The best alternative maps apps for Windows 10 Mobile in a post HERE world

the Windows Maps app uses bing+here+navteq data anyways... i've not used Here in a long time, so wouldnt really miss it..
neither of them are anywhere near google maps on search results.. so what i typically do is use a third party app for google maps (like gmaps pro / maps+ etc) find they location that i need.. then i use maps to navigate to the same.. sometimes i let the gmaps app itself navigate..
the advantage with third party apps for gmaps is that i can use the offline maps rendering from bing(maps)/here and only use google for search.. getting the best of both worlds (offline navigation + comprehensive search results ) :)

i do try on edge.. but its still not a complete experience...
One question: How do we migrate our HERE favourites? :(

Been on HERE since forever through my Nokia N95, N86, N8, Lumia 920 and now 950. Have a ton of saved places in about 10 countries, can't afford to start all over again in a new map app even if it has voice navigation and offline maps.
...Edit: Is the new Maps on windows 10 different? does it have turn by turn voice nav built in?

Yes, Windows Maps on 10 mobile has turn by turn voice nav built in

Edit: Sorry, I didn't see that this was already answered.
I would like to see a Garmin nav app for Win10M.
Windows maps on 10 is OK, I guess.
Regarding Sygic, looks good but I think it is overpriced. I would pay no more than $15.00 for it. Also there are additional costs for other options...
As far as I'm concerned, there are no great alternatives to HERE. I loved the ability to change the voice to a female Brit, I loved (and extensively used) Livesight, and the accuracy of directions was amazing. Microsoft Maps certainly has NONE of that. And I've not seen those features in alternatives.
I would really love if MS adds the ability to tag places via mobile, this would add some momentum to the maps in places like sri lanka. I can tag a whole lot of places if this is enabled.
I find the windows maps perfectly suitable. Shows you what side of the street an address is on and ends with the final destinations address. Didn't see that on HERE.

Also HERE has a bad habit of announcing exits when you are right up on them or ( and this is kind of hard to describe), but sometimes it would also talk too much (ancillary info) during these critical times while not get to getting to the "point" quick enough i.e. which exit is mine east, west, 11a, 11b etc.

I'd often intentionally slow down at exits to let it finish yacking.
I think we can all agree that they need to bring some of the features HERE had to the new maps and it will be ok. I miss Livesight the most, and ability to choose voice, but the rest works nice!
I live in a pretty obscure country, and upon learning that HERE won't be with us any more after installing wm10 OTA, i tried out the stock maps app, and it worked perfectly for a half hour test, finding even the obscure pedestrian routes in my city.
I live in a pretty obscure country, and upon learning that HERE won't be with us any more after installing wm10 OTA, i tried out the stock maps app, and it worked perfectly for a half hour test, finding even the obscure pedestrian routes in my city.

which obscure country is this?

Obscure in a sense that it's so small noone bothers to bring us Groove Music Pass, Cortana et al. because the market is so small.
LiveSight does sound cool, though I never used it. For the record, I find the driving directions have improved over the years (USA, East Coast) and Maps is generally quite good. I used to joke that apparently HERE directions were being created by geeks working in China. They were often laughably bad even on major highways. My wife once was routed around and around in circles making her go through the same toll booth twice. Traffic cameras on Maps is quite useful to assess both traffic and weather conditions. They have one at most major choke points on the major highway commute route near here.

Obscure in a sense that it's so small noone bothers to bring us Groove Music Pass, Cortana et al. because the market is so small.

But HERE and the new Maps are very accurate here. Everything works well, even Livesight with preloaded maps :)

Obscure in a sense that it's so small noone bothers to bring us Groove Music Pass, Cortana et al. because the market is so small.

It's not that obscure a country. As for some services not being available, that happens to 90% of the countries. Cortana is only available in 10 countries - and there are over 190.
One question: How do we migrate our HERE favourites? :(

Been on HERE since forever through my Nokia N95, N86, N8, Lumia 920 and now 950. Have a ton of saved places in about 10 countries, can't afford to start all over again in a new map app even if it has voice navigation and offline maps.

Still waiting for an answer and I hope there is one!
well After the update 4.1601.10150.0 - the app shows some improvement. Haven't tried it yet for navigating, but the location spotting with gps is much accurate and hope to check the navigation functionality tomorrow.
Still waiting for an answer and I hope there is one!

Well not sure if you tried this yet and if you have previously used a MS account to sign in to HERE. Then it should sync, if not, you will have to manually add new favorites while you still can, press and hold, save favorite, etc... Sucks i know :)
Did they ever fix it so that it uses the compass to tell which direction you're facing? That's pretty basic functionality that really should be working by now.
Did they ever fix it so that it uses the compass to tell which direction you're facing? That's pretty basic functionality that really should be working by now.

yuh, for the moment the map always loads north up. if you rotate the map using 2 fingers, then the compass icon changes accordingly

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