Just wanted to point out it is getting a lot better. With the release of score-mobile(beta, but still pretty good) we finally have a decent sports app that will get better with updates. Now this Flory app (YES!!) I am very excited about, now we have a gmail chat client. VERY useful. Amazon is on board, Netflix jumped in and also made an awesome app. The marketplace is growing steadily, I'd say things are looking good. There are just a couple gaps that need to be filled like perhaps a free Voice Nav app (please Google? or maybe MS will update Bing with this), and some mobile banking apps for the major banks. Still waiting on a dedicated Sky Drive app.
Also, if you want better apps, rate and review! spur the developer to improve their apps! it really works. Games and apps like Swipy Man, Impossible Shoota, Scribble Defense, Quick List, and other became so much better because of this.
Oh and btw, for all you gamers, have you checked out the IGN app? It is probably one of the most well designed app I've ever used. I applaud the developer of that one.
I hope the momentum continues.
Also, if you want better apps, rate and review! spur the developer to improve their apps! it really works. Games and apps like Swipy Man, Impossible Shoota, Scribble Defense, Quick List, and other became so much better because of this.
Oh and btw, for all you gamers, have you checked out the IGN app? It is probably one of the most well designed app I've ever used. I applaud the developer of that one.
I hope the momentum continues.