T-Mobile Most Likely To Have 820


New member
Jan 29, 2012
Earlier this morning when I heard AT&T announce the new Lumia phones and that on the official Nokia US site they would both be "exclusively" on AT&T. I was shocked. Mostly for the 820. I would have thought it be on more carriers since it's not a high-end phone.

So when I looked this morning on the Lumia 820 page, this is what I saw:

After I got home from school I saw this:

I guess Nokia just accidentally added the word "exclusively". So we just have to wait for T-Mobile's announcement, and I would believe it would come sometime in November.

I'm not really surprised that the Lumia 920 is an exclusive though, since AT&T had the 900 and it was exclusively through them.

Your thoughts? Happy that it'll come to T-Mobile, maybe even Verizon as the 822? Or don't care about the Nokia phones, just going for an HTC 8X?

Personally, I'm on AT&T and will most likely be picking up a Lumia 920. :)
Interesting... PLEASE let it be true that the 820 will come to T-Mobile! I've had my eye on that phone since the WP8 line was announced and it would be perfect for me. I would much, much rather have a Nokia (I've had 5) than HTC (have had none) because from everything I've heard, they provide much better support overall, and I want those great Lumia exclusive apps. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed on this!
Thank you for pointing this out. I've spent most of the afternoon worried about the future of Nokia if they were going to make BOTH new Lumia phones AT&T exclusives.

I'm on AT&T myself and planning on a 920 but for the future of Nokia and the ecosystem in general I'm glad that there's hope that Verizon and T-Mobile will both get at least a version of the 820.
Nice catch, there's still hope.
I'm with T-mobile as well and am looking at either the Sammy or the 820(if they get it)
I've decided I want a phone with a removable battery. The battery on my HD7 will not fully charge and I've had it less than 2 years. I'm not about to spend 30+ on a battery for a phone I'll be selling on ebay in January. The removable SD card is a factor as well, but a small one
I want the Lumia 820 to come to US Cellular. Given a choice between the 820 and the 8X (which has not been confirmed for US Cellular either), I might pick the 820 for Nokia's unimpeachable customer support and quick updates. Though the 8X's high-res screen is also enticing.

Let's hope I get to choose either, instead of just being stuck with a choice between the 8S and some godawful ZTE.
I knew the 820 wasn't also exclusive to AT&T. Considering how well the 710 sold on T-Mobile they had to carry another Nokia. Thanks for the post!

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