nokia and I had a low budget. My experience with WP8 and WP8.1 was positive and I convinced some friends to jump on this ship. In april 2015 I decided to hard reset because the phone had become slow. It was a good idea. In november 2015 I decided to hard reset again... and... another idea: let's try W10 for a week. Ok, they said not to install it on your primary phone. They said it was not ready. But I wanted to try. There's a recovery tool. This was a very big mistake. After 2 days I decided to roll back to WP8.1. But... it was not possible anymore. They told me As you are unable to fix the issue with Windows Phone Recovery Tool, I suggest you to contact the nearest Windows phone service center to perform flash of the operating system and check. I don't even know if there is a Windows phone service center in my country. So basically I'm stuck to a horrorful experience. Minutes to do everything (even after another hard reset). Battery life? Some hours (I bought a new battery: same thing). Ok, it's my fault.
Let's say I want to buy a W10 phone now. What are my choices? 950? Too expensive. 550? Is there something better? 650? I read some articles: it's going to be a very low end phone. Wait for the Surface phone? No, thanks.
So I'm thinking to switch in few weeks (unless the 650 is something very different from what we expect). Android will be my destination. I don't even know where to start. And how to say this to people I conviced to buy a WP.
How Windows Fan Boys are helping to KILL the platform!!!!

It SUCKS that if things don't change DRASTICALLY in 2016(Which I Doubt), I'll be jumping to an EXPENSIVE iPhone. :-( Why? Because after 5 YEARS of Windows Phone I simply can't take the waiting and waiting and waiting anymore. The other problem is that Windows Fan Boys are doing the platform a disservice and here is why.

When iPhone came out back in 2007 on only one carrier, I saw a TON of folks leave their carriers because they were so determined to get their hands on an iPhone. At the time it could play your music like an iPod which were selling like HOTCAKES and you could make phone calls as well. Apps weren't even an issue or a concern. Then over time Apple was able to develop a huge app community. Whether they were the first with the app idea doesn't matter, because in life it's not always about who does it first, but who does it BEST. The mobile phone world has changed and it is what it is for the "MASSES" Yes I said MASSES!!!!!!!!!

We are not the MASSES, but we ALL enjoy the Windows Phone/Mobile (Whatever you want to call it) OS. We want the OS to stick around, DEVELOP and GROW, but when FANBOYS continue to talk from an unrealistic and for lack of a better word ignorant standpoint it doesn't help the cause one bit. MASSES want to have great looking phones and it DOESN'T MATTER that they are going to put an ugly case on it. They still WANT a GREAT LOOKING PHONE. MASSES want APPS!!! They've GROWN ACCUSTOM to certain APP'S and YOU ****** might not use that APP, but guess what? THERE ARE MILLIONS of people who do. So again it DOESN'T MATTER that YOU ****** doesn't use the APP, but it MATTERS that the MASSES does. It's NOT ABOUT YOU ****** it's ABOUT the PLATFORM and IF you COMPLAIN about other Windows FANS(Like Me!) COMPLAINING, YOU ****** are PART of the PROBLEM!!!! It's not about the ONE it's about the whole and there are OTHER FANS like myself who realize this and realize that NUMBERS MATTER, APPS MATTER, PRETTY PHONES MATTER and TAKING INTO account what the MASSES want MATTERS. This attitude will cause the Surface Phone should it ever come to fruition to FAIL.

The prospects of an awesome Surface Phone is GREAT and EXCITING, but here is the problem. IT WON'T BE CHEAP!!!!!! Both the 950/950xl aren't CHEAP phones and they aren't pretty either. Yes we can buy a Mozo case, but then that's more $$$ on top of an already expensive phone. Now a beautiful Surface Phone comes out, it's expensive and the APPS that appeal to the masses don't exist and NO ONE is going to have their life change and be inconvenienced...because guess what? There are other PRETTY phones on the market at this point and they have the APPS that they are looking for.

How YOU ****** use you Phone, how I use my Phone and how others use their phone is SIMPLY NOT THE SAME. I was HAPPY and used the CHASE app when it was around and then it disappeared. I'm sure there are a TON of FOLKS here who don't use Instagram(6Tag), but I'm certain there are just as many people(Like Me) who do use it. Also I do understand that you CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE, but at this point in the Smart Phone era there is a default level of quality that needs to be met and with FANBOYS only concerned about their own personal usage it doesn't HELP in regards to promoting the ecosystem, helping it to grow and positioning it to be a TRUE third option. I know there is only but so much we as fans can do, but starting by being REALISTIC and UNSELFISH will go a long way. It's important to point out the GOOD things, but let's be REAL about the bad and learn that if we truly want WINDOWS to succeed in the MOBILE Phone space then we need people to get onboard and simply saying that it's good enough for ME the ****** then it'll never appeal to the masses because it's not about just what you want, but about what the MASSES want and simply having a great OS, but no APPS, PRETTY PHONES or enough PEOPLE using the ECOSYSTEM = STAGNATION!!!!! And I think we can ALL agree that STAGNATION is something that NON of us want.
Re: How Windows Fan Boys are helping to KILL the platform!!!!

Why is it an all or nothing? Get both. I have all three platforms and if BB didn't tire my thumbs using it, I'd own that one too.

I'm never giving up on the Windows platform until Microsoft says officially they are out of the mobile game. I have a strong sense they are up to something that I'm going to be pleased with it but even here, I don't expect perfection. I didn't find it on IOS and sure as heck didn't discover it on android. But what I do expect is a smart phone that does smart things. I expect those things to work as I expect and work well. I'm speaking about the rumored Surface phone.

But I am that ****** of which you speak. Not ashamed of it. But I am a tech as well. A real tech. I do Windows. Have been for most of my adult life. To wit, I know better to believe that perfection can come packaged in a box. Its not how tech works. Tech is solving problems and celebrating those accomplishments after putting-in-work. Such as a thread in these forums that helped to make Microsoft Edge more usable in its current state. My thread but not my solution. Another tech did that.

However many in your world have come to believe that, problems don't exist. They do. On all platforms. OSX, Linux, Windows all of them. This is tech. If you think you can get nirvana simply by switching platforms, much success on your journey.
Re: How Windows Fan Boys are helping to KILL the platform!!!!

Moved to General Windows Phone Discussion.

Also, pretty sure you're overestimating the impact of "fanboys" on development.

Might want to take a chill pill too also.
Re: How Windows Fan Boys are helping to KILL the platform!!!!

Is there a curse word or something in my post? What chill pill are you referring to? Also the title is How Windows Fan Boys are helping Key word being "Helping". I never said they were the be all end all of everything. If you don't get the "point" of what I wrote or something is unclear is ok to ask for clarity as opposed to just making empty comments.
Re: How Windows Fan Boys are helping to KILL the platform!!!!

Ultimately what the fanboys are expressing are their opinions, and I doubt those opinions have any real impact on the platform. The years of neglect, reboots, developer hostility and apathy and inaction by Microsoft have been much more damaging to the growth of WP than anything else.
Re: How Windows Fan Boys are helping to KILL the platform!!!!

I never said anything about a perfect OS. If I thought iOS was perfect then I wouldn't even be here and would of had an iPhone in the first place. Everyone I know owns an iPhone and I don't really want to be stuck on a platform that is expensive as all heck, only wants you to use THEIR ecosystem and in my opinion makes a lot of things harder to do from a usability standpoint. I've owned an 819, two 925's(One fell in the water) and moving over to an M8 to check out the experience. I get that we as FANS don't hold ALL the keys for change, but people are LISTENING and it's very clear that too many FANBOYS are promoting the "good enough" message. I think that's clear when the 950/950XL become the phones WIndows Phone fans wanted. People who want new phones except and live with it, but it's pretty clear even on this site alone that that by no means was the phone that us Windows Fans wanted. I enjoy the Windows Phone platform and that's why I want it to succeed, but in order to do so we as fans can't send the message that things are good enough, because there not.
Re: How Windows Fan Boys are helping to KILL the platform!!!!

I agree with MS messing up and I'm by no means saying that Fanboys are the be all end all, but they are indeed part of the problem. Their attitude helped lead to a phone that I don't believe is one that any real phone wanted and it was supposed to be a phone for the fans. I'd rather a Lumia 650 with 950/950XL specs. When others like myself complain about the state of things and others continue to say stop complaining it sends the wrong message. If we as FANS aren't happy then how can others be. I'm a FAN but not a ******(a.k.a Yes Man)
Re: How Windows Fan Boys are helping to KILL the platform!!!!

TBH if it is dying then it's dying more a tiny bit more slowly because of them. They're keeping a positive view on things and keep using that hardware. I don't think MS is looking at fan posts and thinking everything's okay, but then again they're probably not gauging the market by the negative posts either. I expect all that really matters are the figures on the reports.

I've left, but I would still like to see Windows Phone keep going. For one thing I might want a WP again in the future, but everyone is better off with MS in the phone development business. They've had a good effect on everyone, making them reconsider the dodgy skeuomorphic look (which had resulted in some pretty tacky-looking work on iOS and Android), and the trend in flat design for phones was largely led by MS. They're making a lot of great phone apps. The whole market is poorer if it loses MS as a phone manufacturer, even if they'd still be around on some level; it's important that their design ideas have a home.

You're absolutely right about the handset design. WP has a pleasing simplicity and a modern look, so it needs a complementary styling to the hardware too. These are machines we live with almost every minute of the day, and we notice people's phones (possibly more than we notice the traditional items like shoes and watches nowadays). Even if we truly don't care what other people think, it's important that a constant companion technology makes us feel good every time we use it.
Re: How Windows Fan Boys are helping to KILL the platform!!!!

Is there a curse word or something in my post? What chill pill are you referring to? Also the title is How Windows Fan Boys are helping Key word being "Helping". I never said they were the be all end all of everything. If you don't get the "point" of what I wrote or something is unclear is ok to ask for clarity as opposed to just making empty comments.

A) The term "******" is seen by many users as inflammatory.
B) The OP is one big rant with lots of caplock explosions, which generally is read as yelling in type.
C) In the 2 1/3 years you've been a member here there are only 6 posts from you prior to this thread.

To many it possibly looks like you just arrived and are now presuming to lecture regular forum users on how they should post and what opinions are valid and which are not... All dependent on your criteria. It also reads to me, that it is my fault somehow that you are thinking of leaving the platform.

You are being entirely too aggressive to stimulate a normal back and forth conversation. You are ranting and it appears you only want to hear similar user opinions to your own. It's all very off-putting.

Have a great day and a better tomorrow.
Both the 920 and 930 had a problem for me with overheating. Have you checked under Settings>Bluetooth to ensure that the two NFC settings are off? They're on by default, and annoyingly the OS will often switch them back on with each major update. They're useless to almost everyone - I've never tapped to share contacts or tapped to pay, and you probably haven't either - but MS has a strange obsession with them. Turn them off, and your phone should become cold to the touch.

It will still heat up with intensive operations, long screen-on periods, watching movies, etc but the issue will be much less pronounced.

Thats the sad part i guess, with the 1520 is the phantom touch issue or battery going berserk or bendgate.
To answer your question, yes, NFC and Bluetooth are off constantly, they are the main things that i check on after an update or a hard reset.

It was much cooler to the hand after a motherboard replacement but sadly didnt hold up for long.

Thank you for the tips anyways~
Having left for android back in november, I have no regrets. Having apps that are functional and well designed has been a pleasure.

Now the only question is, do I still get the Band 2, even on android? From what I've read, it seems like the answer is yes.
After 3 years on WP I'm making the switch back to Android. Got the Nexus 5X coming. Not sure what I'll do with the Lumia 830 might keep it around out of curiosity to see how W10M progresses but I'm not going to hold out on having good quality apps any longer.
So I think I'm going to be "going Belfiore" at least for a while. I picked up a cheap Android phone to play around with since I hadn't used one since the Froyo/Gingerbread days. (I grabbed the Blue Vivo XL when Best Buy had the $99 sale last weekend). Been a nice experience so far, and I've got it loaded with MS apps, so I guess that makes it an "Android Pro".

I think this is going to be my daily driver for the time being (I'll be keeping my 640 as a backup and W10M test phone - I really do like Windows Phone/Mobile and hope MS can eventually get back into the game.). Not only is it nice to have a cornucopia of apps, but since Google added multi-room audio to the Chromecast Audio, I've been testing a pair of them using an iPad that I've got. Nice to be able to control the setup from my phone now. (And I see that Google Play Music has a $14.99/month family plan that allows up to six users. Hard to justify either Groove Music or Spotify for that matter for my family with that price.)
Having left for android back in november, I have no regrets. Having apps that are functional and well designed has been a pleasure.

Now the only question is, do I still get the Band 2, even on android? From what I've read, it seems like the answer is yes.

I've just gone back to using an Android phone after a long hiatus, and I do have a Band 2 as well. I only did a basic setup at this point, loading the Microsoft Health app and pairing the phone with the Band, but it seems to be working so far. I'll be testing it out more over the next week.
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