The best cursor mover/selector Microsoft should adopt?


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Jun 10, 2013
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Personally, I find the new cursor mover in WP8.1 to be a lot more difficult to use than the WP8 version, and the lack of any other way of moving around just makes editing even more of a pain. I hope that Microsoft comes up with a new way.

And I wouldn't mind if they look to how Blackberry did it on their new Passport

Go to 2:55 in this video
BlackBerry Passport Support - How To Demo BlackBerry Passport Smartphone Help 101

I love how easily the selector get activated (double tap) and while I don't care for moving it from the keyboard (because I think this would difficult for the phone to know if you're wanting to move the cursor or if you're wanting to WordFlow), I like the big 'grabber' and the ARROWS to move the cursor by single characters.


I'm going to need to open a suggestion to Microsoft, I think! :wink: While I certainly wouldn't be moving to Blackberry (can't beat a WP Camera), I think this is so much more intuitive.

On a side note - I just noticed the indention buttons at the top; nice! That would be very useful in OneNote.


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Sep 6, 2013
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I (slowly) got used to the new cursor placement technique in 8.1, so my success rate with it got up to around 80-85%, rather than the 50% or so it was for the first month or so... But recently, when the battery died on my Lumia 820, I started using my old Lumia 900 running WP7.5 - zero re-training time, I was accurate from the get-go.

I get that some people prefer the new way, but it's pretty clear that I'm not going to be one of them, ever. But I guess there's nothing you can do when some of your users like one way of doing things, and others like another - you just hard-code it the way you hope most people want it, because options are confusing and hard.

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