Looking through uservoice makes one think 12 y.o. boys and girls are the primary users. :-/
Anyway, I added three votes, but I doubt we'll see much improvement on this issue, for the reasons mentioned, and also for a few that weren't.
I do wish MS would finally get around to cleaning up uservoice by merging duplicates and splitting up and clarifying some of the suggestions that are actually referring to multiple/different features. That would instantly triple the votes for an improved update process.
I agree, the User Voice is pretty cluttered with duplicate comments. People don't seem to want to take the time to search, I guess. It would be nice if they cleaned up/combined some of those suggestions.
I would like to hope that we'll see improvements, but I doubt we will anytime soon. I think the important thing is that we let Microsoft know directly that we're not happy with the current delivery method. Posting ranting comments about an AT&T/Apple/Android conspiracy against Microsoft and Nokia on a user forum isn't going to get noticed, much less get serious consideration, by the people who make the decisions, but using the feedback tools that Microsoft provided themselves, well that should at least get looked at.
Doesn't mean it will get implemented, look how many votes there are for custom SMS tones, but at least we can say we tried. (yes, I know, there's rumors and screenshots and all that other stuff, so it may well be coming, but the point is that it hasn't, yet)
As far as the AT&T vs. GDR2+Amber debacle, it seems to me that more people are getting upset about the lack of information from AT&T than they are about not receiving actual updates. AT&T is not making a single official comment about what's going on with these updates or when they will be released. That, I think, is the biggest disservice they can do. Providing information to the customers would be beneficial to them as a company.