Tablet with Texting Question


New member
Jul 20, 2013
Well.....hope this is the correct place for this question. I am considering getting a Windows 8 phone, but wondering how this might impact my tablet. Let me explain, I currently have an HP TouchPad that does everything I want a tablet to do.....which is surf the web, email, read books, and text. Now, in order to text I have to be connected via blue tooth to my HP Palm 3 phone and it is sooo convenient to be able to text from my TouchPad (no phone service on the TP). So my question is do other more modern phones allow this type of connectivity? I have no need (yet) for a new tablet, but am interested in a new phone....preferably either the 1020 or will I be able to connect via blue tooth to the Windows phone to do texting or will I also need to get a more up-to-date tablet? Thanks.
Pretty sure that feature only worked with other WebOS devices. I think you will not find another phone that supports your HP Touchpad with txting. I know it certainly did not work with my iPhone back when I had a HP touchpad.
Okay......kind of what I thought.....but what about between a Windows 8 tablet and Windows 8 phone? Can two Windows 8 devices communicate using blue tooth to allow for this texting feature to work?

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