Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Well, I guess it's time to say goodbye to Windows Mobile. Just pre-ordered S7 to join the greener pastures. I just couldn't wait anymore with all the essential apps being absent, banking apps to be more precise. I'm still getting my Microsoft and Here apps on android anyway which are way better. I'm really sad WM has to go down like this. We are definitely not gonna have any app parity anytime soon. I'm gonna miss the UI but there has got to be more than that and there is a time when enough is enough.
I feel that more options are better for consumers. I'd like to see Windows 10 Mobile, BlackBerry 10, Tizen, Sailfish, Ubuntu, and other platforms all succeed.

I really believe that the big issue is about the apps (or lack thereof), not the UI/design. If every platform had the same number and quality of apps, then I feel that more people would embrace platforms other than iOS/Android.

That's one thing I like about you Laura! Your neutrality! I agree completely with you! As such, Windows Phone is Microsoft's answer to iPhone. It's easy to use, straightforward, more customizable but not too much. Give it the apps and this thread doesn't even exist!
Re: Microsoft is not updating 1320 to windows 10 mobile.

Microsoft promised all devices running Windows phone 8.1 a free upgrade to Windows 10 mobile, among them Lumia 1320, then it broke it's promise as usual.
The strange thing is how Microsoft pushed all PC window XP users to upgrade to vista or 7.
And now pushing all windows PC vista, 7,8,8.1 to upgrade to Windows 10 PCs even downloading it behind their back into their hard drive!! But with 10 Mobil it's the other way around.
Anyways it's already time to upgrade, but instead of Lumia 950xl (which was the plan) moving to galaxy a9.
Rubino is writing this series of articles about windows phone is not dead, well to me it's dead, and i won't be selling my 1320, cause no one would buy, so I'll keep it around for the kids in the house.
And Microsoft...
Never again.

Frankly, I never trust Rubino's words all the while. I know he is running windows central, but sometimes he is just too biased towards windows phone. We all know how bad W10M is heading - in terms of lacking of dev loves and consumer base. Even Continuum is just not having to its hype! To me, WP is long dead since WP8.1.

Moved to iPhone but I do still stay up-to-date with the news of W10M but it is more bad news every time. My local banking app now leveraging the capabilities of iOS Touch ID and yet, it is still not making an app for windows phone. That said, how many apps out there actually leverage the Windows Hello capability? None!
I'm ready for windows 10 to die and those who believe it to move on so those remaining few can get back to actually discussing it and enjoying it.

I never understood how people who claim to move on and are over it and no longer use it, discuss it ad naseum more than the alleged deluded fanboys.
Re: W10M release dates? Answers inside...

ok android sucks because you say so, windows is the best because it gets unfinished updates every 4 years.
people like you are the reason why microsoft became so bad. embrace every bad thing they give to you and they don't even care about giving good things now.

So I guess embracing a platform we enjoy using is bad and we should complain as we move to android or iOS?

I never understood this ideology that Microsoft happy customers are the reason they aren't doing well. .
Re: Tired of this

I've finally had enough, I put up with no upgrade from 7.5, the big app gap with 8.0 and 8.1, upgraded to Windows 10 insider on my M8 and loved it, and now they are saying I will not be getting anymore updates and no Redstone. Microsoft you have let me down for the last time, I'm tired of defending you, tired of no Local or Banking app's, Time to move on, Android or Apple, here I come.

Kevin weren't you one of the ones who hyped up HTC when it was released for their 2 year guarantee for their phones they had?

I'm confused as to how or why anyone can blame Microsoft because HTC abandoned it. Literally that's why people avoided the m8 because of HTC has been.
So is anyone seriously considering another platform now....?

I've been a long time (since the Arrive) Windows Phone user, and I couldn't see myself switching to any platform. The WP8 fiasco sucked, but I eventually found my way into a 920 because of promised support. They got everything right with 10 (for me), and I was happy with the Insider program. Carriers have never played ball on any OS (outside of Apple), so I was fine with it.

The recent news of basically ending update support for nearly a 3/4 of Windows Phone users in the Insider Program is insane to me. At this point, the only way to get any updates is to hack your registry and go through the same mesa you basically have to do with Android; this was the whole reason I left Android because of the need to put in so much work to stay current. On top of that, not having the support of developers who do make apps (Gameloft and LinkedIn, for example, who either port code with no optimization or never update the apps, or both) has finally pushed me to consider iOS or Android.

I literally hate both platforms. The UI/UX of WP is unmatched, even down to the keyboard, but enough is enough. I understand carriers not updating, as this is nothing new (especially for Windows Phone), but to alienate INSIDERS...? That's basically the same as a Nexus never receiving support from Google themselves...

I'm not upset about the older hardware either, seeing as I have a Lumia Icon. I get that they don't want to do this OFFICIALLY, as performance is hit on older devices. But to not give Insiders the choice of continuing to receive updates (especially those with newer hardware) is a slap in the face and a joke. So I am again left with the question: Why not go ahead and just jump ship? I am not an apps person, could care less about the number of apps in the store. I don't Facebook, Snapchat, etc. I am married, with 3 kids, and just needed a simple phone that has the features I need (voice assistant and speech to text), along with everything else basically all platforms offer. To have to hack my phone puts me back in the same predicament of Android all over again....the whole reason I left...
Re: So is anyone seriously considering another platform now....?

For me? Probably not, but I am sure that a large portion of the 50% will leave, many just out of anger, some who think that this is the beginning of the end, etc.
Re: So is anyone seriously considering another platform now....?

For me? Probably not, but I am sure that a large portion of the 50% will leave, many just out of anger, some who think that this is the beginning of the end, etc.

I use to feel the same, that there really is no good reason to leave. However, at this point, if I want to continue with Windows 10 I will have to purchase a new phone. I am on Straight Talk and refuse to go with a contract, so the Insider program was all I kind of had to bypass carriers and continue to get support. I can't lie, some of it is anger, but it really is just logic for me. Like I said (and just my opinion), Android and Windows 10 are basically on the same playing field when it comes to support at this point (and actually a step below). Keep in mind, again, that I have an Icon/930, not an older device (which again, I understand from that standpoint, though I still feel they should get the choice as well...).

With Android, either get a popular device (Galaxy) and get left behind with updates officially (and from what I've seen, you can no longer root or put custom ROMS or something...maybe that was HTC...) or get a Nexus and continue to get support through Google (both officially and by rooting). With Windows Phone, either get a 950/XL, 550, or whatever device is on the list, or root and hack your phone to change the registry to get updates. At that point, it comes down to app support, and like I said, I was always fine with not having many apps: the differentiating factor was NOT having to root and hack my registry to get updates (which is what the Insider program was for). Now that that is out of the window, why stay with the platform with worse app quality (Modern Combat 5 runs terribly even on the 950 I tried it on because Gameloft simply could care less about the quality and performance and simply ported it).
Re: So is anyone seriously considering another platform now....?

Well this is the last Windows phone I will buy. I have a 950ds and it's aright,I mean I don't have any real problems but I just don't think I will buy another after all this. Me and my wife buy new phones every December last I bought my 950 her a 6p I have never had a android but I will this December. I just don't wanna spend alot of money and be disappointed again. There's just to much missing I mean her 6p is on another level compared to this phone battery life speed everything so I'm done with Microsoft
Re: So is anyone seriously considering another platform now....?

Nope. People are crying about 3 year old phones not getting updated when they had a 36 month support cycle and their time is up lmao u guys are hilarious get a 3 year old android or low end android and count the updates u get

Simply buy a new(er) phone. The 640 is only $30 , the 640 xl is under $200 and the 1520 can be found for under 200 as well.

U thought the 920 was going to continue to be updated forever? This is how technology works things change crap happens upgrade ur phone and move on

Sent from mTalk
Re: So is anyone seriously considering another platform now....?

No. Windows 10 Mobile does what I need from it and I have no need to change. I have other Android and Apple tablets to fill any necessary app gaps, but the phone does most of what I want.

Personally speaking, I don't really like Android or IOS enough to want to use them full time. But if Windows 10 Mobile folds completely, then I'll move if and when I have to.
Re: So is anyone seriously considering another platform now....?

Four hours and no one has come into bash Microsoft or windows phone. I'm literally shocked.
Re: So is anyone seriously considering another platform now....?

They lied to us about Onedrive and now they lied to us about Windows 10 mobile upgrade, as much as I like the OS it is like being married to a compulsive liar and cheater. What next? And yes, Micah you were right about HTC. I believe Google is the lesser of the other evils, Apple is just a Dinosaur, great at backing their products but really behind, Google Nexus I think is in my future, maybe Samsung or LG.
Re: So is anyone seriously considering another platform now....?

I gave my heart to Microsoft (along with countless hours of free debugging ;) but they've finally broken it. I left Android because I became a flashaholic. I would flash a new ROM and then spend my time tweaking the OS trying to get my performance back. I fell in love with WP, the UI and the tiles and the camera button, the simplicity and clean design.

Now I have an Icon with Insider builds. It's such a good handset. but I'm back to updating, hard resetting, and tweaking to try and get my battery back.

Then there's the app gap. There are apps I really need. Major things like Xfinity and Amazon Music and Redbox and MyFittnessPal. I thought I could get by with web apps but a mobile web page is just nowhere near as good as a well-polished app. And it isn't an option for Xfinity or Amazon Music.

Then there's the Store itself. Information about when an app was last updated, and my history of downloads and updates, have been removed. The Store is not only empty, it's crippled.

I like apps. I like browsing and trying them out even if I don't keep them. I haven't found an interesting new app in months.

Still I was willing to hang on through the summer just to see where Windows 10 goes. But from what I'm reading, my Icon will be stuck on some future beta, probably still with terrible battery life.

I'm on Verizon, I think I'm going to buy an S7 (not Edge).
Re: So is anyone seriously considering another platform now....?

I will continue to use L640 along with Galaxy A7
Re: So is anyone seriously considering another platform now....?

All great thoughts! So for me, I have a Lumia Icon. Again, I understand the drop of support for OLDER phones (like the 920), but the Lumia Icon? I am fine with Verizon not caring, because they never did, but Microsoft could throw in the newer phones to continue to receive Insider updates.

Also, to get the 640 wouldn't be an "upgrade" and I might as well just stick with the Icon at that point. I just want to be able to receive the updates that fix the bugs that still remain (app list, themes being inconsistent, Edge fixes and extensions, etc). Win10 works beautifully on my Icon right now, so I have no problem using it as is, but the continued news of "New maps update out.....only for CURRENT devices" is already starting to get frustrating. I just never thought I'd see THIS level of fragmentation with Windows Phone, to where we don't even get certain app updates on the INSIDER program...

I cringe at even the thought of having to choose between iOS and Android, but maybe it won't be so bad. I do remember, the last time I had a Nexus 5 as a spare device, I wanted to throw it out of the window because I couldn't stand the bloat and complication of the device. Maybe Marshmallow is different :unhappy:. I always said I would go iOS only, but the more I play with my wife's 5s, I realized that it would be so expensive to switch to iOS (unless they allowed Bing credits)
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