Tegra drivers not updating / BSOD on system refresh

My advice is: just install all updates immediately after first launch (I suggest drivers first, reboot, and all the others next).

If everything install correctly without BSoDs, just use your Surface 2 normally cause everything is good.

Just DO NOT try to Refresh or Reset your device, at least not yet (even if it SEEMS that they solved those problems with latest update, but do not do it yet anyway if everything work well).

Let us know how it goes ;)

The drivers update , and regular updates are different ? And will the device prompt me for the same ?
The drivers update , and regular updates are different ? And will the device prompt me for the same ?
You would see a list af all available updates, and can choose which install.
Every update is under certain categories, Firmware and Drivers is one of them. Just deselect all and select only drivers first, install and reboot when asked, and then Select All the others from the list and install everything.

If everything will be ok after that, you're good ;)
My advice is: just install all updates immediately after first launch (I suggest drivers first, reboot, and all the others next).

If everything install correctly without BSoDs, just use your Surface 2 normally cause everything is good.

Just DO NOT try to Refresh or Reset your device, at least not yet (even if it SEEMS that they solved those problems with latest update, but do not do it yet anyway if everything work well).

Let us know how it goes ;)

You would see a list af all available updates, and can choose which install.
Every update is under certain categories, Firmware and Drivers is one of them. Just deselect all and select only drivers first, install and reboot when asked, and then Select All the others from the list and install everything.

If everything will be ok after that, you're good ;)

Thanx a lot for everything .

I bought my surface 2 yesterday . And as per suggested by you before signing in or even downloading a single app , I just first updated the driver and firmware by selecting it and deselecting the rest .
It updated normally , then I processed and updated the rest of long updates . It took time but everything got updated smoothly and nicely without any scene touch wood .
Then I logged in with Microsoft Id and downloaded some apps and the surface was super up and running silk smooth .
Thanx a lot for your help .
I must say the surface is truely a amazing wonderful device .
Thanx a lot for everything .

I bought my surface 2 yesterday . And as per suggested by you before signing in or even downloading a single app , I just first updated the driver and firmware by selecting it and deselecting the rest .
It updated normally , then I processed and updated the rest of long updates . It took time but everything got updated smoothly and nicely without any scene touch wood .
Then I logged in with Microsoft Id and downloaded some apps and the surface was super up and running silk smooth .
Thanx a lot for your help .
I must say the surface is truely a amazing wonderful device .
You're welcome guys ;)
Now go check the other Sticky Topic: Surface 2 Tips and Tricks, you will find a lot of other very useful suggestions.

Enjoy this wonderful device :)
You're welcome guys ;)
Now go check the other Sticky Topic: Surface 2 Tips and Tricks, you will find a lot of other very useful suggestions.

Enjoy this wonderful device :)

Sure , read already .

Btw how do I know I have the latest drivers ? Iam sorry to ask such noob questions , it is because I have never used windows 8 and above before the surface 2
Sure , read already .

Btw how do I know I have the latest drivers ? Iam sorry to ask such noob questions , it is because I have never used windows 8 and above before the surface 2
If you have not Refreshed/Reset the Device you have the latest drivers for sure after Windows Updates.
And even if you have, MS officially released a fix that solves the problem with latest patches.

To check drivers you have to go to "Device Manager" (search it in Charm -> Search), right-click the hardware component you want to check, and click Properties -> Driver. You should have Novembre/Dicember date in the description of the drivers (not all of them, but only the most important like Video Adapter, Sound Card, Wi-Fi adapter and so on).

Anyway: don't worry about it ;)
Well, I have the latest drivers but that hasn't stopped the display crashes. I still get them, usually when outputting to a second monitor. Not sure what else to do besides call Microsoft.
Well, I have the latest drivers but that hasn't stopped the display crashes. I still get them, usually when outputting to a second monitor. Not sure what else to do besides call Microsoft.
Well that's very strange.
Didn't you already exchanged your device for a new one? Did you do another (faulty) Refresh?

My replacement (regularly updated and configured) it's just flawless: no Sleeps of Death, no display errors in eventlog, no problems at all with latest February firmwars/os/apps patches, and great battery life while sleeping too (no sudden wakes).
I haven't refreshed it yet though, and I never will I suppose.
Nope, never refreshed it. Maybe there's some sort of internal hardware component that's different between the U.S. and European S2.
Nope, never refreshed it. Maybe there's some sort of internal hardware component that's different between the U.S. and European S2.
There is also the possibility of an error in the hardware design itself. It wouldn't be the first time that Microsoft got bit by a NVidia Tegra hardware bug. :cry:
Nope, never refreshed it. Maybe there's some sort of internal hardware component that's different between the U.S. and European S2.
At this point I would try my Method (Reset from USB, then all updates) and see if errors go away.

The drivers bug should be fixed with latest patch, so you don't need the .bat anymore I suppose, in your case install all OS patches first, and drivers only in the end, and check event log after 1-2 days of usage.
If you still see display errors exchange it again...

Mine has no hardware errors after many days of heavy usage, so should be with yours.
I just tried a Refresh on my replacement unit (I had some touchscreen errors on boot), and: TaDaaa -> BSoD.
I imagined that, and I'm really sure that ANY S2 suffers from this on the first Refresh...

I then choose to RESET the device from USB wiping everything and doing a full re-install.
Did all Windows Updates and magically all drivers got updated the first time correctly (MS really fixed the problem with February updates), and in no time my S2 was in the same state as before thanks to OneDrive Sync.

Reliability Report without any error since yesterday, no display errors neither.

So far so good, and now thanks to the USB Reset I'm sure my next Refresh (if I will need to) will work this time :orly:

So this is the Updated PERMANENT FIX to those problems (posted on MS forums too, and a Mod here can use it updating the Thread's First Post too):

  1. RESET Surface 2 to factory settings from USB recovery Drive: wipe everything, and re-partition (entering the Bit-Locker key, and clearing TPM pushing Volume Up button if requested) too. This will PERMANENTLY FIX further BSoDs when trying to Refresh/Restore directly from the device. It will always work fine after this;
  2. Before doing anything else, go to Windows Update and download/install ALL OS updates FIRST, and only AFTER that -> install latest Firmware/Drivers updates pack. Reboot;
  3. ALL drivers should update correctly without errors and without any other tricks or workaround after this, and this Nightmare should be finally over.

I'm using the device for 2 days after these steps, and my Reliability Report shows "No Errors" at all.

Everything works flawlessy and no crashes at all for me.


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Well, after getting my Surface back from repairs I noticed I was getting some horrific WiFi speeds. Sometimes almost three times slower than my 920. And that's when my connection didn't just completely stall out. Soooo... did another Reinstall yesterday using my USB drive. The reinstall worked perfectly and WiFi seems to be working great. I also rolled the driver back to the August 2013 version.

However, I'm still not BSoD free. Tried watching Netflix while outputting to a second monitor and was sadly greeted by a blue screen. I only seem to get the BSoD while using dual monitors. That got me to thinking, what if I only used the second monitor? So I set my Surface to "Second Screen Only" and did a little stress test. I rapidly booted up as many videos as I could using Netflix (app), Hulu Plus (app) and Amazon Instant Video (browser). Didn't get a single BSoD. I restarted the Surface and tried the test over with similar results.

For some reason, playing videos using dual monitors just really hates my Surface. It's the only problem I have now. At least I can set it to Second Screen Only.

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