Technology and health: what we have to be thankful for this year

Windows Central

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Dec 17, 2013
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Thanksgiving is here. And it doesn't take much effort to find a few things for which to give thanks.
Thanksgiving in the U.S. is a day where we as a nation can give thanks for the many good things that have been provided to us. The deluge of negative messages that inundate our news feeds from political scandal to senseless murder paint a distorted image that there's little good news to celebrate. There are in fact many things in our personal lives and in the world of tech that warrant our gratitude, however.

I know the distraction of Black Friday advertisements and an avarice spirit of consumerism may be at the forefront of our thoughts. Positioning yourself to root for your favorite football team, or dodging a relative whose annual visits seem overbearing may have also supplanted your thoughts of gratitude. Still, on this day of giving thanks, perhaps we can spare a few moments to see what the world of tech has brought us that has made our lives better.

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