Temp Contacts 1.4.1 - Save temporary contacts locally on your phone

Re: Temp Contacts 1.4 - Save temporary contacts locally on your phone

I gotta say, I'm one happy camper with this update. The contact list scrolls as a landing page and the contact info now backs up to Skydrive. That certainly fills my request list :-) Can't think of anything else at the moment for improvements. The manual Skydrive backup is just fine as the user usually knows when they might lose info from a manual hard reset. And the surprise freeze is very infrequent (haven't had one yet) I think. So an occasional refresh of the backup done manually is good enough for me at this time.

Just want to thank you for following thru with the fixes and updates in such a timely manner. It's nice to have a developer take pride in thier app(s) and want to have the best user experience possible...so thanks!

Thanks for the feedback.
Re: Temp Contacts 1.4 - Save temporary contacts locally on your phone


I just released a small update, this update brings some small features from requests:
1. An additional option to add the contact and choose where to save it (you can save in you accounts or Temp Contacts)
2. An ability to remove the default images for the temp contacts (hope it will solve the issue Gorki247 noticed).
3. SkyDrive folder list will filter out photo albums (I assume you won't want to save the contacts file in a photo album).
Re: Temp Contacts - Save temporary contacts locally on your phone

How have I not seen this app before now?! This is perfect for me as I have contact with customers that will be temporary. Thanks.
Re: Temp Contacts - Save temporary contacts locally on your phone

I will glad to hear if you have any suggestions about aditional features you would like to see.

With apologies for resurrecting a long-sleeping thread, does anyone know if there's anywhere to get this app?

I just had to burn my work Win10 phone install to the keel and start again, and now can't get this app as it's no longer in the store for some reason. Really used to like it as it was a very handy way to store my personal contacts on the phone without having them sync with my work Outlook set-up and getting mixed up with my business contacts. Quite sad that it seems to have gone off the face of the planet :(

This app is mine and I'm sorry I haven't had the time to maintain it.
I will try my best to get it back to the store. I will keep you updated when I can.

It's great to hear that this app is still usable for some people
Many thanks, that would be excellent.

As I said I use (or used) it on a daily basis, and have recommended it to several work colleagues who also use it for the same reason I did. It's just very nice to be able to keep your personal contacts and phone numbers separate from business ones on a work phone. It was the first app I tried to put back when I started to rebuild my Nokia, and was most sad that it had vanished.

I'll keep an eye on the thread, hopefully for good news of its return :)
And the good news is here, it's back in the store and back on my phone :)

Many thanks for the quick and excellent support.

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